

package configrity

Linear Supertypes
DefaultConverters, AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. configrity
  2. DefaultConverters
  3. AnyRef
  4. Any
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Type Members

  1. case class Configuration(data: Map[String, String], prefix: Option[String]) extends Product with Serializable

    A Configuration class stores and allow access to configuration data.

  2. case class ConfigurationReader[A](key: String, default: Option[A])(implicit evidence$1: ValueConverter[A]) extends Reader[A] with Product with Serializable

  3. trait Reader[A] extends AnyRef

    Monadic Reader

Value Members

  1. val BlockFormat:

  2. object BooleanConverter extends ValueConverter[Boolean]

    Definition Classes
  3. object Configuration extends Serializable

    Configuration companion object

  4. val FlatFormat:

  5. object JProperties

    Provides method for converting a Configuration in a java.

  6. implicit val booleanConverter: BooleanConverter.type

    Convert strings to Booleans.

    Convert strings to Booleans. The strings values: "T", "true", "yes" and "on" will be converted to true and the strings: "F", "false", "no" and "off" will be converted to false.

    Definition Classes
  7. implicit val byteConverter: ValueConverter[Byte]

    Convert strings to bytes.

    Convert strings to bytes.

    Definition Classes
  8. package converter

  9. implicit val doubleConverter: ValueConverter[Double]

    Convert strings to doubles.

    Convert strings to doubles.

    Definition Classes
  10. implicit val floatConverter: ValueConverter[Float]

    Convert strings to floats.

    Convert strings to floats.

    Definition Classes
  11. implicit val intConverter: ValueConverter[Int]

    Convert strings to ints.

    Convert strings to ints.

    Definition Classes
  12. package io

  13. implicit def listConverter[A](implicit arg0: ValueConverter[A]): ValueConverter[List[A]]

    Converts string to Lists on arbitrary element type A.

    Converts string to Lists on arbitrary element type A. A value converter for element type must be available.

    Definition Classes
  14. implicit val longConverter: ValueConverter[Long]

    Convert strings to longs.

    Convert strings to longs.

    Definition Classes
  15. def read[A](key: String, default: A)(implicit arg0: ValueConverter[A]): ConfigurationReader[A]

  16. def read[A](key: String)(implicit arg0: ValueConverter[A]): ConfigurationReader[A]

    Returns a reader which retrieves and converts a configuration value.

    Returns a reader which retrieves and converts a configuration value. If the Configuration does not contain the value, an Exception will be thrown.

  17. implicit val shortConverter: ValueConverter[Short]

    Convert strings to shorts.

    Convert strings to shorts.

    Definition Classes
  18. implicit val stringConverter: ValueConverter[String]

    Converts a string, to itself.

    Converts a string, to itself... Well just an identity converter.

    Definition Classes

Inherited from DefaultConverters

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
