All Classes and Interfaces

An ability is a fully-fledged bot action that contains all the necessary information to process: A response to a command A post-response to a command A reply to a sequence of actions
The default AbilityBot class implements LongPollingBot.
An interface to mark a class as an extension.
This interface can be used to toggle or customize unwanted default abilities by the user.
Helper and utility methods
A WebhookBot-flavor AbilityBot.
This toggle can be used as-is to turn off ALL the default abilities supplied by the library.
The father of all ability bots.
This custom toggle can be used to customize default abilities supplied by the library.
List of all the properties recognized by CustomToggle.
This interface represents the high-level methods exposed to the user when handling an Update.
The default implementation of the MessageSender.
If the user does not supply a toggle to their constructor, the default toggle will be instantiated.
Flags are an conditions that are applied on an Update.
Locality identifies the location in which you want your message to be accessed.
An implementation of DBContext that relies on a DB.
The MapDB variant for DBContext.getVar(String).
MessageContext is a wrapper class to the Update, originating end-user and the arguments present in its message (if any).
A sender interface that replicates DefaultAbsSender methods.
Privacy represents a restriction on who can use the ability.
A reply consists of update conditionals and an action to be applied on the update.
A wrapping object containing Replies.
A silent sender that returns Optional objects upon execution.
Basic POJO to track ability and reply hits.
The interface governing a variable for abstract getters and setters.