
A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P R S T U V W 
All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form


ActionType - Enum Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods
add(int, String) - Method in class InlineKeyboardRow
add(int, String) - Method in class KeyboardRow
add(String) - Method in class InlineKeyboardRow
add(String) - Method in class KeyboardRow
addAll(List<String>) - Method in class InlineKeyboardRow
addAll(List<String>) - Method in class KeyboardRow
ADDITIONAL_CHAT_COUNT_FIELD - Static variable in class GiveawayWinners
AddStickerToSet - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.stickers
AddStickerToSet() - Constructor for class AddStickerToSet
ADMINISTRATOR - Static variable in class MemberStatus
ALLOW_SENDING_WITHOUT_REPLY_FIELD - Static variable in class SendMediaBotMethod
ALLOW_SENDING_WITHOUT_REPLY_FIELD - Static variable in class SendMediaGroup
AllowedUpdates - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.updates
AllowedUpdates() - Constructor for class AllowedUpdates
ALLOWEDUPDATES_FIELD - Static variable in class SetWebhook
Animation - Class in
This object represents an animation file (GIF or H.264/MPEG-4 AVC video without sound).
Animation() - Constructor for class Animation
ANIMATION_FIELD - Static variable in class SendAnimation
AnswerCallbackQuery - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods
AnswerCallbackQuery() - Constructor for class AnswerCallbackQuery
AnswerInlineQuery - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods
AnswerInlineQuery() - Constructor for class AnswerInlineQuery
AnswerPreCheckoutQuery - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods
AnswerPreCheckoutQuery() - Constructor for class AnswerPreCheckoutQuery
AnswerShippingQuery - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods
AnswerShippingQuery() - Constructor for class AnswerShippingQuery
AnswerWebAppQuery - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.webapp
AnswerWebAppQuery() - Constructor for class AnswerWebAppQuery
ApiResponse<T> - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects
ApiResponse() - Constructor for class ApiResponse
ApproveChatJoinRequest - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.groupadministration
ApproveChatJoinRequest() - Constructor for class ApproveChatJoinRequest
ApproveChatJoinRequest.ApproveChatJoinRequestBuilder<C extends ApproveChatJoinRequest,B extends ApproveChatJoinRequest.ApproveChatJoinRequestBuilder<C,B>> - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.groupadministration
ApproveChatJoinRequestBuilder() - Constructor for class ApproveChatJoinRequest.ApproveChatJoinRequestBuilder
Audio - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects
This object represents an audio file
Audio() - Constructor for class Audio
AUDIO_FIELD - Static variable in class SendAudio


BanChatMember - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.groupadministration
BanChatMember() - Constructor for class BanChatMember
BanChatMember.BanChatMemberBuilder<C extends BanChatMember,B extends BanChatMember.BanChatMemberBuilder<C,B>> - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.groupadministration
BanChatMemberBuilder() - Constructor for class BanChatMember.BanChatMemberBuilder
BanChatSenderChat - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.groupadministration
BanChatSenderChat() - Constructor for class BanChatSenderChat
BanChatSenderChat.BanChatSenderChatBuilder<C extends BanChatSenderChat,B extends BanChatSenderChat.BanChatSenderChatBuilder<C,B>> - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.groupadministration
BanChatSenderChatBuilder() - Constructor for class BanChatSenderChat.BanChatSenderChatBuilder
BOLD - Static variable in class EntityType
Bold text
BotApiMethod<T extends Serializable> - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.botapimethods
BotApiMethod() - Constructor for class BotApiMethod
BotApiMethod.BotApiMethodBuilder<T extends Serializable,C extends BotApiMethod<T>,B extends BotApiMethod.BotApiMethodBuilder<T,C,B>> - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.botapimethods
BotApiMethodBoolean - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.botapimethods
BotApiMethodBoolean() - Constructor for class BotApiMethodBoolean
BotApiMethodBoolean.BotApiMethodBooleanBuilder<C extends BotApiMethodBoolean,B extends BotApiMethodBoolean.BotApiMethodBooleanBuilder<C,B>> - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.botapimethods
BotApiMethodBooleanBuilder() - Constructor for class BotApiMethodBoolean.BotApiMethodBooleanBuilder
BotApiMethodBuilder() - Constructor for class BotApiMethod.BotApiMethodBuilder
BotApiMethodMessage - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.botapimethods
BotApiMethodMessage() - Constructor for class BotApiMethodMessage
BotApiMethodMessage.BotApiMethodMessageBuilder<C extends BotApiMethodMessage,B extends BotApiMethodMessage.BotApiMethodMessageBuilder<C,B>> - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.botapimethods
BotApiMethodMessageBuilder() - Constructor for class BotApiMethodMessage.BotApiMethodMessageBuilder
BotApiMethodSerializable - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.botapimethods
BotApiMethodSerializable() - Constructor for class BotApiMethodSerializable
BotApiMethodSerializable.BotApiMethodSerializableBuilder<C extends BotApiMethodSerializable,B extends BotApiMethodSerializable.BotApiMethodSerializableBuilder<C,B>> - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.botapimethods
BotApiMethodSerializableBuilder() - Constructor for class BotApiMethodSerializable.BotApiMethodSerializableBuilder
BotApiObject - Interface in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.interfaces
BotCommand - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.commands
This object represents a bot command.
BotCommand() - Constructor for class BotCommand
BOTCOMMAND - Static variable in class EntityType
BotCommandScope - Interface in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.commands.scope
BotCommandScopeAllChatAdministrators - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.commands.scope
BotCommandScopeAllChatAdministrators() - Constructor for class BotCommandScopeAllChatAdministrators
BotCommandScopeAllGroupChats - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.commands.scope
BotCommandScopeAllGroupChats() - Constructor for class BotCommandScopeAllGroupChats
BotCommandScopeAllPrivateChats - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.commands.scope
BotCommandScopeAllPrivateChats() - Constructor for class BotCommandScopeAllPrivateChats
BotCommandScopeChat - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.commands.scope
BotCommandScopeChat() - Constructor for class BotCommandScopeChat
BotCommandScopeChat.BotCommandScopeChatBuilder<C extends BotCommandScopeChat,B extends BotCommandScopeChat.BotCommandScopeChatBuilder<C,B>> - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.commands.scope
BotCommandScopeChatAdministrators - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.commands.scope
BotCommandScopeChatAdministrators() - Constructor for class BotCommandScopeChatAdministrators
BotCommandScopeChatAdministrators.BotCommandScopeChatAdministratorsBuilder<C extends BotCommandScopeChatAdministrators,B extends BotCommandScopeChatAdministrators.BotCommandScopeChatAdministratorsBuilder<C,B>> - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.commands.scope
BotCommandScopeChatAdministratorsBuilder() - Constructor for class BotCommandScopeChatAdministrators.BotCommandScopeChatAdministratorsBuilder
BotCommandScopeChatBuilder() - Constructor for class BotCommandScopeChat.BotCommandScopeChatBuilder
BotCommandScopeChatMember - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.commands.scope
BotCommandScopeChatMember() - Constructor for class BotCommandScopeChatMember
BotCommandScopeChatMember.BotCommandScopeChatMemberBuilder<C extends BotCommandScopeChatMember,B extends BotCommandScopeChatMember.BotCommandScopeChatMemberBuilder<C,B>> - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.commands.scope
BotCommandScopeChatMemberBuilder() - Constructor for class BotCommandScopeChatMember.BotCommandScopeChatMemberBuilder
BotCommandScopeDefault - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.commands.scope
BotCommandScopeDefault() - Constructor for class BotCommandScopeDefault
BotDescription - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.description
BotDescription() - Constructor for class BotDescription
BotName - Class in
BotName() - Constructor for class BotName
BotShortDescription - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.description
BotShortDescription() - Constructor for class BotShortDescription


CallbackGame - Class in
CallbackGame() - Constructor for class CallbackGame
CallbackQuery - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects
This object represents an incoming callback query from a callback button in an inline keyboard.
CallbackQuery() - Constructor for class CallbackQuery
CALLBACKQUERY - Static variable in class AllowedUpdates
CAPTION_ENTITIES_FIELD - Static variable in class SendAnimation
CAPTION_ENTITIES_FIELD - Static variable in class SendAudio
CAPTION_ENTITIES_FIELD - Static variable in class SendDocument
CAPTION_ENTITIES_FIELD - Static variable in class SendPhoto
CAPTION_ENTITIES_FIELD - Static variable in class SendVideo
CAPTION_ENTITIES_FIELD - Static variable in class SendVoice
CAPTION_ENTITIES_FIELD - Static variable in class InputMedia
CAPTION_FIELD - Static variable in class SendAnimation
CAPTION_FIELD - Static variable in class SendAudio
CAPTION_FIELD - Static variable in class SendDocument
CAPTION_FIELD - Static variable in class SendPhoto
CAPTION_FIELD - Static variable in class SendVideo
CAPTION_FIELD - Static variable in class SendVoice
CAPTION_FIELD - Static variable in class InputMedia
CASHTAG - Static variable in class EntityType
CERTIFICATE_FIELD - Static variable in class SetWebhook
CHANNEL_TYPE - Static variable in interface MessageOrigin
CHANNELPOST - Static variable in class AllowedUpdates
Chat - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects
This object represents a Telegram chat with a user or a group
Chat() - Constructor for class Chat
CHAT_FIELD - Static variable in class GiveawayWinners
CHAT_ID_FIELD - Static variable in class SendMediaBotMethod
CHAT_ID_FIELD - Static variable in class SendMediaGroup
CHAT_ID_FIELD - Static variable in class EditMessageMedia
CHAT_TYPE - Static variable in interface MessageOrigin
ChatAdministratorRights - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.adminrights
Represents rights of an administrator in a chat.
ChatAdministratorRights() - Constructor for class ChatAdministratorRights
ChatBoost - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.boost
ChatBoost() - Constructor for class ChatBoost
ChatBoostAdded - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.boost
ChatBoostAdded() - Constructor for class ChatBoostAdded
ChatBoostRemoved - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.boost
ChatBoostRemoved() - Constructor for class ChatBoostRemoved
ChatBoostSource - Interface in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.boost
ChatBoostSourceGiftCode - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.boost
ChatBoostSourceGiftCode() - Constructor for class ChatBoostSourceGiftCode
ChatBoostSourceGiveaway - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.boost
ChatBoostSourceGiveaway() - Constructor for class ChatBoostSourceGiveaway
ChatBoostSourcePremium - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.boost
ChatBoostSourcePremium() - Constructor for class ChatBoostSourcePremium
ChatBoostUpdated - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.boost
ChatBoostUpdated() - Constructor for class ChatBoostUpdated
chatId(Long) - Method in class GetUserChatBoosts.GetUserChatBoostsBuilder
chatId(Long) - Method in class CopyMessage.CopyMessageBuilder
chatId(Long) - Method in class CopyMessages.CopyMessagesBuilder
chatId(Long) - Method in class CloseForumTopic.CloseForumTopicBuilder
chatId(Long) - Method in class CloseGeneralForumTopic.CloseGeneralForumTopicBuilder
chatId(Long) - Method in class CreateForumTopic.CreateForumTopicBuilder
chatId(Long) - Method in class DeleteForumTopic.DeleteForumTopicBuilder
chatId(Long) - Method in class EditForumTopic.EditForumTopicBuilder
chatId(Long) - Method in class EditGeneralForumTopic.EditGeneralForumTopicBuilder
chatId(Long) - Method in class HideGeneralForumTopic.HideGeneralForumTopicBuilder
chatId(Long) - Method in class ReopenForumTopic.ReopenForumTopicBuilder
chatId(Long) - Method in class ReopenGeneralForumTopic.ReopenGeneralForumTopicBuilder
chatId(Long) - Method in class UnhideGeneralForumTopic.UnhideGeneralForumTopicBuilder
chatId(Long) - Method in class UnpinAllForumTopicMessages.UnpinAllForumTopicMessagesBuilder
chatId(Long) - Method in class UnpinAllGeneralForumTopicMessages.UnpinAllGeneralForumTopicMessagesBuilder
chatId(Long) - Method in class ForwardMessage.ForwardMessageBuilder
chatId(Long) - Method in class ForwardMessages.ForwardMessagesBuilder
chatId(Long) - Method in class ApproveChatJoinRequest.ApproveChatJoinRequestBuilder
chatId(Long) - Method in class BanChatMember.BanChatMemberBuilder
chatId(Long) - Method in class BanChatSenderChat.BanChatSenderChatBuilder
chatId(Long) - Method in class CreateChatInviteLink.CreateChatInviteLinkBuilder
chatId(Long) - Method in class DeclineChatJoinRequest.DeclineChatJoinRequestBuilder
chatId(Long) - Method in class DeleteChatPhoto.DeleteChatPhotoBuilder
chatId(Long) - Method in class DeleteChatStickerSet.DeleteChatStickerSetBuilder
chatId(Long) - Method in class EditChatInviteLink.EditChatInviteLinkBuilder
chatId(Long) - Method in class ExportChatInviteLink.ExportChatInviteLinkBuilder
chatId(Long) - Method in class GetChat.GetChatBuilder
chatId(Long) - Method in class GetChatAdministrators.GetChatAdministratorsBuilder
chatId(Long) - Method in class GetChatMember.GetChatMemberBuilder
chatId(Long) - Method in class GetChatMemberCount.GetChatMemberCountBuilder
chatId(Long) - Method in class LeaveChat.LeaveChatBuilder
chatId(Long) - Method in class PromoteChatMember.PromoteChatMemberBuilder
chatId(Long) - Method in class RestrictChatMember.RestrictChatMemberBuilder
chatId(Long) - Method in class RevokeChatInviteLink.RevokeChatInviteLinkBuilder
chatId(Long) - Method in class SetChatAdministratorCustomTitle.SetChatAdministratorCustomTitleBuilder
chatId(Long) - Method in class SetChatDescription.SetChatDescriptionBuilder
chatId(Long) - Method in class SetChatPermissions.SetChatPermissionsBuilder
chatId(Long) - Method in class SetChatPhoto.SetChatPhotoBuilder
chatId(Long) - Method in class SetChatStickerSet.SetChatStickerSetBuilder
chatId(Long) - Method in class SetChatTitle.SetChatTitleBuilder
chatId(Long) - Method in class UnbanChatMember.UnbanChatMemberBuilder
chatId(Long) - Method in class UnbanChatSenderChat.UnbanChatSenderChatBuilder
chatId(Long) - Method in class SendInvoice.SendInvoiceBuilder
chatId(Long) - Method in class GetChatMenuButton.GetChatMenuButtonBuilder
chatId(Long) - Method in class SetChatMenuButton.SetChatMenuButtonBuilder
chatId(Long) - Method in class PinChatMessage.PinChatMessageBuilder
chatId(Long) - Method in class UnpinAllChatMessages.UnpinAllChatMessagesBuilder
chatId(Long) - Method in class UnpinChatMessage.UnpinChatMessageBuilder
chatId(Long) - Method in class SendPoll.SendPollBuilder
chatId(Long) - Method in class StopPoll.StopPollBuilder
chatId(Long) - Method in class SetMessageReaction.SetMessageReactionBuilder
chatId(Long) - Method in class SendAnimation.SendAnimationBuilder
chatId(Long) - Method in class SendAudio.SendAudioBuilder
chatId(Long) - Method in class SendChatAction.SendChatActionBuilder
chatId(Long) - Method in class SendContact.SendContactBuilder
chatId(Long) - Method in class SendDice.SendDiceBuilder
chatId(Long) - Method in class SendDocument.SendDocumentBuilder
chatId(Long) - Method in class SendGame.SendGameBuilder
chatId(Long) - Method in class SendLocation.SendLocationBuilder
chatId(Long) - Method in class SendMediaGroup.SendMediaGroupBuilder
chatId(Long) - Method in class SendMessage.SendMessageBuilder
chatId(Long) - Method in class SendPhoto.SendPhotoBuilder
chatId(Long) - Method in class SendSticker.SendStickerBuilder
chatId(Long) - Method in class SendVenue.SendVenueBuilder
chatId(Long) - Method in class SendVideo.SendVideoBuilder
chatId(Long) - Method in class SendVideoNote.SendVideoNoteBuilder
chatId(Long) - Method in class SendVoice.SendVoiceBuilder
chatId(Long) - Method in class DeleteMessage.DeleteMessageBuilder
chatId(Long) - Method in class DeleteMessages.DeleteMessagesBuilder
chatId(Long) - Method in class BotCommandScopeChat.BotCommandScopeChatBuilder
chatId(Long) - Method in class BotCommandScopeChatAdministrators.BotCommandScopeChatAdministratorsBuilder
chatId(Long) - Method in class BotCommandScopeChatMember.BotCommandScopeChatMemberBuilder
chatId(Long) - Method in class ReplyParameters.ReplyParametersBuilder
chatId(Long) - Method in class GetGameHighScores.GetGameHighScoresBuilder
chatId(Long) - Method in class SetGameScore.SetGameScoreBuilder
chatId(Long) - Method in class StopMessageLiveLocation.StopMessageLiveLocationBuilder
chatId(Long) - Method in class EditMessageCaption.EditMessageCaptionBuilder
chatId(Long) - Method in class EditMessageLiveLocation.EditMessageLiveLocationBuilder
chatId(Long) - Method in class EditMessageMedia.EditMessageMediaBuilder
chatId(Long) - Method in class EditMessageReplyMarkup.EditMessageReplyMarkupBuilder
chatId(Long) - Method in class EditMessageText.EditMessageTextBuilder
CHATID_FIELD - Static variable in class SetChatPhoto
CHATID_FIELD - Static variable in class SendChatAction
ChatInviteLink - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects
Represents an invite link for a chat.
ChatInviteLink() - Constructor for class ChatInviteLink
ChatJoinRequest - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects
Represents a join request sent to a chat.
ChatJoinRequest() - Constructor for class ChatJoinRequest
CHATJOINREQUEST - Static variable in class AllowedUpdates
ChatLocation - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects
Represents a location to which a chat is connected.
ChatLocation() - Constructor for class ChatLocation
ChatMember - Interface in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.chatmember
CHATMEMBER - Static variable in class AllowedUpdates
ChatMemberAdministrator - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.chatmember
ChatMemberAdministrator() - Constructor for class ChatMemberAdministrator
ChatMemberBanned - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.chatmember
ChatMemberBanned() - Constructor for class ChatMemberBanned
ChatMemberLeft - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.chatmember
ChatMemberLeft() - Constructor for class ChatMemberLeft
ChatMemberMember - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.chatmember
ChatMemberMember() - Constructor for class ChatMemberMember
ChatMemberOwner - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.chatmember
ChatMemberOwner() - Constructor for class ChatMemberOwner
ChatMemberRestricted - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.chatmember
ChatMemberRestricted() - Constructor for class ChatMemberRestricted
ChatMemberUpdated - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects
ChatMemberUpdated() - Constructor for class ChatMemberUpdated
ChatPermissions - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects
Use this method to change the description of a group, supergroup or channel.
ChatPermissions() - Constructor for class ChatPermissions
ChatPhoto - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects
ChatPhoto() - Constructor for class ChatPhoto
CHATS_FIELD - Static variable in class Giveaway
ChatShared - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects
This object contains information about the chat whose identifier was shared with the bot using a KeyboardButtonRequestChat button.
ChatShared() - Constructor for class ChatShared
ChosenInlineQuery - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.inlinequery
ChosenInlineQuery() - Constructor for class ChosenInlineQuery
CHOSENINLINERESULT - Static variable in class AllowedUpdates
Close - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.updates
Close() - Constructor for class Close
CloseForumTopic - Class in
CloseForumTopic() - Constructor for class CloseForumTopic
CloseForumTopic.CloseForumTopicBuilder<C extends CloseForumTopic,B extends CloseForumTopic.CloseForumTopicBuilder<C,B>> - Class in
CloseForumTopicBuilder() - Constructor for class CloseForumTopic.CloseForumTopicBuilder
CloseGeneralForumTopic - Class in
CloseGeneralForumTopic() - Constructor for class CloseGeneralForumTopic
CloseGeneralForumTopic.CloseGeneralForumTopicBuilder<C extends CloseGeneralForumTopic,B extends CloseGeneralForumTopic.CloseGeneralForumTopicBuilder<C,B>> - Class in
CloseGeneralForumTopicBuilder() - Constructor for class CloseGeneralForumTopic.CloseGeneralForumTopicBuilder
CODE - Static variable in class EntityType
Monowidth string
computeText(String) - Method in class MessageEntity
Contact - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects
This object represents a phone contact.
Contact() - Constructor for class Contact
contains(String) - Method in class InlineKeyboardRow
contains(String) - Method in class KeyboardRow
CopyMessage - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods
CopyMessage() - Constructor for class CopyMessage
CopyMessage.CopyMessageBuilder<C extends CopyMessage,B extends CopyMessage.CopyMessageBuilder<C,B>> - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods
CopyMessageBuilder() - Constructor for class CopyMessage.CopyMessageBuilder
CopyMessages - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods
CopyMessages() - Constructor for class CopyMessages
CopyMessages.CopyMessagesBuilder<C extends CopyMessages,B extends CopyMessages.CopyMessagesBuilder<C,B>> - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods
CopyMessagesBuilder() - Constructor for class CopyMessages.CopyMessagesBuilder
COUNTRY_CODES_FIELD - Static variable in class Giveaway
CreateChatInviteLink - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.groupadministration
CreateChatInviteLink() - Constructor for class CreateChatInviteLink
CreateChatInviteLink.CreateChatInviteLinkBuilder<C extends CreateChatInviteLink,B extends CreateChatInviteLink.CreateChatInviteLinkBuilder<C,B>> - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.groupadministration
CreateChatInviteLinkBuilder() - Constructor for class CreateChatInviteLink.CreateChatInviteLinkBuilder
CreateForumTopic - Class in
CreateForumTopic() - Constructor for class CreateForumTopic
CreateForumTopic.CreateForumTopicBuilder<C extends CreateForumTopic,B extends CreateForumTopic.CreateForumTopicBuilder<C,B>> - Class in
CreateForumTopicBuilder() - Constructor for class CreateForumTopic.CreateForumTopicBuilder
CreateInvoiceLink - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.invoices
CreateInvoiceLink() - Constructor for class CreateInvoiceLink
CreateNewStickerSet - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.stickers
CreateNewStickerSet() - Constructor for class CreateNewStickerSet
CREATOR - Static variable in class MemberStatus
CURRENCY_FIELD - Static variable in class CreateInvoiceLink
CUSTOM_EMOJI_ID_FIELD - Static variable in class SetCustomEmojiStickerSetThumbnail
CUSTOM_EMOJI_TYPE - Static variable in interface ReactionType


DATE_FIELD - Static variable in interface MaybeInaccessibleMessage
DeclineChatJoinRequest - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.groupadministration
DeclineChatJoinRequest() - Constructor for class DeclineChatJoinRequest
DeclineChatJoinRequest.DeclineChatJoinRequestBuilder<C extends DeclineChatJoinRequest,B extends DeclineChatJoinRequest.DeclineChatJoinRequestBuilder<C,B>> - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.groupadministration
DeclineChatJoinRequestBuilder() - Constructor for class DeclineChatJoinRequest.DeclineChatJoinRequestBuilder
DEFAULT_URL - Static variable in class TelegramUrl
DeleteChatPhoto - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.groupadministration
DeleteChatPhoto() - Constructor for class DeleteChatPhoto
DeleteChatPhoto.DeleteChatPhotoBuilder<C extends DeleteChatPhoto,B extends DeleteChatPhoto.DeleteChatPhotoBuilder<C,B>> - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.groupadministration
DeleteChatPhotoBuilder() - Constructor for class DeleteChatPhoto.DeleteChatPhotoBuilder
DeleteChatStickerSet - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.groupadministration
DeleteChatStickerSet() - Constructor for class DeleteChatStickerSet
DeleteChatStickerSet.DeleteChatStickerSetBuilder<C extends DeleteChatStickerSet,B extends DeleteChatStickerSet.DeleteChatStickerSetBuilder<C,B>> - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.groupadministration
DeleteChatStickerSetBuilder() - Constructor for class DeleteChatStickerSet.DeleteChatStickerSetBuilder
DeleteForumTopic - Class in
DeleteForumTopic() - Constructor for class DeleteForumTopic
DeleteForumTopic.DeleteForumTopicBuilder<C extends DeleteForumTopic,B extends DeleteForumTopic.DeleteForumTopicBuilder<C,B>> - Class in
DeleteForumTopicBuilder() - Constructor for class DeleteForumTopic.DeleteForumTopicBuilder
DeleteMessage - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.updatingmessages
DeleteMessage() - Constructor for class DeleteMessage
DeleteMessage.DeleteMessageBuilder<C extends DeleteMessage,B extends DeleteMessage.DeleteMessageBuilder<C,B>> - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.updatingmessages
DeleteMessageBuilder() - Constructor for class DeleteMessage.DeleteMessageBuilder
DeleteMessages - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.updatingmessages
DeleteMessages() - Constructor for class DeleteMessages
DeleteMessages.DeleteMessagesBuilder<C extends DeleteMessages,B extends DeleteMessages.DeleteMessagesBuilder<C,B>> - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.updatingmessages
DeleteMessagesBuilder() - Constructor for class DeleteMessages.DeleteMessagesBuilder
DeleteMyCommands - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.commands
DeleteMyCommands() - Constructor for class DeleteMyCommands
DeleteStickerFromSet - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.stickers
DeleteStickerFromSet() - Constructor for class DeleteStickerFromSet
DeleteStickerSet - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.stickers
DeleteStickerSet() - Constructor for class DeleteStickerSet
DeleteWebhook - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.updates
DeleteWebhook() - Constructor for class DeleteWebhook
DESCRIPTION_FIELD - Static variable in class CreateInvoiceLink
deserialize(JsonParser, DeserializationContext) - Method in class InputMessageContentDeserializer
deserialize(JsonParser, DeserializationContext) - Method in class InlineQueryResultDeserializer
deserialize(JsonParser, DeserializationContext) - Method in class MaybeInaccessibleMessageDeserializer
deserializeResponse(String) - Method in class GetMyDefaultAdministratorRights
deserializeResponse(String) - Method in class GetUserChatBoosts
deserializeResponse(String) - Method in class BotApiMethodBoolean
deserializeResponse(String) - Method in class BotApiMethodMessage
deserializeResponse(String) - Method in class PartialBotApiMethod
Deserialize a json answer to the response type to a method
deserializeResponse(String) - Method in class GetMyCommands
deserializeResponse(String) - Method in class CopyMessage
deserializeResponse(String) - Method in class CopyMessages
deserializeResponse(String) - Method in class GetMyDescription
deserializeResponse(String) - Method in class GetMyShortDescription
deserializeResponse(String) - Method in class CreateForumTopic
deserializeResponse(String) - Method in class GetForumTopicIconStickers
deserializeResponse(String) - Method in class ForwardMessages
deserializeResponse(String) - Method in class GetGameHighScores
deserializeResponse(String) - Method in class SetGameScore
deserializeResponse(String) - Method in class GetFile
deserializeResponse(String) - Method in class GetMe
deserializeResponse(String) - Method in class GetUserProfilePhotos
deserializeResponse(String) - Method in class CreateChatInviteLink
deserializeResponse(String) - Method in class EditChatInviteLink
deserializeResponse(String) - Method in class ExportChatInviteLink
deserializeResponse(String) - Method in class GetChat
deserializeResponse(String) - Method in class GetChatAdministrators
deserializeResponse(String) - Method in class GetChatMember
deserializeResponse(String) - Method in class GetChatMemberCount
deserializeResponse(String) - Method in class RevokeChatInviteLink
deserializeResponse(String) - Method in class SetChatPhoto
deserializeResponse(String) - Method in class CreateInvoiceLink
deserializeResponse(String) - Method in class GetChatMenuButton
deserializeResponse(String) - Method in class GetMyName
deserializeResponse(String) - Method in class StopPoll
deserializeResponse(String) - Method in class SendAnimation
deserializeResponse(String) - Method in class SendAudio
deserializeResponse(String) - Method in class SendDocument
deserializeResponse(String) - Method in class SendMediaGroup
deserializeResponse(String) - Method in class SendPhoto
deserializeResponse(String) - Method in class SendSticker
deserializeResponse(String) - Method in class SendVideo
deserializeResponse(String) - Method in class SendVideoNote
deserializeResponse(String) - Method in class SendVoice
deserializeResponse(String) - Method in class AddStickerToSet
deserializeResponse(String) - Method in class CreateNewStickerSet
deserializeResponse(String) - Method in class GetCustomEmojiStickers
deserializeResponse(String) - Method in class GetStickerSet
deserializeResponse(String) - Method in class UploadStickerFile
deserializeResponse(String) - Method in class StopMessageLiveLocation
deserializeResponse(String) - Method in class GetUpdates
deserializeResponse(String) - Method in class GetWebhookInfo
deserializeResponse(String) - Method in class EditMessageCaption
deserializeResponse(String) - Method in class EditMessageLiveLocation
deserializeResponse(String) - Method in class EditMessageMedia
deserializeResponse(String) - Method in class EditMessageReplyMarkup
deserializeResponse(String) - Method in class EditMessageText
deserializeResponse(String) - Method in class AnswerWebAppQuery
deserializeResponse(String, Class<T>) - Method in class PartialBotApiMethod
deserializeResponseArray(String, Class<K>) - Method in class PartialBotApiMethod
deserializeResponseFromPossibilities(String, List<Class<? extends Serializable>>) - Method in class BotApiMethodSerializable
deserializeResponseMessageOrBoolean(String) - Method in class BotApiMethodSerializable
deserializeResponseSerializable(String, Class<K>) - Method in class PartialBotApiMethod
Dice - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects
This object represents an animated emoji that displays a random value.
Dice() - Constructor for class Dice
DISABLE_NOTIFICATION_FIELD - Static variable in class SendMediaBotMethod
DISABLE_NOTIFICATION_FIELD - Static variable in class SendMediaGroup
DISABLECONTENTTYPEDETECTION_FIELD - Static variable in class SendDocument
DISABLECONTENTTYPEDETECTION_FIELD - Static variable in class InputMediaDocument
disableNotification() - Method in class CopyMessage
disableNotification() - Method in class CopyMessages
disableNotification() - Method in class SendPoll
disableNotification() - Method in class SendAnimation
disableNotification() - Method in class SendAudio
disableNotification() - Method in class SendContact
disableNotification() - Method in class SendDice
disableNotification() - Method in class SendDocument
disableNotification() - Method in class SendGame
disableNotification() - Method in class SendLocation
disableNotification() - Method in class SendMediaGroup
disableNotification() - Method in class SendMessage
disableNotification() - Method in class SendPhoto
disableNotification() - Method in class SendSticker
disableNotification() - Method in class SendVenue
disableNotification() - Method in class SendVideo
disableNotification() - Method in class SendVideoNote
disableNotification() - Method in class SendVoice
disableWebPagePreview() - Method in class SendMessage
disableWebPagePreview() - Method in class EditMessageText
Document - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects
This object represents a general file (as opposed to photos and audio files).
Document() - Constructor for class Document
DOCUMENT_FIELD - Static variable in class SendDocument
downloadFile(String) - Method in interface TelegramClient
downloadFile(File) - Method in interface TelegramClient
downloadFileAsStream(String) - Method in interface TelegramClient
downloadFileAsStream(File) - Method in interface TelegramClient
downloadFileAsStreamAsync(String) - Method in interface TelegramClient
downloadFileAsStreamAsync(File) - Method in interface TelegramClient
downloadFileAsync(String) - Method in interface TelegramClient
downloadFileAsync(File) - Method in interface TelegramClient
DROPPENDINGUPDATES_FIELD - Static variable in class SetWebhook
DURATION_FIELD - Static variable in class SendAnimation
DURATION_FIELD - Static variable in class SendAudio
DURATION_FIELD - Static variable in class SendVideo
DURATION_FIELD - Static variable in class SendVideoNote
DURATION_FIELD - Static variable in class SendVoice
DURATION_FIELD - Static variable in class InputMediaAnimation
DURATION_FIELD - Static variable in class InputMediaAudio
DURATION_FIELD - Static variable in class InputMediaVideo


EditChatInviteLink - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.groupadministration
EditChatInviteLink() - Constructor for class EditChatInviteLink
EditChatInviteLink.EditChatInviteLinkBuilder<C extends EditChatInviteLink,B extends EditChatInviteLink.EditChatInviteLinkBuilder<C,B>> - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.groupadministration
EditChatInviteLinkBuilder() - Constructor for class EditChatInviteLink.EditChatInviteLinkBuilder
EDITEDCHANNELPOST - Static variable in class AllowedUpdates
EDITEDMESSAGE - Static variable in class AllowedUpdates
EditForumTopic - Class in
EditForumTopic() - Constructor for class EditForumTopic
EditForumTopic.EditForumTopicBuilder<C extends EditForumTopic,B extends EditForumTopic.EditForumTopicBuilder<C,B>> - Class in
EditForumTopicBuilder() - Constructor for class EditForumTopic.EditForumTopicBuilder
EditGeneralForumTopic - Class in
EditGeneralForumTopic() - Constructor for class EditGeneralForumTopic
EditGeneralForumTopic.EditGeneralForumTopicBuilder<C extends EditGeneralForumTopic,B extends EditGeneralForumTopic.EditGeneralForumTopicBuilder<C,B>> - Class in
EditGeneralForumTopicBuilder() - Constructor for class EditGeneralForumTopic.EditGeneralForumTopicBuilder
EditMessageCaption - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.updatingmessages
EditMessageCaption() - Constructor for class EditMessageCaption
EditMessageCaption.EditMessageCaptionBuilder - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.updatingmessages
EditMessageCaptionBuilder() - Constructor for class EditMessageCaption.EditMessageCaptionBuilder
EditMessageLiveLocation - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.updatingmessages
EditMessageLiveLocation() - Constructor for class EditMessageLiveLocation
EditMessageLiveLocation.EditMessageLiveLocationBuilder<C extends EditMessageLiveLocation,B extends EditMessageLiveLocation.EditMessageLiveLocationBuilder<C,B>> - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.updatingmessages
EditMessageLiveLocationBuilder() - Constructor for class EditMessageLiveLocation.EditMessageLiveLocationBuilder
EditMessageMedia - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.updatingmessages
EditMessageMedia() - Constructor for class EditMessageMedia
EditMessageMedia.EditMessageMediaBuilder<C extends EditMessageMedia,B extends EditMessageMedia.EditMessageMediaBuilder<C,B>> - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.updatingmessages
EditMessageMediaBuilder() - Constructor for class EditMessageMedia.EditMessageMediaBuilder
EditMessageReplyMarkup - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.updatingmessages
EditMessageReplyMarkup() - Constructor for class EditMessageReplyMarkup
EditMessageReplyMarkup.EditMessageReplyMarkupBuilder - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.updatingmessages
EditMessageReplyMarkupBuilder() - Constructor for class EditMessageReplyMarkup.EditMessageReplyMarkupBuilder
EditMessageText - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.updatingmessages
EditMessageText() - Constructor for class EditMessageText
EditMessageText.EditMessageTextBuilder<C extends EditMessageText,B extends EditMessageText.EditMessageTextBuilder<C,B>> - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.updatingmessages
EditMessageTextBuilder() - Constructor for class EditMessageText.EditMessageTextBuilder
EMAIL - Static variable in class EntityType
EMOJI_FIELD - Static variable in class SendSticker
EMOJI_LIST_FIELD - Static variable in class SetStickerEmojiList
EMOJI_TYPE - Static variable in interface ReactionType
enableHtml(boolean) - Method in class CopyMessage
enableHtml(boolean) - Method in class SendMessage
enableHtml(boolean) - Method in class EditMessageText
enableMarkdown(boolean) - Method in class CopyMessage
enableMarkdown(boolean) - Method in class SendMessage
enableMarkdown(boolean) - Method in class EditMessageText
enableMarkdownV2(boolean) - Method in class CopyMessage
enableMarkdownV2(boolean) - Method in class SendMessage
enableNotification() - Method in class CopyMessage
enableNotification() - Method in class CopyMessages
enableNotification() - Method in class SendPoll
enableNotification() - Method in class SendAnimation
enableNotification() - Method in class SendAudio
enableNotification() - Method in class SendContact
enableNotification() - Method in class SendDice
enableNotification() - Method in class SendDocument
enableNotification() - Method in class SendGame
enableNotification() - Method in class SendLocation
enableNotification() - Method in class SendMediaGroup
enableNotification() - Method in class SendMessage
enableNotification() - Method in class SendPhoto
enableNotification() - Method in class SendSticker
enableNotification() - Method in class SendVenue
enableNotification() - Method in class SendVideo
enableNotification() - Method in class SendVideoNote
enableNotification() - Method in class SendVoice
enableWebPagePreview() - Method in class SendMessage
enableWebPagePreview() - Method in class EditMessageText
EncryptedCredentials - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.passport
EncryptedCredentials() - Constructor for class EncryptedCredentials
EncryptedPassportElement - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.passport
EncryptedPassportElement() - Constructor for class EncryptedPassportElement
EntityType - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects
Types of messages entities
execute(Method) - Method in interface TelegramClient
execute(SetChatPhoto) - Method in interface TelegramClient
Set chat profile photo
execute(SendAnimation) - Method in interface TelegramClient
Send animation
execute(SendAudio) - Method in interface TelegramClient
Sends a file using Send Audio method
execute(SendDocument) - Method in interface TelegramClient
execute(SendMediaGroup) - Method in interface TelegramClient
Send a media group
execute(SendPhoto) - Method in interface TelegramClient
execute(SendSticker) - Method in interface TelegramClient
execute(SendVideo) - Method in interface TelegramClient
execute(SendVideoNote) - Method in interface TelegramClient
execute(SendVoice) - Method in interface TelegramClient
Sends a voice note using Send Voice method For this to work, your audio must be in an .ogg file encoded with OPUS
execute(AddStickerToSet) - Method in interface TelegramClient
Adds a new sticker to a set
execute(CreateNewStickerSet) - Method in interface TelegramClient
Creates a new sticker set ≈
execute(SetStickerSetThumbnail) - Method in interface TelegramClient
Set sticker set thumb
execute(UploadStickerFile) - Method in interface TelegramClient
Upload a new file as sticker
execute(EditMessageMedia) - Method in interface TelegramClient
Edit media in a message
executeAsync(Method) - Method in interface TelegramClient
executeAsync(SetChatPhoto) - Method in interface TelegramClient
Set chat profile photo
executeAsync(SendAnimation) - Method in interface TelegramClient
Send animation
executeAsync(SendAudio) - Method in interface TelegramClient
Sends a file using the Send Audio method
executeAsync(SendDocument) - Method in interface TelegramClient
executeAsync(SendMediaGroup) - Method in interface TelegramClient
Send a media group
executeAsync(SendPhoto) - Method in interface TelegramClient
executeAsync(SendSticker) - Method in interface TelegramClient
executeAsync(SendVideo) - Method in interface TelegramClient
executeAsync(SendVideoNote) - Method in interface TelegramClient
executeAsync(SendVoice) - Method in interface TelegramClient
Sends a voice note using the Send Voice method For this to work, your audio must be in an .ogg file encoded with OPUS
executeAsync(AddStickerToSet) - Method in interface TelegramClient
Adds a new sticker to a set
executeAsync(CreateNewStickerSet) - Method in interface TelegramClient
Creates a new sticker set
executeAsync(SetStickerSetThumbnail) - Method in interface TelegramClient
Set sticker set thumb
executeAsync(UploadStickerFile) - Method in interface TelegramClient
Upload a new file as sticker
executeAsync(EditMessageMedia) - Method in interface TelegramClient
Edit media in a message
ExportChatInviteLink - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.groupadministration
ExportChatInviteLink() - Constructor for class ExportChatInviteLink
ExportChatInviteLink.ExportChatInviteLinkBuilder<C extends ExportChatInviteLink,B extends ExportChatInviteLink.ExportChatInviteLinkBuilder<C,B>> - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.groupadministration
ExportChatInviteLinkBuilder() - Constructor for class ExportChatInviteLink.ExportChatInviteLinkBuilder
ExternalReplyInfo - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects
This object contains information about a message that is being replied to, which may come from another chat or forum topic.
ExternalReplyInfo() - Constructor for class ExternalReplyInfo


File - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects
This object represents a file ready to be downloaded
File() - Constructor for class File
FIND_LOCATION - Enum constant in enum class ActionType
ForceReplyKeyboard - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.replykeyboard
ForceReplyKeyboard() - Constructor for class ForceReplyKeyboard
forTimePeriodDuration(Duration) - Method in class BanChatMember
forTimePeriodDuration(Duration) - Method in class BanChatSenderChat
forTimePeriodDuration(Duration) - Method in class RestrictChatMember
ForumTopic - Class in
This object represents a forum topic.
ForumTopic() - Constructor for class ForumTopic
ForumTopicClosed - Class in
This object represents a service message about a forum topic closed in the chat.
ForumTopicClosed() - Constructor for class ForumTopicClosed
ForumTopicCreated - Class in
This object represents a service message about a new forum topic created in the chat.
ForumTopicCreated() - Constructor for class ForumTopicCreated
ForumTopicEdited - Class in
This object represents a service message about an edited forum topic.
ForumTopicEdited() - Constructor for class ForumTopicEdited
ForumTopicReopened - Class in
This object represents a service message about a forum topic reopened in the chat.
ForumTopicReopened() - Constructor for class ForumTopicReopened
ForwardMessage - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods
ForwardMessage() - Constructor for class ForwardMessage
ForwardMessage.ForwardMessageBuilder<C extends ForwardMessage,B extends ForwardMessage.ForwardMessageBuilder<C,B>> - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods
ForwardMessageBuilder() - Constructor for class ForwardMessage.ForwardMessageBuilder
ForwardMessages - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods
ForwardMessages() - Constructor for class ForwardMessages
ForwardMessages.ForwardMessagesBuilder<C extends ForwardMessages,B extends ForwardMessages.ForwardMessagesBuilder<C,B>> - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods
ForwardMessagesBuilder() - Constructor for class ForwardMessages.ForwardMessagesBuilder
fromChatId(Long) - Method in class CopyMessage.CopyMessageBuilder
fromChatId(Long) - Method in class CopyMessages.CopyMessagesBuilder
fromChatId(Long) - Method in class ForwardMessage.ForwardMessageBuilder
fromChatId(Long) - Method in class ForwardMessages.ForwardMessagesBuilder


Game - Class in
This object represents a game.
Game() - Constructor for class Game
GameHighScore - Class in
This object represents one row of a game high scores table
GameHighScore() - Constructor for class GameHighScore
GeneralForumTopicHidden - Class in
This object represents a service message about General forum topic hidden in the chat.
GeneralForumTopicHidden() - Constructor for class GeneralForumTopicHidden
GeneralForumTopicUnhidden - Class in
This object represents a service message about General forum topic hidden in the chat.
GeneralForumTopicUnhidden() - Constructor for class GeneralForumTopicUnhidden
get(String) - Static method in enum class ActionType
getActionType() - Method in class SendChatAction
getAllowSendingWithoutReply() - Method in class SendMediaBotMethod
getCaptionEntities() - Method in class Message
getChat() - Method in interface MaybeInaccessibleMessage
GetChat - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.groupadministration
GetChat() - Constructor for class GetChat
GetChat.GetChatBuilder<C extends GetChat,B extends GetChat.GetChatBuilder<C,B>> - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.groupadministration
GetChatAdministrators - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.groupadministration
GetChatAdministrators() - Constructor for class GetChatAdministrators
GetChatAdministrators.GetChatAdministratorsBuilder<C extends GetChatAdministrators,B extends GetChatAdministrators.GetChatAdministratorsBuilder<C,B>> - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.groupadministration
GetChatAdministratorsBuilder() - Constructor for class GetChatAdministrators.GetChatAdministratorsBuilder
GetChatBuilder() - Constructor for class GetChat.GetChatBuilder
getChatId() - Method in class SendMediaBotMethod
getChatId() - Method in class ExternalReplyInfo
getChatId() - Method in class InaccessibleMessage
getChatId() - Method in interface MaybeInaccessibleMessage
getChatId() - Method in class Message
GetChatMember - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.groupadministration
GetChatMember() - Constructor for class GetChatMember
GetChatMember.GetChatMemberBuilder<C extends GetChatMember,B extends GetChatMember.GetChatMemberBuilder<C,B>> - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.groupadministration
GetChatMemberBuilder() - Constructor for class GetChatMember.GetChatMemberBuilder
GetChatMemberCount - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.groupadministration
GetChatMemberCount() - Constructor for class GetChatMemberCount
GetChatMemberCount.GetChatMemberCountBuilder<C extends GetChatMemberCount,B extends GetChatMemberCount.GetChatMemberCountBuilder<C,B>> - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.groupadministration
GetChatMemberCountBuilder() - Constructor for class GetChatMemberCount.GetChatMemberCountBuilder
GetChatMenuButton - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.menubutton
GetChatMenuButton() - Constructor for class GetChatMenuButton
GetChatMenuButton.GetChatMenuButtonBuilder - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.menubutton
GetChatMenuButtonBuilder() - Constructor for class GetChatMenuButton.GetChatMenuButtonBuilder
GetCustomEmojiStickers - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.stickers
GetCustomEmojiStickers() - Constructor for class GetCustomEmojiStickers
getDate() - Method in interface MaybeInaccessibleMessage
getDisableNotification() - Method in class SendMediaBotMethod
getEntities() - Method in class Message
getFile() - Method in class SendAnimation
getFile() - Method in class SendAudio
getFile() - Method in class SendDocument
getFile() - Method in class SendMediaBotMethod
getFile() - Method in class SendPhoto
getFile() - Method in class SendSticker
getFile() - Method in class SendVideo
getFile() - Method in class SendVideoNote
getFile() - Method in class SendVoice
GetFile - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods
GetFile() - Constructor for class GetFile
getFileField() - Method in class SendAnimation
getFileField() - Method in class SendAudio
getFileField() - Method in class SendDocument
getFileField() - Method in class SendMediaBotMethod
getFileField() - Method in class SendPhoto
getFileField() - Method in class SendSticker
getFileField() - Method in class SendVideo
getFileField() - Method in class SendVideoNote
getFileField() - Method in class SendVoice
getFileUrl(String) - Method in class File
getFileUrl(String, String) - Static method in class File
GetForumTopicIconStickers - Class in
GetForumTopicIconStickers() - Constructor for class GetForumTopicIconStickers
GetGameHighScores - Class in
GetGameHighScores() - Constructor for class GetGameHighScores
GetGameHighScores.GetGameHighScoresBuilder<C extends GetGameHighScores,B extends GetGameHighScores.GetGameHighScoresBuilder<C,B>> - Class in
GetGameHighScoresBuilder() - Constructor for class GetGameHighScores.GetGameHighScoresBuilder
GetMe - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods
GetMe() - Constructor for class GetMe
getMessage() - Method in exception TelegramApiRequestException
More detailed error description.
getMessageId() - Method in interface MaybeInaccessibleMessage
getMessageThreadId() - Method in class SendMediaBotMethod
getMethod() - Method in class GetMyDefaultAdministratorRights
getMethod() - Method in class SetMyDefaultAdministratorRights
getMethod() - Method in class AnswerCallbackQuery
getMethod() - Method in class AnswerInlineQuery
getMethod() - Method in class AnswerPreCheckoutQuery
getMethod() - Method in class AnswerShippingQuery
getMethod() - Method in class GetUserChatBoosts
getMethod() - Method in class PartialBotApiMethod
Getter for method path (that is the same as method name)
getMethod() - Method in class DeleteMyCommands
getMethod() - Method in class GetMyCommands
getMethod() - Method in class SetMyCommands
getMethod() - Method in class CopyMessage
getMethod() - Method in class CopyMessages
getMethod() - Method in class GetMyDescription
getMethod() - Method in class GetMyShortDescription
getMethod() - Method in class SetMyDescription
getMethod() - Method in class SetMyShortDescription
getMethod() - Method in class CloseForumTopic
getMethod() - Method in class CloseGeneralForumTopic
getMethod() - Method in class CreateForumTopic
getMethod() - Method in class DeleteForumTopic
getMethod() - Method in class EditForumTopic
getMethod() - Method in class EditGeneralForumTopic
getMethod() - Method in class GetForumTopicIconStickers
getMethod() - Method in class HideGeneralForumTopic
getMethod() - Method in class ReopenForumTopic
getMethod() - Method in class ReopenGeneralForumTopic
getMethod() - Method in class UnhideGeneralForumTopic
getMethod() - Method in class UnpinAllForumTopicMessages
getMethod() - Method in class UnpinAllGeneralForumTopicMessages
getMethod() - Method in class ForwardMessage
getMethod() - Method in class ForwardMessages
getMethod() - Method in class GetGameHighScores
getMethod() - Method in class SetGameScore
getMethod() - Method in class GetFile
getMethod() - Method in class GetMe
getMethod() - Method in class GetUserProfilePhotos
getMethod() - Method in class ApproveChatJoinRequest
getMethod() - Method in class BanChatMember
getMethod() - Method in class BanChatSenderChat
getMethod() - Method in class CreateChatInviteLink
getMethod() - Method in class DeclineChatJoinRequest
getMethod() - Method in class DeleteChatPhoto
getMethod() - Method in class DeleteChatStickerSet
getMethod() - Method in class EditChatInviteLink
getMethod() - Method in class ExportChatInviteLink
getMethod() - Method in class GetChat
getMethod() - Method in class GetChatAdministrators
getMethod() - Method in class GetChatMember
getMethod() - Method in class GetChatMemberCount
getMethod() - Method in class LeaveChat
getMethod() - Method in class PromoteChatMember
getMethod() - Method in class RestrictChatMember
getMethod() - Method in class RevokeChatInviteLink
getMethod() - Method in class SetChatAdministratorCustomTitle
getMethod() - Method in class SetChatDescription
getMethod() - Method in class SetChatPermissions
getMethod() - Method in class SetChatPhoto
getMethod() - Method in class SetChatStickerSet
getMethod() - Method in class SetChatTitle
getMethod() - Method in class UnbanChatMember
getMethod() - Method in class UnbanChatSenderChat
getMethod() - Method in class CreateInvoiceLink
getMethod() - Method in class SendInvoice
getMethod() - Method in class GetChatMenuButton
getMethod() - Method in class SetChatMenuButton
getMethod() - Method in class GetMyName
getMethod() - Method in class SetMyName
getMethod() - Method in class PinChatMessage
getMethod() - Method in class UnpinAllChatMessages
getMethod() - Method in class UnpinChatMessage
getMethod() - Method in class SendPoll
getMethod() - Method in class StopPoll
getMethod() - Method in class SetMessageReaction
getMethod() - Method in class SendAnimation
getMethod() - Method in class SendAudio
getMethod() - Method in class SendChatAction
getMethod() - Method in class SendContact
getMethod() - Method in class SendDice
getMethod() - Method in class SendDocument
getMethod() - Method in class SendGame
getMethod() - Method in class SendLocation
getMethod() - Method in class SendMediaGroup
getMethod() - Method in class SendMessage
getMethod() - Method in class SendPhoto
getMethod() - Method in class SendSticker
getMethod() - Method in class SendVenue
getMethod() - Method in class SendVideo
getMethod() - Method in class SendVideoNote
getMethod() - Method in class SendVoice
getMethod() - Method in class SetPassportDataErrors
getMethod() - Method in class AddStickerToSet
getMethod() - Method in class CreateNewStickerSet
getMethod() - Method in class DeleteStickerFromSet
getMethod() - Method in class DeleteStickerSet
getMethod() - Method in class GetCustomEmojiStickers
getMethod() - Method in class GetStickerSet
getMethod() - Method in class SetCustomEmojiStickerSetThumbnail
getMethod() - Method in class SetStickerEmojiList
getMethod() - Method in class SetStickerKeywords
getMethod() - Method in class SetStickerMaskPosition
getMethod() - Method in class SetStickerPositionInSet
getMethod() - Method in class SetStickerSetThumbnail
getMethod() - Method in class SetStickerSetTitle
getMethod() - Method in class UploadStickerFile
getMethod() - Method in class StopMessageLiveLocation
getMethod() - Method in class Close
getMethod() - Method in class DeleteWebhook
getMethod() - Method in class GetUpdates
getMethod() - Method in class GetWebhookInfo
getMethod() - Method in class LogOut
getMethod() - Method in class SetWebhook
getMethod() - Method in class DeleteMessage
getMethod() - Method in class DeleteMessages
getMethod() - Method in class EditMessageCaption
getMethod() - Method in class EditMessageLiveLocation
getMethod() - Method in class EditMessageMedia
getMethod() - Method in class EditMessageReplyMarkup
getMethod() - Method in class EditMessageText
getMethod() - Method in class AnswerWebAppQuery
getMethod() - Method in exception TelegramApiValidationException
GetMyCommands - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.commands
GetMyCommands() - Constructor for class GetMyCommands
GetMyDefaultAdministratorRights - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.adminrights
GetMyDefaultAdministratorRights() - Constructor for class GetMyDefaultAdministratorRights
GetMyDescription - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.description
GetMyDescription() - Constructor for class GetMyDescription
GetMyName - Class in
GetMyName() - Constructor for class GetMyName
GetMyShortDescription - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.description
GetMyShortDescription() - Constructor for class GetMyShortDescription
getNewChatMembers() - Method in class Message
getObject() - Method in exception TelegramApiValidationException
getProtectContent() - Method in class SendMediaBotMethod
getReplyMarkup() - Method in class SendMediaBotMethod
getReplyParameters() - Method in class SendMediaBotMethod
getReplyToMessageId() - Method in class SendMediaBotMethod
getStatus() - Method in interface ChatMember
GetStickerSet - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.stickers
GetStickerSet() - Constructor for class GetStickerSet
getType() - Method in interface BotCommandScope
getType() - Method in class InputMedia
getType() - Method in class InputMediaAnimation
getType() - Method in class InputMediaAudio
getType() - Method in class InputMediaDocument
getType() - Method in class InputMediaPhoto
getType() - Method in class InputMediaVideo
getType() - Method in class MenuButton
getType() - Method in class MenuButtonCommands
getType() - Method in class MenuButtonDefault
getType() - Method in class MenuButtonWebApp
GetUpdates - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.updates
GetUpdates() - Constructor for class GetUpdates
getUser() - Method in interface ChatMember
GetUserChatBoosts - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.boosts
GetUserChatBoosts() - Constructor for class GetUserChatBoosts
GetUserChatBoosts.GetUserChatBoostsBuilder - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.boosts
GetUserChatBoostsBuilder() - Constructor for class GetUserChatBoosts.GetUserChatBoostsBuilder
GetUserProfilePhotos - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods
GetUserProfilePhotos() - Constructor for class GetUserProfilePhotos
GetWebhookInfo - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.updates
GetWebhookInfo() - Constructor for class GetWebhookInfo
GIFT_CODE_TYPE - Static variable in interface ChatBoostSource
Giveaway - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.giveaway
Giveaway() - Constructor for class Giveaway
GIVEAWAY_MESSAGE_FIELD - Static variable in class GiveawayCompleted
GIVEAWAY_MESSAGE_ID_FIELD - Static variable in class GiveawayWinners
GIVEAWAY_TYPE - Static variable in interface ChatBoostSource
GiveawayCompleted - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.giveaway
GiveawayCompleted() - Constructor for class GiveawayCompleted
GiveawayCreated - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.giveaway
GiveawayCreated() - Constructor for class GiveawayCreated
GiveawayWinners - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.giveaway
GiveawayWinners() - Constructor for class GiveawayWinners


HAS_PUBLIC_WINNERS_FIELD - Static variable in class Giveaway
HAS_SPOILER_FIELD - Static variable in class SendAnimation
HAS_SPOILER_FIELD - Static variable in class SendPhoto
HAS_SPOILER_FIELD - Static variable in class SendVideo
hasAnimation() - Method in class ExternalReplyInfo
hasAnimation() - Method in class Message
hasAudio() - Method in class ExternalReplyInfo
hasAudio() - Method in class Message
hasCallbackQuery() - Method in class Update
hasChannelPost() - Method in class Update
hasChatJoinRequest() - Method in class Update
hasChatMember() - Method in class Update
hasChosenInlineQuery() - Method in class Update
hasContact() - Method in class ExternalReplyInfo
hasContact() - Method in class Message
hasDice() - Method in class ExternalReplyInfo
hasDice() - Method in class Message
hasDocument() - Method in class ExternalReplyInfo
hasDocument() - Method in class Message
hasEditedChannelPost() - Method in class Update
hasEditedMessage() - Method in class Update
hasEntities() - Method in class Game
hasEntities() - Method in class Message
HASHTAG - Static variable in class EntityType
hasInlineQuery() - Method in class Update
hasInvoice() - Method in class ExternalReplyInfo
hasInvoice() - Method in class Message
hasLocation() - Method in class ExternalReplyInfo
hasLocation() - Method in class Message
hasMessage() - Method in class Update
hasMyChatMember() - Method in class Update
hasPassportData() - Method in class Message
hasPhoto() - Method in class ExternalReplyInfo
hasPhoto() - Method in class Message
hasPoll() - Method in class ExternalReplyInfo
hasPoll() - Method in class Message
hasPoll() - Method in class Update
hasPollAnswer() - Method in class Update
hasPreCheckoutQuery() - Method in class Update
hasReplyMarkup() - Method in class Message
hasShippingQuery() - Method in class Update
HASSPOILER_FIELD - Static variable in class InputMediaAnimation
HASSPOILER_FIELD - Static variable in class InputMediaPhoto
HASSPOILER_FIELD - Static variable in class InputMediaVideo
hasSticker() - Method in class ExternalReplyInfo
hasSticker() - Method in class Message
hasSuccessfulPayment() - Method in class Message
hasText() - Method in class Message
hasViaBot() - Method in class Message
hasVideo() - Method in class ExternalReplyInfo
hasVideo() - Method in class Message
hasVideoNote() - Method in class ExternalReplyInfo
hasVideoNote() - Method in class Message
hasVoice() - Method in class ExternalReplyInfo
hasVoice() - Method in class Message
HEIGHT_FIELD - Static variable in class SendAnimation
HEIGHT_FIELD - Static variable in class SendVideo
HEIGHT_FIELD - Static variable in class InputMediaAnimation
HEIGHT_FIELD - Static variable in class InputMediaVideo
HIDDEN_USER_TYPE - Static variable in interface MessageOrigin
HideGeneralForumTopic - Class in
HideGeneralForumTopic() - Constructor for class HideGeneralForumTopic
HideGeneralForumTopic.HideGeneralForumTopicBuilder<C extends HideGeneralForumTopic,B extends HideGeneralForumTopic.HideGeneralForumTopicBuilder<C,B>> - Class in
HideGeneralForumTopicBuilder() - Constructor for class HideGeneralForumTopic.HideGeneralForumTopicBuilder
HTML - Static variable in class ParseMode


InaccessibleMessage - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.message
This object represents a unique message identifier.
InaccessibleMessage() - Constructor for class InaccessibleMessage
indexOf(String) - Method in class InlineKeyboardRow
indexOf(String) - Method in class KeyboardRow
INLINE_MESSAGE_ID_FIELD - Static variable in class EditMessageMedia
InlineKeyboardButton - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.replykeyboard.buttons
InlineKeyboardButton() - Constructor for class InlineKeyboardButton
InlineKeyboardMarkup - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.replykeyboard
InlineKeyboardMarkup() - Constructor for class InlineKeyboardMarkup
InlineKeyboardRow - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.replykeyboard.buttons
InlineKeyboardRow() - Constructor for class InlineKeyboardRow
InlineKeyboardRow(int) - Constructor for class InlineKeyboardRow
InlineKeyboardRow(String...) - Constructor for class InlineKeyboardRow
InlineKeyboardRow(Collection<? extends InlineKeyboardButton>) - Constructor for class InlineKeyboardRow
InlineKeyboardRow(InlineKeyboardButton...) - Constructor for class InlineKeyboardRow
InlineQuery - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.inlinequery
InlineQuery() - Constructor for class InlineQuery
INLINEQUERY - Static variable in class AllowedUpdates
InlineQueryResult - Interface in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.inlinequery.result
InlineQueryResultArticle - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.inlinequery.result
InlineQueryResultArticle() - Constructor for class InlineQueryResultArticle
InlineQueryResultAudio - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.inlinequery.result
InlineQueryResultAudio() - Constructor for class InlineQueryResultAudio
InlineQueryResultCachedAudio - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.inlinequery.result.cached
InlineQueryResultCachedAudio() - Constructor for class InlineQueryResultCachedAudio
InlineQueryResultCachedDocument - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.inlinequery.result.cached
InlineQueryResultCachedDocument() - Constructor for class InlineQueryResultCachedDocument
InlineQueryResultCachedGif - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.inlinequery.result.cached
InlineQueryResultCachedGif() - Constructor for class InlineQueryResultCachedGif
InlineQueryResultCachedMpeg4Gif - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.inlinequery.result.cached
InlineQueryResultCachedMpeg4Gif() - Constructor for class InlineQueryResultCachedMpeg4Gif
InlineQueryResultCachedPhoto - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.inlinequery.result.cached
InlineQueryResultCachedPhoto() - Constructor for class InlineQueryResultCachedPhoto
InlineQueryResultCachedSticker - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.inlinequery.result.cached
InlineQueryResultCachedSticker() - Constructor for class InlineQueryResultCachedSticker
InlineQueryResultCachedVideo - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.inlinequery.result.cached
InlineQueryResultCachedVideo() - Constructor for class InlineQueryResultCachedVideo
InlineQueryResultCachedVoice - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.inlinequery.result.cached
InlineQueryResultCachedVoice() - Constructor for class InlineQueryResultCachedVoice
InlineQueryResultContact - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.inlinequery.result
InlineQueryResultContact() - Constructor for class InlineQueryResultContact
InlineQueryResultDeserializer - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.inlinequery.result.serialization
InlineQueryResultDeserializer() - Constructor for class InlineQueryResultDeserializer
InlineQueryResultDocument - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.inlinequery.result
InlineQueryResultDocument() - Constructor for class InlineQueryResultDocument
InlineQueryResultGame - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.inlinequery.result
InlineQueryResultGame() - Constructor for class InlineQueryResultGame
InlineQueryResultGif - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.inlinequery.result
InlineQueryResultGif() - Constructor for class InlineQueryResultGif
InlineQueryResultLocation - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.inlinequery.result
InlineQueryResultLocation() - Constructor for class InlineQueryResultLocation
InlineQueryResultMpeg4Gif - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.inlinequery.result
InlineQueryResultMpeg4Gif() - Constructor for class InlineQueryResultMpeg4Gif
InlineQueryResultPhoto - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.inlinequery.result
InlineQueryResultPhoto() - Constructor for class InlineQueryResultPhoto
InlineQueryResultsButton - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.inlinequery.result
InlineQueryResultsButton() - Constructor for class InlineQueryResultsButton
InlineQueryResultVenue - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.inlinequery.result
InlineQueryResultVenue() - Constructor for class InlineQueryResultVenue
InlineQueryResultVideo - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.inlinequery.result
InlineQueryResultVideo() - Constructor for class InlineQueryResultVideo
InlineQueryResultVoice - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.inlinequery.result
InlineQueryResultVoice() - Constructor for class InlineQueryResultVoice
InputContactMessageContent - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.inlinequery.inputmessagecontent
InputContactMessageContent() - Constructor for class InputContactMessageContent
InputFile - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects
Input file used to upload a file to Telegram server and use it afterwards
InputFile(File) - Constructor for class InputFile
Constructor to set a new file
InputFile(File, String) - Constructor for class InputFile
Constructor to set a new file
InputFile(InputStream, String) - Constructor for class InputFile
Constructor to set a new file as stream
InputFile(String) - Constructor for class InputFile
InputFileSerializer - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects
InputFileSerializer() - Constructor for class InputFileSerializer
InputInvoiceMessageContent - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.inlinequery.inputmessagecontent
Represents the content of a text message to be sent as the result of an inline query.
InputInvoiceMessageContent() - Constructor for class InputInvoiceMessageContent
InputLocationMessageContent - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.inlinequery.inputmessagecontent
Represents the content of a location message to be sent as the result of an inline query.
InputLocationMessageContent() - Constructor for class InputLocationMessageContent
InputMedia - Class in
InputMedia() - Constructor for class InputMedia
InputMediaAnimation - Class in
InputMediaAnimation(String) - Constructor for class InputMediaAnimation
InputMediaAnimation(String, String, String, List<MessageEntity>, boolean, String, File, InputStream, Integer, Integer, Integer, InputFile, Boolean) - Constructor for class InputMediaAnimation
InputMediaAnimation(File, String) - Constructor for class InputMediaAnimation
InputMediaAnimation(InputStream, String) - Constructor for class InputMediaAnimation
InputMediaAudio - Class in
InputMediaAudio(String) - Constructor for class InputMediaAudio
InputMediaAudio(String, String, String, List<MessageEntity>, boolean, String, File, InputStream, Integer, String, String, InputFile) - Constructor for class InputMediaAudio
InputMediaAudio(File, String) - Constructor for class InputMediaAudio
InputMediaAudio(InputStream, String) - Constructor for class InputMediaAudio
InputMediaDocument - Class in
InputMediaDocument(String) - Constructor for class InputMediaDocument
InputMediaDocument(String, String, String, List<MessageEntity>, boolean, String, File, InputStream, InputFile, Boolean) - Constructor for class InputMediaDocument
InputMediaDocument(File, String) - Constructor for class InputMediaDocument
InputMediaDocument(InputStream, String) - Constructor for class InputMediaDocument
InputMediaPhoto - Class in
InputMediaPhoto(String) - Constructor for class InputMediaPhoto
InputMediaPhoto(String, String, String, List<MessageEntity>, boolean, String, File, InputStream, Boolean) - Constructor for class InputMediaPhoto
InputMediaPhoto(File, String) - Constructor for class InputMediaPhoto
InputMediaPhoto(InputStream, String) - Constructor for class InputMediaPhoto
InputMediaVideo - Class in
InputMediaVideo(String) - Constructor for class InputMediaVideo
InputMediaVideo(String, String, String, List<MessageEntity>, boolean, String, File, InputStream, Integer, Integer, Integer, Boolean, InputFile, Boolean) - Constructor for class InputMediaVideo
InputMediaVideo(File, String) - Constructor for class InputMediaVideo
InputMediaVideo(InputStream, String) - Constructor for class InputMediaVideo
InputMessageContent - Interface in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.inlinequery.inputmessagecontent
InputMessageContentDeserializer - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.inlinequery.inputmessagecontent.serialization
InputMessageContentDeserializer() - Constructor for class InputMessageContentDeserializer
InputSticker - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.stickers
InputSticker() - Constructor for class InputSticker
InputTextMessageContent - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.inlinequery.inputmessagecontent
InputTextMessageContent() - Constructor for class InputTextMessageContent
InputVenueMessageContent - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.inlinequery.inputmessagecontent
Represents the content of a venue message to be sent as the result of an inline query.
InputVenueMessageContent() - Constructor for class InputVenueMessageContent
Invoice - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.payments
Invoice() - Constructor for class Invoice
IPADDRESS_FIELD - Static variable in class SetWebhook
IS_FLEXIBLE_FIELD - Static variable in class CreateInvoiceLink
isChannelChat() - Method in class Chat
isChannelMessage() - Method in class ExternalReplyInfo
isChannelMessage() - Method in class Message
isCommand() - Method in class Message
isCustomEmoji() - Method in class StickerSet
isGroupChat() - Method in class Chat
isGroupMessage() - Method in class ExternalReplyInfo
isGroupMessage() - Method in interface MaybeInaccessibleMessage
isGroupMessage() - Method in class Message
isMask() - Method in class StickerSet
isNew() - Method in class InputFile
isNewMedia() - Method in class InputMedia
isRegularSticker() - Method in class StickerSet
isReply() - Method in class Message
isSuperGroupChat() - Method in class Chat
isSuperGroupMessage() - Method in class ExternalReplyInfo
isSuperGroupMessage() - Method in interface MaybeInaccessibleMessage
isSuperGroupMessage() - Method in class Message
isTopicMessage() - Method in class Message
isUserChat() - Method in class Chat
isUserMessage() - Method in class ExternalReplyInfo
isUserMessage() - Method in interface MaybeInaccessibleMessage
isUserMessage() - Method in class Message
ITALIC - Static variable in class EntityType
Italic text


KeyboardButton - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.replykeyboard.buttons
KeyboardButton() - Constructor for class KeyboardButton
KeyboardButtonPollType - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.replykeyboard.buttons
KeyboardButtonPollType() - Constructor for class KeyboardButtonPollType
KeyboardButtonRequestChat - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.replykeyboard.buttons
KeyboardButtonRequestChat() - Constructor for class KeyboardButtonRequestChat
KeyboardButtonRequestUser - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.replykeyboard.buttons
KeyboardButtonRequestUser() - Constructor for class KeyboardButtonRequestUser
KeyboardButtonRequestUsers - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.replykeyboard.buttons
KeyboardButtonRequestUsers() - Constructor for class KeyboardButtonRequestUsers
KeyboardRow - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.replykeyboard.buttons
KeyboardRow() - Constructor for class KeyboardRow
KeyboardRow(int) - Constructor for class KeyboardRow
KeyboardRow(String...) - Constructor for class KeyboardRow
KeyboardRow(Collection<? extends KeyboardButton>) - Constructor for class KeyboardRow
KeyboardRow(KeyboardButton...) - Constructor for class KeyboardRow
KEYWORDS_FIELD - Static variable in class SetStickerKeywords
KICKED - Static variable in class MemberStatus


LabeledPrice - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.payments
LabeledPrice() - Constructor for class LabeledPrice
lastIndexOf(String) - Method in class InlineKeyboardRow
lastIndexOf(String) - Method in class KeyboardRow
LeaveChat - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.groupadministration
LeaveChat() - Constructor for class LeaveChat
LeaveChat.LeaveChatBuilder<C extends LeaveChat,B extends LeaveChat.LeaveChatBuilder<C,B>> - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.groupadministration
LeaveChatBuilder() - Constructor for class LeaveChat.LeaveChatBuilder
LEFT - Static variable in class MemberStatus
LENGTH_FIELD - Static variable in class SendVideoNote
LinkPreviewOptions - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects
Describes the options used for link preview generation.
LinkPreviewOptions() - Constructor for class LinkPreviewOptions
Location - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects
This object represents a point on the map.
Location() - Constructor for class Location
LoginUrl - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects
LoginUrl() - Constructor for class LoginUrl
LogOut - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.updates
LogOut() - Constructor for class LogOut


MARKDOWN - Static variable in class ParseMode
MARKDOWNV2 - Static variable in class ParseMode
MASK_POSITION_FIELD - Static variable in class SetStickerMaskPosition
MaskPosition - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.stickers
This object describes the position on faces where a mask should be placed by default.
MaskPosition() - Constructor for class MaskPosition
MAXCONNECTIONS_FIELD - Static variable in class SetWebhook
MAXTIPAMOUNT_FIELD - Static variable in class CreateInvoiceLink
MaybeInaccessibleMessage - Interface in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.message
MaybeInaccessibleMessageDeserializer - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.message
MaybeInaccessibleMessageDeserializer() - Constructor for class MaybeInaccessibleMessageDeserializer
MEDIA_FIELD - Static variable in class SendMediaGroup
MEDIA_FIELD - Static variable in class EditMessageMedia
MEDIA_FIELD - Static variable in class InputMedia
MEMBER - Static variable in class MemberStatus
MemberStatus - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects
MemberStatus() - Constructor for class MemberStatus
MENTION - Static variable in class EntityType
MenuButton - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.menubutton
MenuButton() - Constructor for class MenuButton
MenuButtonCommands - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.menubutton
MenuButtonCommands() - Constructor for class MenuButtonCommands
MenuButtonDefault - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.menubutton
MenuButtonDefault() - Constructor for class MenuButtonDefault
MenuButtonWebApp - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.menubutton
MenuButtonWebApp() - Constructor for class MenuButtonWebApp
Message - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.message
This object represents a message.
Message() - Constructor for class Message
MESSAGE - Static variable in class AllowedUpdates
MESSAGE_ID_FIELD - Static variable in class EditMessageMedia
MESSAGE_THREAD_ID_FIELD - Static variable in class SendMediaBotMethod
MESSAGE_THREAD_ID_FIELD - Static variable in class SendMediaGroup
MessageAutoDeleteTimerChanged - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects
This object represents a service message about a change in auto-delete timer settings.
MessageAutoDeleteTimerChanged() - Constructor for class MessageAutoDeleteTimerChanged
MessageEntity - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects
This object represents one special entity in a text message.
MessageEntity() - Constructor for class MessageEntity
MessageId - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects
This object represents a unique message identifier.
MessageId() - Constructor for class MessageId
MessageOrigin - Interface in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.messageorigin
MessageOriginChannel - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.messageorigin
MessageOriginChannel() - Constructor for class MessageOriginChannel
MessageOriginChat - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.messageorigin
MessageOriginChat() - Constructor for class MessageOriginChat
MessageOriginHiddenUser - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.messageorigin
MessageOriginHiddenUser() - Constructor for class MessageOriginHiddenUser
MessageOriginUser - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.messageorigin
MessageOriginUser() - Constructor for class MessageOriginUser
MessageReactionCountUpdated - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.reactions
MessageReactionCountUpdated() - Constructor for class MessageReactionCountUpdated
MessageReactionUpdated - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.reactions
MessageReactionUpdated() - Constructor for class MessageReactionUpdated
METHOD_FIELD - Static variable in class BotApiMethod
MYCHATMEMBER - Static variable in class AllowedUpdates


NAME_FIELD - Static variable in class AddStickerToSet
NAME_FIELD - Static variable in class CreateNewStickerSet
NAME_FIELD - Static variable in class DeleteStickerSet
NAME_FIELD - Static variable in class SetCustomEmojiStickerSetThumbnail
NAME_FIELD - Static variable in class SetStickerSetThumbnail
NAME_FIELD - Static variable in class SetStickerSetTitle
NEED_EMAIL_FIELD - Static variable in class CreateInvoiceLink
NEED_NAME_FIELD - Static variable in class CreateInvoiceLink
NEED_PHONE_NUMBER_FIELD - Static variable in class CreateInvoiceLink
NEED_SHIPPING_ADDRESS_FIELD - Static variable in class CreateInvoiceLink
NEEDS_REPAINTING_FIELD - Static variable in class CreateNewStickerSet


OBJECT_MAPPER - Static variable in class PartialBotApiMethod
ONLY_NEW_MEMBERS_FIELD - Static variable in class Giveaway
ONLY_NEW_MEMBERS_FIELD - Static variable in class GiveawayWinners
OrderInfo - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.payments
OrderInfo() - Constructor for class OrderInfo
org.telegram.telegrambots.meta - package org.telegram.telegrambots.meta
org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.interfaces - package org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.interfaces
org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods - package org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods
org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.adminrights - package org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.adminrights
org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.boosts - package org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.boosts
org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.botapimethods - package org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.botapimethods
org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.commands - package org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.commands
org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.description - package org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.description - package - package
org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.groupadministration - package org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.groupadministration
org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.invoices - package org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.invoices
org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.menubutton - package org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.menubutton - package
org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.pinnedmessages - package org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.pinnedmessages
org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.polls - package org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.polls
org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.reactions - package org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.reactions
org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.send - package org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.send
org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.stickers - package org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.stickers
org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.updates - package org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.updates
org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.updatingmessages - package org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.updatingmessages
org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.webapp - package org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.webapp
org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects - package org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects
org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.adminrights - package org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.adminrights
org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.boost - package org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.boost
org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.chatmember - package org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.chatmember
org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.commands - package org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.commands
org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.commands.scope - package org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.commands.scope
org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.description - package org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.description - package - package
org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.giveaway - package org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.giveaway
org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.inlinequery - package org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.inlinequery
org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.inlinequery.inputmessagecontent - package org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.inlinequery.inputmessagecontent
org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.inlinequery.inputmessagecontent.serialization - package org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.inlinequery.inputmessagecontent.serialization
org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.inlinequery.result - package org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.inlinequery.result
org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.inlinequery.result.cached - package org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.inlinequery.result.cached
org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.inlinequery.result.serialization - package org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.inlinequery.result.serialization - package
org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.menubutton - package org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.menubutton
org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.message - package org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.message
org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.messageorigin - package org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.messageorigin - package
org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.passport - package org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.passport
org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.passport.dataerror - package org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.passport.dataerror
org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.payments - package org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.payments
org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.polls - package org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.polls
org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.reactions - package org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.reactions
org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.replykeyboard - package org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.replykeyboard
org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.replykeyboard.buttons - package org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.replykeyboard.buttons
org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.stickers - package org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.stickers
org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.stories - package org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.stories
org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.videochat - package org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.videochat
org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.webapp - package org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.webapp
org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.exceptions - package org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.exceptions
org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.generics - package org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.generics


PARSE_MODE_FIELD - Static variable in class SendAnimation
PARSE_MODE_FIELD - Static variable in class SendAudio
PARSE_MODE_FIELD - Static variable in class SendPhoto
PARSE_MODE_FIELD - Static variable in class SendVideo
PARSE_MODE_FIELD - Static variable in class SendVoice
PARSE_MODE_FIELD - Static variable in class InputMedia
ParseMode - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods
ParseMode() - Constructor for class ParseMode
PARSEMODE_FIELD - Static variable in class SendDocument
PartialBotApiMethod<T extends Serializable> - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.botapimethods
PartialBotApiMethod() - Constructor for class PartialBotApiMethod
PartialBotApiMethod.PartialBotApiMethodBuilder<T extends Serializable,C extends PartialBotApiMethod<T>,B extends PartialBotApiMethod.PartialBotApiMethodBuilder<T,C,B>> - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.botapimethods
PartialBotApiMethodBuilder() - Constructor for class PartialBotApiMethod.PartialBotApiMethodBuilder
PassportData - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.passport
PassportData() - Constructor for class PassportData
PassportElementError - Interface in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.passport.dataerror
PassportElementErrorDataField - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.passport.dataerror
PassportElementErrorDataField() - Constructor for class PassportElementErrorDataField
PassportElementErrorFile - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.passport.dataerror
PassportElementErrorFile() - Constructor for class PassportElementErrorFile
PassportElementErrorFiles - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.passport.dataerror
PassportElementErrorFiles() - Constructor for class PassportElementErrorFiles
PassportElementErrorFrontSide - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.passport.dataerror
PassportElementErrorFrontSide() - Constructor for class PassportElementErrorFrontSide
PassportElementErrorReverseSide - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.passport.dataerror
PassportElementErrorReverseSide() - Constructor for class PassportElementErrorReverseSide
PassportElementErrorSelfie - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.passport.dataerror
PassportElementErrorSelfie() - Constructor for class PassportElementErrorSelfie
PassportElementErrorTranslationFile - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.passport.dataerror
PassportElementErrorTranslationFile() - Constructor for class PassportElementErrorTranslationFile
PassportElementErrorTranslationFiles - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.passport.dataerror
PassportElementErrorTranslationFiles() - Constructor for class PassportElementErrorTranslationFiles
PassportElementErrorUnspecified - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.passport.dataerror
PassportElementErrorUnspecified() - Constructor for class PassportElementErrorUnspecified
PassportFile - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.passport
PassportFile() - Constructor for class PassportFile
PATH - Static variable in class GetMyDefaultAdministratorRights
PATH - Static variable in class SetMyDefaultAdministratorRights
PATH - Static variable in class AnswerCallbackQuery
PATH - Static variable in class AnswerInlineQuery
PATH - Static variable in class AnswerPreCheckoutQuery
PATH - Static variable in class AnswerShippingQuery
PATH - Static variable in class GetUserChatBoosts
PATH - Static variable in class DeleteMyCommands
PATH - Static variable in class GetMyCommands
PATH - Static variable in class SetMyCommands
PATH - Static variable in class CopyMessage
PATH - Static variable in class CopyMessages
PATH - Static variable in class GetMyDescription
PATH - Static variable in class GetMyShortDescription
PATH - Static variable in class SetMyDescription
PATH - Static variable in class SetMyShortDescription
PATH - Static variable in class CloseForumTopic
PATH - Static variable in class CloseGeneralForumTopic
PATH - Static variable in class CreateForumTopic
PATH - Static variable in class DeleteForumTopic
PATH - Static variable in class EditForumTopic
PATH - Static variable in class EditGeneralForumTopic
PATH - Static variable in class HideGeneralForumTopic
PATH - Static variable in class ReopenForumTopic
PATH - Static variable in class ReopenGeneralForumTopic
PATH - Static variable in class UnhideGeneralForumTopic
PATH - Static variable in class UnpinAllForumTopicMessages
PATH - Static variable in class UnpinAllGeneralForumTopicMessages
PATH - Static variable in class ForwardMessage
PATH - Static variable in class ForwardMessages
PATH - Static variable in class GetGameHighScores
PATH - Static variable in class SetGameScore
PATH - Static variable in class GetFile
PATH - Static variable in class GetMe
PATH - Static variable in class GetUserProfilePhotos
PATH - Static variable in class ApproveChatJoinRequest
PATH - Static variable in class BanChatMember
PATH - Static variable in class BanChatSenderChat
PATH - Static variable in class CreateChatInviteLink
PATH - Static variable in class DeclineChatJoinRequest
PATH - Static variable in class DeleteChatPhoto
PATH - Static variable in class DeleteChatStickerSet
PATH - Static variable in class EditChatInviteLink
PATH - Static variable in class ExportChatInviteLink
PATH - Static variable in class GetChat
PATH - Static variable in class GetChatAdministrators
PATH - Static variable in class GetChatMember
PATH - Static variable in class GetChatMemberCount
PATH - Static variable in class LeaveChat
PATH - Static variable in class PromoteChatMember
PATH - Static variable in class RestrictChatMember
PATH - Static variable in class RevokeChatInviteLink
PATH - Static variable in class SetChatAdministratorCustomTitle
PATH - Static variable in class SetChatDescription
PATH - Static variable in class SetChatPermissions
PATH - Static variable in class SetChatPhoto
PATH - Static variable in class SetChatStickerSet
PATH - Static variable in class SetChatTitle
PATH - Static variable in class UnbanChatMember
PATH - Static variable in class UnbanChatSenderChat
PATH - Static variable in class CreateInvoiceLink
PATH - Static variable in class SendInvoice
PATH - Static variable in class GetChatMenuButton
PATH - Static variable in class SetChatMenuButton
PATH - Static variable in class GetMyName
PATH - Static variable in class SetMyName
PATH - Static variable in class PinChatMessage
PATH - Static variable in class UnpinAllChatMessages
PATH - Static variable in class UnpinChatMessage
PATH - Static variable in class SendPoll
PATH - Static variable in class StopPoll
PATH - Static variable in class SetMessageReaction
PATH - Static variable in class SendAnimation
PATH - Static variable in class SendAudio
PATH - Static variable in class SendChatAction
PATH - Static variable in class SendContact
PATH - Static variable in class SendDice
PATH - Static variable in class SendDocument
PATH - Static variable in class SendGame
PATH - Static variable in class SendLocation
PATH - Static variable in class SendMediaGroup
PATH - Static variable in class SendMessage
PATH - Static variable in class SendPhoto
PATH - Static variable in class SendSticker
PATH - Static variable in class SendVenue
PATH - Static variable in class SendVideo
PATH - Static variable in class SendVideoNote
PATH - Static variable in class SendVoice
PATH - Static variable in class SetPassportDataErrors
PATH - Static variable in class AddStickerToSet
PATH - Static variable in class CreateNewStickerSet
PATH - Static variable in class DeleteStickerSet
PATH - Static variable in class SetCustomEmojiStickerSetThumbnail
PATH - Static variable in class SetStickerEmojiList
PATH - Static variable in class SetStickerKeywords
PATH - Static variable in class SetStickerMaskPosition
PATH - Static variable in class SetStickerSetThumbnail
PATH - Static variable in class SetStickerSetTitle
PATH - Static variable in class UploadStickerFile
PATH - Static variable in class StopMessageLiveLocation
PATH - Static variable in class Close
PATH - Static variable in class DeleteWebhook
PATH - Static variable in class GetUpdates
PATH - Static variable in class GetWebhookInfo
PATH - Static variable in class LogOut
PATH - Static variable in class SetWebhook
PATH - Static variable in class DeleteMessage
PATH - Static variable in class EditMessageCaption
PATH - Static variable in class EditMessageLiveLocation
PATH - Static variable in class EditMessageMedia
PATH - Static variable in class EditMessageReplyMarkup
PATH - Static variable in class EditMessageText
PATH - Static variable in class AnswerWebAppQuery
PAYLOAD_FIELD - Static variable in class CreateInvoiceLink
PERFORMER_FIELD - Static variable in class SendAudio
PERFORMER_FIELD - Static variable in class InputMediaAudio
PHONENUMBER - Static variable in class EntityType
PHOTO_FIELD - Static variable in class SetChatPhoto
PHOTO_FIELD - Static variable in class SendPhoto
PHOTO_HEIGHT_FIELD - Static variable in class CreateInvoiceLink
PHOTO_SIZE_FIELD - Static variable in class CreateInvoiceLink
PHOTO_URL_FIELD - Static variable in class CreateInvoiceLink
PHOTO_WIDTH_FIELD - Static variable in class CreateInvoiceLink
PhotoSize - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects
This object represents one size of a photo or a file / sticker thumbnail.
PhotoSize() - Constructor for class PhotoSize
PinChatMessage - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.pinnedmessages
PinChatMessage() - Constructor for class PinChatMessage
PinChatMessage.PinChatMessageBuilder<C extends PinChatMessage,B extends PinChatMessage.PinChatMessageBuilder<C,B>> - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.pinnedmessages
PinChatMessageBuilder() - Constructor for class PinChatMessage.PinChatMessageBuilder
Poll - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.polls
Poll() - Constructor for class Poll
POLL - Static variable in class AllowedUpdates
PollAnswer - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.polls
PollAnswer() - Constructor for class PollAnswer
POLLANSWER - Static variable in class AllowedUpdates
PollOption - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.polls
PollOption() - Constructor for class PollOption
PRE - Static variable in class EntityType
Monowidth block
PreCheckoutQuery - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.payments
PreCheckoutQuery() - Constructor for class PreCheckoutQuery
PRECHECKOUTQUERY - Static variable in class AllowedUpdates
PREMIUM_SUBSCRIPTION_MONTH_COUNT_FIELD - Static variable in class Giveaway
PREMIUM_SUBSCRIPTION_MONTH_COUNT_FIELD - Static variable in class GiveawayWinners
PREMIUM_TYPE - Static variable in interface ChatBoostSource
PRICES_FIELD - Static variable in class CreateInvoiceLink
PRIZE_DESCRIPTION_FIELD - Static variable in class Giveaway
PRIZE_DESCRIPTION_FIELD - Static variable in class GiveawayWinners
PromoteChatMember - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.groupadministration
PromoteChatMember() - Constructor for class PromoteChatMember
PromoteChatMember.PromoteChatMemberBuilder<C extends PromoteChatMember,B extends PromoteChatMember.PromoteChatMemberBuilder<C,B>> - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.groupadministration
PromoteChatMemberBuilder() - Constructor for class PromoteChatMember.PromoteChatMemberBuilder
PROTECT_CONTENT_FIELD - Static variable in class SendMediaBotMethod
PROTECT_CONTENT_FIELD - Static variable in class SendMediaGroup
PROVIDER_DATA_FIELD - Static variable in class CreateInvoiceLink
PROVIDER_TOKEN_FIELD - Static variable in class CreateInvoiceLink
ProximityAlertTriggered - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects
This object represents the content of a service message, sent whenever a user in the chat triggers a proximity alert set by another user.
ProximityAlertTriggered() - Constructor for class ProximityAlertTriggered


ReactionCount - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.reactions
ReactionCount() - Constructor for class ReactionCount
ReactionType - Interface in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.reactions
ReactionTypeCustomEmoji - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.reactions
ReactionTypeCustomEmoji() - Constructor for class ReactionTypeCustomEmoji
ReactionTypeEmoji - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.reactions
ReactionTypeEmoji() - Constructor for class ReactionTypeEmoji
RECORD_VIDEO - Enum constant in enum class ActionType
RECORD_VIDEO_NOTE - Enum constant in enum class ActionType
RECORD_VOICE - Enum constant in enum class ActionType
remove(String) - Method in class InlineKeyboardRow
remove(String) - Method in class KeyboardRow
ReopenForumTopic - Class in
ReopenForumTopic() - Constructor for class ReopenForumTopic
ReopenForumTopic.ReopenForumTopicBuilder<C extends ReopenForumTopic,B extends ReopenForumTopic.ReopenForumTopicBuilder<C,B>> - Class in
ReopenForumTopicBuilder() - Constructor for class ReopenForumTopic.ReopenForumTopicBuilder
ReopenGeneralForumTopic - Class in
ReopenGeneralForumTopic() - Constructor for class ReopenGeneralForumTopic
ReopenGeneralForumTopic.ReopenGeneralForumTopicBuilder<C extends ReopenGeneralForumTopic,B extends ReopenGeneralForumTopic.ReopenGeneralForumTopicBuilder<C,B>> - Class in
ReopenGeneralForumTopicBuilder() - Constructor for class ReopenGeneralForumTopic.ReopenGeneralForumTopicBuilder
REPLY_MARKUP_FIELD - Static variable in class SendMediaBotMethod
REPLY_MARKUP_FIELD - Static variable in class EditMessageMedia
REPLY_PARAMETERS_FIELD - Static variable in class SendMediaBotMethod
REPLY_PARAMETERS_FIELD - Static variable in class SendMediaGroup
REPLY_TO_MESSAGE_ID_FIELD - Static variable in class SendMediaBotMethod
REPLY_TO_MESSAGE_ID_FIELD - Static variable in class SendMediaGroup
ReplyKeyboard - Interface in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.replykeyboard
ReplyKeyboardMarkup - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.replykeyboard
ReplyKeyboardMarkup() - Constructor for class ReplyKeyboardMarkup
ReplyKeyboardRemove - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.replykeyboard
ReplyKeyboardRemove() - Constructor for class ReplyKeyboardRemove
ReplyParameters - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects
Describes reply parameters for the message that is being sent.
ReplyParameters() - Constructor for class ReplyParameters
ReplyParameters.ReplyParametersBuilder - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects
ReplyParametersBuilder() - Constructor for class ReplyParameters.ReplyParametersBuilder
ResponseParameters - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects
Contains information about why a request was unsuccessfull.
ResponseParameters() - Constructor for class ResponseParameters
RestrictChatMember - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.groupadministration
RestrictChatMember() - Constructor for class RestrictChatMember
RestrictChatMember.RestrictChatMemberBuilder<C extends RestrictChatMember,B extends RestrictChatMember.RestrictChatMemberBuilder<C,B>> - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.groupadministration
RestrictChatMemberBuilder() - Constructor for class RestrictChatMember.RestrictChatMemberBuilder
RevokeChatInviteLink - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.groupadministration
RevokeChatInviteLink() - Constructor for class RevokeChatInviteLink
RevokeChatInviteLink.RevokeChatInviteLinkBuilder<C extends RevokeChatInviteLink,B extends RevokeChatInviteLink.RevokeChatInviteLinkBuilder<C,B>> - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.groupadministration
RevokeChatInviteLinkBuilder() - Constructor for class RevokeChatInviteLink.RevokeChatInviteLinkBuilder


SECRETTOKEN_FIELD - Static variable in class SetWebhook
SEND_EMAIL_TO_PROVIDER_FIELD - Static variable in class CreateInvoiceLink
SEND_PHONE_NUMBER_TO_PROVIDER_FIELD - Static variable in class CreateInvoiceLink
SendAnimation - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.send
SendAnimation() - Constructor for class SendAnimation
SendAnimation.SendAnimationBuilder<C extends SendAnimation,B extends SendAnimation.SendAnimationBuilder<C,B>> - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.send
SendAnimationBuilder() - Constructor for class SendAnimation.SendAnimationBuilder
SendAudio - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.send
SendAudio() - Constructor for class SendAudio
SendAudio.SendAudioBuilder<C extends SendAudio,B extends SendAudio.SendAudioBuilder<C,B>> - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.send
SendAudioBuilder() - Constructor for class SendAudio.SendAudioBuilder
SendChatAction - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.send
SendChatAction() - Constructor for class SendChatAction
SendChatAction.SendChatActionBuilder<C extends SendChatAction,B extends SendChatAction.SendChatActionBuilder<C,B>> - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.send
SendChatActionBuilder() - Constructor for class SendChatAction.SendChatActionBuilder
SendContact - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.send
SendContact() - Constructor for class SendContact
SendContact.SendContactBuilder<C extends SendContact,B extends SendContact.SendContactBuilder<C,B>> - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.send
SendContactBuilder() - Constructor for class SendContact.SendContactBuilder
SendDice - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.send
SendDice() - Constructor for class SendDice
SendDice.SendDiceBuilder<C extends SendDice,B extends SendDice.SendDiceBuilder<C,B>> - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.send
SendDiceBuilder() - Constructor for class SendDice.SendDiceBuilder
SendDocument - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.send
SendDocument() - Constructor for class SendDocument
SendDocument.SendDocumentBuilder<C extends SendDocument,B extends SendDocument.SendDocumentBuilder<C,B>> - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.send
SendDocumentBuilder() - Constructor for class SendDocument.SendDocumentBuilder
SendGame - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.send
SendGame() - Constructor for class SendGame
SendGame.SendGameBuilder<C extends SendGame,B extends SendGame.SendGameBuilder<C,B>> - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.send
SendGameBuilder() - Constructor for class SendGame.SendGameBuilder
SendInvoice - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.invoices
SendInvoice() - Constructor for class SendInvoice
SendInvoice.SendInvoiceBuilder<C extends SendInvoice,B extends SendInvoice.SendInvoiceBuilder<C,B>> - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.invoices
SendInvoiceBuilder() - Constructor for class SendInvoice.SendInvoiceBuilder
SendLocation - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.send
SendLocation() - Constructor for class SendLocation
SendLocation.SendLocationBuilder<C extends SendLocation,B extends SendLocation.SendLocationBuilder<C,B>> - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.send
SendLocationBuilder() - Constructor for class SendLocation.SendLocationBuilder
SendMediaBotMethod<T extends Serializable> - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.send
SendMediaBotMethod() - Constructor for class SendMediaBotMethod
SendMediaBotMethod.SendMediaBotMethodBuilder<T extends Serializable,C extends SendMediaBotMethod<T>,B extends SendMediaBotMethod.SendMediaBotMethodBuilder<T,C,B>> - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.send
SendMediaBotMethodBuilder() - Constructor for class SendMediaBotMethod.SendMediaBotMethodBuilder
SendMediaGroup - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.send
SendMediaGroup() - Constructor for class SendMediaGroup
SendMediaGroup.SendMediaGroupBuilder<C extends SendMediaGroup,B extends SendMediaGroup.SendMediaGroupBuilder<C,B>> - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.send
SendMediaGroupBuilder() - Constructor for class SendMediaGroup.SendMediaGroupBuilder
SendMessage - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.send
SendMessage() - Constructor for class SendMessage
SendMessage.SendMessageBuilder<C extends SendMessage,B extends SendMessage.SendMessageBuilder<C,B>> - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.send
SendMessageBuilder() - Constructor for class SendMessage.SendMessageBuilder
SendPhoto - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.send
SendPhoto() - Constructor for class SendPhoto
SendPhoto.SendPhotoBuilder<C extends SendPhoto,B extends SendPhoto.SendPhotoBuilder<C,B>> - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.send
SendPhotoBuilder() - Constructor for class SendPhoto.SendPhotoBuilder
SendPoll - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.polls
SendPoll() - Constructor for class SendPoll
SendPoll.SendPollBuilder<C extends SendPoll,B extends SendPoll.SendPollBuilder<C,B>> - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.polls
SendPollBuilder() - Constructor for class SendPoll.SendPollBuilder
SendSticker - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.send
SendSticker() - Constructor for class SendSticker
SendSticker.SendStickerBuilder<C extends SendSticker,B extends SendSticker.SendStickerBuilder<C,B>> - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.send
SendStickerBuilder() - Constructor for class SendSticker.SendStickerBuilder
SendVenue - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.send
SendVenue() - Constructor for class SendVenue
SendVenue.SendVenueBuilder<C extends SendVenue,B extends SendVenue.SendVenueBuilder<C,B>> - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.send
SendVenueBuilder() - Constructor for class SendVenue.SendVenueBuilder
SendVideo - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.send
SendVideo() - Constructor for class SendVideo
SendVideo.SendVideoBuilder<C extends SendVideo,B extends SendVideo.SendVideoBuilder<C,B>> - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.send
SendVideoBuilder() - Constructor for class SendVideo.SendVideoBuilder
SendVideoNote - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.send
SendVideoNote() - Constructor for class SendVideoNote
SendVideoNote.SendVideoNoteBuilder<C extends SendVideoNote,B extends SendVideoNote.SendVideoNoteBuilder<C,B>> - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.send
SendVideoNoteBuilder() - Constructor for class SendVideoNote.SendVideoNoteBuilder
SendVoice - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.send
SendVoice() - Constructor for class SendVoice
SendVoice.SendVoiceBuilder<C extends SendVoice,B extends SendVoice.SendVoiceBuilder<C,B>> - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.send
SendVoiceBuilder() - Constructor for class SendVoice.SendVoiceBuilder
SentWebAppMessage - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.webapp
SentWebAppMessage() - Constructor for class SentWebAppMessage
serialize(InputFile, JsonGenerator, SerializerProvider) - Method in class InputFileSerializer
set(int, String) - Method in class InlineKeyboardRow
set(int, String) - Method in class KeyboardRow
setAction(ActionType) - Method in class SendChatAction
SetChatAdministratorCustomTitle - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.groupadministration
SetChatAdministratorCustomTitle() - Constructor for class SetChatAdministratorCustomTitle
SetChatAdministratorCustomTitle.SetChatAdministratorCustomTitleBuilder<C extends SetChatAdministratorCustomTitle,B extends SetChatAdministratorCustomTitle.SetChatAdministratorCustomTitleBuilder<C,B>> - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.groupadministration
SetChatAdministratorCustomTitleBuilder() - Constructor for class SetChatAdministratorCustomTitle.SetChatAdministratorCustomTitleBuilder
SetChatDescription - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.groupadministration
SetChatDescription() - Constructor for class SetChatDescription
SetChatDescription.SetChatDescriptionBuilder<C extends SetChatDescription,B extends SetChatDescription.SetChatDescriptionBuilder<C,B>> - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.groupadministration
SetChatDescriptionBuilder() - Constructor for class SetChatDescription.SetChatDescriptionBuilder
setChatId(Long) - Method in class CopyMessage
setChatId(Long) - Method in class CopyMessages
setChatId(Long) - Method in class CloseForumTopic
setChatId(Long) - Method in class CloseGeneralForumTopic
setChatId(Long) - Method in class CreateForumTopic
setChatId(Long) - Method in class DeleteForumTopic
setChatId(Long) - Method in class EditForumTopic
setChatId(Long) - Method in class EditGeneralForumTopic
setChatId(Long) - Method in class HideGeneralForumTopic
setChatId(Long) - Method in class ReopenForumTopic
setChatId(Long) - Method in class ReopenGeneralForumTopic
setChatId(Long) - Method in class UnhideGeneralForumTopic
setChatId(Long) - Method in class UnpinAllForumTopicMessages
setChatId(Long) - Method in class UnpinAllGeneralForumTopicMessages
setChatId(Long) - Method in class ForwardMessage
setChatId(Long) - Method in class ForwardMessages
setChatId(Long) - Method in class ApproveChatJoinRequest
setChatId(Long) - Method in class BanChatMember
setChatId(Long) - Method in class BanChatSenderChat
setChatId(Long) - Method in class CreateChatInviteLink
setChatId(Long) - Method in class DeclineChatJoinRequest
setChatId(Long) - Method in class DeleteChatPhoto
setChatId(Long) - Method in class DeleteChatStickerSet
setChatId(Long) - Method in class EditChatInviteLink
setChatId(Long) - Method in class ExportChatInviteLink
setChatId(Long) - Method in class GetChat
setChatId(Long) - Method in class GetChatAdministrators
setChatId(Long) - Method in class GetChatMember
setChatId(Long) - Method in class GetChatMemberCount
setChatId(Long) - Method in class LeaveChat
setChatId(Long) - Method in class PromoteChatMember
setChatId(Long) - Method in class RestrictChatMember
setChatId(Long) - Method in class RevokeChatInviteLink
setChatId(Long) - Method in class SetChatAdministratorCustomTitle
setChatId(Long) - Method in class SetChatDescription
setChatId(Long) - Method in class SetChatPermissions
setChatId(Long) - Method in class SetChatPhoto
setChatId(Long) - Method in class SetChatStickerSet
setChatId(Long) - Method in class SetChatTitle
setChatId(Long) - Method in class UnbanChatMember
setChatId(Long) - Method in class UnbanChatSenderChat
setChatId(Long) - Method in class SendInvoice
setChatId(Long) - Method in class GetChatMenuButton
setChatId(Long) - Method in class SetChatMenuButton
setChatId(Long) - Method in class PinChatMessage
setChatId(Long) - Method in class UnpinAllChatMessages
setChatId(Long) - Method in class UnpinChatMessage
setChatId(Long) - Method in class SendPoll
setChatId(Long) - Method in class StopPoll
setChatId(Long) - Method in class SetMessageReaction
setChatId(Long) - Method in class SendAnimation
setChatId(Long) - Method in class SendAudio
setChatId(Long) - Method in class SendChatAction
setChatId(Long) - Method in class SendContact
setChatId(Long) - Method in class SendDice
setChatId(Long) - Method in class SendDocument
setChatId(Long) - Method in class SendGame
setChatId(Long) - Method in class SendLocation
setChatId(Long) - Method in class SendMediaGroup
setChatId(Long) - Method in class SendMessage
setChatId(Long) - Method in class SendPhoto
setChatId(Long) - Method in class SendSticker
setChatId(Long) - Method in class SendVenue
setChatId(Long) - Method in class SendVideo
setChatId(Long) - Method in class SendVideoNote
setChatId(Long) - Method in class SendVoice
setChatId(Long) - Method in class DeleteMessage
setChatId(Long) - Method in class DeleteMessages
setChatId(Long) - Method in class BotCommandScopeChat
setChatId(Long) - Method in class BotCommandScopeChatAdministrators
setChatId(Long) - Method in class BotCommandScopeChatMember
setChatId(Long) - Method in class GetGameHighScores
setChatId(Long) - Method in class SetGameScore
setChatId(Long) - Method in class StopMessageLiveLocation
setChatId(Long) - Method in class EditMessageCaption
setChatId(Long) - Method in class EditMessageLiveLocation
setChatId(Long) - Method in class EditMessageMedia
setChatId(Long) - Method in class EditMessageReplyMarkup
setChatId(Long) - Method in class EditMessageText
SetChatMenuButton - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.menubutton
SetChatMenuButton() - Constructor for class SetChatMenuButton
SetChatMenuButton.SetChatMenuButtonBuilder<C extends SetChatMenuButton,B extends SetChatMenuButton.SetChatMenuButtonBuilder<C,B>> - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.menubutton
SetChatMenuButtonBuilder() - Constructor for class SetChatMenuButton.SetChatMenuButtonBuilder
SetChatPermissions - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.groupadministration
SetChatPermissions() - Constructor for class SetChatPermissions
SetChatPermissions.SetChatPermissionsBuilder<C extends SetChatPermissions,B extends SetChatPermissions.SetChatPermissionsBuilder<C,B>> - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.groupadministration
SetChatPermissionsBuilder() - Constructor for class SetChatPermissions.SetChatPermissionsBuilder
SetChatPhoto - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.groupadministration
SetChatPhoto() - Constructor for class SetChatPhoto
SetChatPhoto.SetChatPhotoBuilder<C extends SetChatPhoto,B extends SetChatPhoto.SetChatPhotoBuilder<C,B>> - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.groupadministration
SetChatPhotoBuilder() - Constructor for class SetChatPhoto.SetChatPhotoBuilder
SetChatStickerSet - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.groupadministration
SetChatStickerSet() - Constructor for class SetChatStickerSet
SetChatStickerSet.SetChatStickerSetBuilder<C extends SetChatStickerSet,B extends SetChatStickerSet.SetChatStickerSetBuilder<C,B>> - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.groupadministration
SetChatStickerSetBuilder() - Constructor for class SetChatStickerSet.SetChatStickerSetBuilder
SetChatTitle - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.groupadministration
SetChatTitle() - Constructor for class SetChatTitle
SetChatTitle.SetChatTitleBuilder<C extends SetChatTitle,B extends SetChatTitle.SetChatTitleBuilder<C,B>> - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.groupadministration
SetChatTitleBuilder() - Constructor for class SetChatTitle.SetChatTitleBuilder
SetCustomEmojiStickerSetThumbnail - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.stickers
SetCustomEmojiStickerSetThumbnail() - Constructor for class SetCustomEmojiStickerSetThumbnail
setFromChatId(Long) - Method in class CopyMessage
setFromChatId(Long) - Method in class CopyMessages
setFromChatId(Long) - Method in class ForwardMessage
setFromChatId(Long) - Method in class ForwardMessages
SetGameScore - Class in
SetGameScore() - Constructor for class SetGameScore
SetGameScore.SetGameScoreBuilder<C extends SetGameScore,B extends SetGameScore.SetGameScoreBuilder<C,B>> - Class in
SetGameScoreBuilder() - Constructor for class SetGameScore.SetGameScoreBuilder
setMedia(File) - Method in class InputFile
Use this setter to send new file.
setMedia(File, String) - Method in class InputFile
Use this setter to send new file.
setMedia(File, String) - Method in class InputMedia
Use this setter to send new file.
setMedia(InputStream, String) - Method in class InputFile
Use this setter to send new file as stream.
setMedia(InputStream, String) - Method in class InputMedia
Use this setter to send new file as stream.
setMedia(String) - Method in class InputFile
setMedia(String) - Method in class InputMedia
Use this setter to send an existing file (using file_id) or an url.
SetMessageReaction - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.reactions
SetMessageReaction() - Constructor for class SetMessageReaction
SetMessageReaction.SetMessageReactionBuilder<C extends SetMessageReaction,B extends SetMessageReaction.SetMessageReactionBuilder<C,B>> - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.reactions
SetMessageReactionBuilder() - Constructor for class SetMessageReaction.SetMessageReactionBuilder
SetMyCommands - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.commands
SetMyCommands() - Constructor for class SetMyCommands
SetMyDefaultAdministratorRights - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.adminrights
SetMyDefaultAdministratorRights() - Constructor for class SetMyDefaultAdministratorRights
SetMyDescription - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.description
SetMyDescription() - Constructor for class SetMyDescription
SetMyName - Class in
SetMyName() - Constructor for class SetMyName
SetMyShortDescription - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.description
SetMyShortDescription() - Constructor for class SetMyShortDescription
SetPassportDataErrors - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods
SetPassportDataErrors() - Constructor for class SetPassportDataErrors
setPhoto(InputFile) - Method in class SendPhoto
SetStickerEmojiList - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.stickers
SetStickerEmojiList() - Constructor for class SetStickerEmojiList
SetStickerKeywords - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.stickers
SetStickerKeywords() - Constructor for class SetStickerKeywords
SetStickerMaskPosition - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.stickers
SetStickerMaskPosition() - Constructor for class SetStickerMaskPosition
SetStickerPositionInSet - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.stickers
SetStickerPositionInSet() - Constructor for class SetStickerPositionInSet
SetStickerSetThumbnail - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.stickers
SetStickerSetThumbnail() - Constructor for class SetStickerSetThumbnail
SetStickerSetTitle - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.stickers
SetStickerSetTitle() - Constructor for class SetStickerSetTitle
setUntilDateDateTime(ZonedDateTime) - Method in class BanChatMember
setUntilDateDateTime(ZonedDateTime) - Method in class BanChatSenderChat
setUntilDateDateTime(ZonedDateTime) - Method in class RestrictChatMember
setUntilDateInstant(Instant) - Method in class BanChatMember
setUntilDateInstant(Instant) - Method in class BanChatSenderChat
setUntilDateInstant(Instant) - Method in class RestrictChatMember
SetWebhook - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.updates
SetWebhook() - Constructor for class SetWebhook
ShippingAddress - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.payments
ShippingAddress() - Constructor for class ShippingAddress
ShippingOption - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.payments
ShippingOption() - Constructor for class ShippingOption
ShippingQuery - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.payments
ShippingQuery() - Constructor for class ShippingQuery
SHIPPINGQUERY - Static variable in class AllowedUpdates
SPOILER - Static variable in class EntityType
spoiler message
STATUS - Static variable in class ChatMemberAdministrator
STATUS - Static variable in class ChatMemberBanned
STATUS - Static variable in class ChatMemberLeft
STATUS - Static variable in class ChatMemberMember
STATUS - Static variable in class ChatMemberOwner
STATUS - Static variable in class ChatMemberRestricted
Sticker - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.stickers
This object represents a sticker.
Sticker() - Constructor for class Sticker
STICKER_FIELD - Static variable in class SendSticker
STICKER_FIELD - Static variable in class AddStickerToSet
STICKER_FIELD - Static variable in class SetStickerEmojiList
STICKER_FIELD - Static variable in class SetStickerKeywords
STICKER_FIELD - Static variable in class SetStickerMaskPosition
STICKER_FIELD - Static variable in class UploadStickerFile
STICKER_FORMAT_FIELD - Static variable in class CreateNewStickerSet
STICKER_FORMAT_FIELD - Static variable in class UploadStickerFile
STICKER_TYPE_FIELD - Static variable in class CreateNewStickerSet
STICKERS_FIELD - Static variable in class CreateNewStickerSet
StickerSet - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.stickers
This object represents a sticker set.
StickerSet() - Constructor for class StickerSet
StopMessageLiveLocation - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods
StopMessageLiveLocation() - Constructor for class StopMessageLiveLocation
StopMessageLiveLocation.StopMessageLiveLocationBuilder - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods
StopMessageLiveLocationBuilder() - Constructor for class StopMessageLiveLocation.StopMessageLiveLocationBuilder
StopPoll - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.polls
StopPoll() - Constructor for class StopPoll
StopPoll.StopPollBuilder<C extends StopPoll,B extends StopPoll.StopPollBuilder<C,B>> - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.polls
StopPollBuilder() - Constructor for class StopPoll.StopPollBuilder
Story - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.stories
Story() - Constructor for class Story
SuccessfulPayment - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.payments
SuccessfulPayment() - Constructor for class SuccessfulPayment
SUGGESTEDTIPAMOUNTS_FIELD - Static variable in class CreateInvoiceLink
SUPPORTS_STREAMING_FIELD - Static variable in class SendVideo
SUPPORTSSTREAMING_FIELD - Static variable in class InputMediaVideo
SwitchInlineQueryChosenChat - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.replykeyboard.buttons
SwitchInlineQueryChosenChat() - Constructor for class SwitchInlineQueryChosenChat


TelegramApiException - Exception in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.exceptions
TelegramApiException() - Constructor for exception TelegramApiException
TelegramApiException(String) - Constructor for exception TelegramApiException
TelegramApiException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception TelegramApiException
TelegramApiException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception TelegramApiException
TelegramApiException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception TelegramApiException
TelegramApiRequestException - Exception in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.exceptions
TelegramApiRequestException(String) - Constructor for exception TelegramApiRequestException
TelegramApiRequestException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception TelegramApiRequestException
TelegramApiRequestException(String, ApiResponse<?>) - Constructor for exception TelegramApiRequestException
TelegramApiValidationException - Exception in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.exceptions
TelegramApiValidationException(String, BotApiObject) - Constructor for exception TelegramApiValidationException
TelegramApiValidationException(String, PartialBotApiMethod) - Constructor for exception TelegramApiValidationException
TelegramClient - Interface in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.generics
TelegramUrl - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta
TelegramUrl() - Constructor for class TelegramUrl
TEXT_FIELD - Static variable in class MenuButtonWebApp
TEXTLINK - Static variable in class EntityType
Clickable urls
TEXTMENTION - Static variable in class EntityType
for users without usernames
TextQuote - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects
This object contains information about the quoted part of a message that is replied to by the given message.
TextQuote() - Constructor for class TextQuote
THUMBNAIL_FIELD - Static variable in class SendAnimation
THUMBNAIL_FIELD - Static variable in class SendAudio
THUMBNAIL_FIELD - Static variable in class SendDocument
THUMBNAIL_FIELD - Static variable in class SendVideo
THUMBNAIL_FIELD - Static variable in class SendVideoNote
THUMBNAIL_FIELD - Static variable in class SetStickerSetThumbnail
THUMBNAIL_FIELD - Static variable in class InputMediaAnimation
THUMBNAIL_FIELD - Static variable in class InputMediaAudio
THUMBNAIL_FIELD - Static variable in class InputMediaDocument
THUMBNAIL_FIELD - Static variable in class InputMediaVideo
THUMBNAIL_FIELD - Static variable in class StickerSet
TITLE_FIELD - Static variable in class CreateInvoiceLink
TITLE_FIELD - Static variable in class SendAudio
TITLE_FIELD - Static variable in class CreateNewStickerSet
TITLE_FIELD - Static variable in class SetStickerSetTitle
TITLE_FIELD - Static variable in class InputMediaAudio
toString() - Method in enum class ActionType
toString() - Method in class ApiResponse
toString() - Method in exception TelegramApiRequestException
Just left as backward compatibility if anybody used this in version 5.2.0 or older.
toString() - Method in exception TelegramApiValidationException
TYPE_FIELD - Static variable in class InputMedia
TYPE_FIELD - Static variable in class MenuButton
TYPING - Enum constant in enum class ActionType


UnbanChatMember - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.groupadministration
UnbanChatMember() - Constructor for class UnbanChatMember
UnbanChatMember.UnbanChatMemberBuilder<C extends UnbanChatMember,B extends UnbanChatMember.UnbanChatMemberBuilder<C,B>> - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.groupadministration
UnbanChatMemberBuilder() - Constructor for class UnbanChatMember.UnbanChatMemberBuilder
UnbanChatSenderChat - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.groupadministration
UnbanChatSenderChat() - Constructor for class UnbanChatSenderChat
UnbanChatSenderChat.UnbanChatSenderChatBuilder<C extends UnbanChatSenderChat,B extends UnbanChatSenderChat.UnbanChatSenderChatBuilder<C,B>> - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.groupadministration
UnbanChatSenderChatBuilder() - Constructor for class UnbanChatSenderChat.UnbanChatSenderChatBuilder
UNCLAIMED_PRIZE_COUNT_FIELD - Static variable in class GiveawayCompleted
UNCLAIMED_PRIZE_COUNT_FIELD - Static variable in class GiveawayWinners
UnhideGeneralForumTopic - Class in
UnhideGeneralForumTopic() - Constructor for class UnhideGeneralForumTopic
UnhideGeneralForumTopic.UnhideGeneralForumTopicBuilder<C extends UnhideGeneralForumTopic,B extends UnhideGeneralForumTopic.UnhideGeneralForumTopicBuilder<C,B>> - Class in
UnhideGeneralForumTopicBuilder() - Constructor for class UnhideGeneralForumTopic.UnhideGeneralForumTopicBuilder
UnpinAllChatMessages - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.pinnedmessages
UnpinAllChatMessages() - Constructor for class UnpinAllChatMessages
UnpinAllChatMessages.UnpinAllChatMessagesBuilder<C extends UnpinAllChatMessages,B extends UnpinAllChatMessages.UnpinAllChatMessagesBuilder<C,B>> - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.pinnedmessages
UnpinAllChatMessagesBuilder() - Constructor for class UnpinAllChatMessages.UnpinAllChatMessagesBuilder
UnpinAllForumTopicMessages - Class in
UnpinAllForumTopicMessages() - Constructor for class UnpinAllForumTopicMessages
UnpinAllForumTopicMessages.UnpinAllForumTopicMessagesBuilder<C extends UnpinAllForumTopicMessages,B extends UnpinAllForumTopicMessages.UnpinAllForumTopicMessagesBuilder<C,B>> - Class in
UnpinAllForumTopicMessagesBuilder() - Constructor for class UnpinAllForumTopicMessages.UnpinAllForumTopicMessagesBuilder
UnpinAllGeneralForumTopicMessages - Class in
UnpinAllGeneralForumTopicMessages() - Constructor for class UnpinAllGeneralForumTopicMessages
UnpinAllGeneralForumTopicMessages.UnpinAllGeneralForumTopicMessagesBuilder<C extends UnpinAllGeneralForumTopicMessages,B extends UnpinAllGeneralForumTopicMessages.UnpinAllGeneralForumTopicMessagesBuilder<C,B>> - Class in
UnpinAllGeneralForumTopicMessagesBuilder() - Constructor for class UnpinAllGeneralForumTopicMessages.UnpinAllGeneralForumTopicMessagesBuilder
UnpinChatMessage - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.pinnedmessages
UnpinChatMessage() - Constructor for class UnpinChatMessage
UnpinChatMessage.UnpinChatMessageBuilder<C extends UnpinChatMessage,B extends UnpinChatMessage.UnpinChatMessageBuilder<C,B>> - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.pinnedmessages
UnpinChatMessageBuilder() - Constructor for class UnpinChatMessage.UnpinChatMessageBuilder
Update - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects
This object represents an incoming update.
Update() - Constructor for class Update
UPLOAD_DOCUMENT - Enum constant in enum class ActionType
UPLOAD_PHOTO - Enum constant in enum class ActionType
UPLOAD_VIDEO - Enum constant in enum class ActionType
UPLOAD_VIDEO_NOTE - Enum constant in enum class ActionType
UPLOAD_VOICE - Enum constant in enum class ActionType
UploadStickerFile - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.stickers
UploadStickerFile() - Constructor for class UploadStickerFile
URL - Static variable in class EntityType
URL_FIELD - Static variable in class SetWebhook
User - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects
This object represents a Telegram user or bot.
User() - Constructor for class User
USER_ID_FIELD - Static variable in class CreateNewStickerSet
USER_ID_FIELD - Static variable in class SetStickerSetThumbnail
USER_TYPE - Static variable in interface MessageOrigin
UserChatBoosts - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.boost
UserChatBoosts() - Constructor for class UserChatBoosts
USERID_FIELD - Static variable in class AddStickerToSet
USERID_FIELD - Static variable in class UploadStickerFile
UserProfilePhotos - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects
This object represent a user's profile pictures.
UserProfilePhotos() - Constructor for class UserProfilePhotos
UserShared - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects
This object contains information about the user whose identifier was shared with the bot using a KeyboardButtonRequestUser button.
UserShared() - Constructor for class UserShared
UsersShared - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects
UsersShared() - Constructor for class UsersShared


Validable - Interface in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.interfaces
validate() - Method in interface Validable
Validates that mandatory fields are filled and optional objects
validate() - Method in class AnswerInlineQuery
validate() - Method in class AnswerPreCheckoutQuery
validate() - Method in class AnswerShippingQuery
validate() - Method in class GetUserChatBoosts
validate() - Method in class DeleteMyCommands
validate() - Method in class GetMyCommands
validate() - Method in class SetMyCommands
validate() - Method in class CopyMessage
validate() - Method in class CopyMessages
validate() - Method in class CloseForumTopic
validate() - Method in class CloseGeneralForumTopic
validate() - Method in class CreateForumTopic
validate() - Method in class DeleteForumTopic
validate() - Method in class EditForumTopic
validate() - Method in class EditGeneralForumTopic
validate() - Method in class GetForumTopicIconStickers
validate() - Method in class HideGeneralForumTopic
validate() - Method in class ReopenForumTopic
validate() - Method in class ReopenGeneralForumTopic
validate() - Method in class UnhideGeneralForumTopic
validate() - Method in class UnpinAllForumTopicMessages
validate() - Method in class UnpinAllGeneralForumTopicMessages
validate() - Method in class ForwardMessage
validate() - Method in class ForwardMessages
validate() - Method in class GetGameHighScores
validate() - Method in class SetGameScore
validate() - Method in class ApproveChatJoinRequest
validate() - Method in class BanChatMember
validate() - Method in class BanChatSenderChat
validate() - Method in class CreateChatInviteLink
validate() - Method in class DeclineChatJoinRequest
validate() - Method in class DeleteChatPhoto
validate() - Method in class DeleteChatStickerSet
validate() - Method in class EditChatInviteLink
validate() - Method in class ExportChatInviteLink
validate() - Method in class GetChat
validate() - Method in class GetChatAdministrators
validate() - Method in class GetChatMember
validate() - Method in class GetChatMemberCount
validate() - Method in class LeaveChat
validate() - Method in class PromoteChatMember
validate() - Method in class RestrictChatMember
validate() - Method in class RevokeChatInviteLink
validate() - Method in class SetChatAdministratorCustomTitle
validate() - Method in class SetChatDescription
validate() - Method in class SetChatPermissions
validate() - Method in class SetChatPhoto
validate() - Method in class SetChatStickerSet
validate() - Method in class SetChatTitle
validate() - Method in class UnbanChatMember
validate() - Method in class UnbanChatSenderChat
validate() - Method in class CreateInvoiceLink
validate() - Method in class SendInvoice
validate() - Method in class SetChatMenuButton
validate() - Method in class PinChatMessage
validate() - Method in class UnpinAllChatMessages
validate() - Method in class UnpinChatMessage
validate() - Method in class SendPoll
validate() - Method in class StopPoll
validate() - Method in class SetMessageReaction
validate() - Method in class SendAnimation
validate() - Method in class SendAudio
validate() - Method in class SendChatAction
validate() - Method in class SendContact
validate() - Method in class SendDice
validate() - Method in class SendDocument
validate() - Method in class SendGame
validate() - Method in class SendLocation
validate() - Method in class SendMediaGroup
validate() - Method in class SendMessage
validate() - Method in class SendPhoto
validate() - Method in class SendSticker
validate() - Method in class SendVenue
validate() - Method in class SendVideo
validate() - Method in class SendVideoNote
validate() - Method in class SendVoice
validate() - Method in class SetPassportDataErrors
validate() - Method in class AddStickerToSet
validate() - Method in class CreateNewStickerSet
validate() - Method in class DeleteStickerFromSet
validate() - Method in class DeleteStickerSet
validate() - Method in class GetCustomEmojiStickers
validate() - Method in class GetStickerSet
validate() - Method in class SetCustomEmojiStickerSetThumbnail
validate() - Method in class SetStickerEmojiList
validate() - Method in class SetStickerKeywords
validate() - Method in class SetStickerMaskPosition
validate() - Method in class SetStickerPositionInSet
validate() - Method in class SetStickerSetThumbnail
validate() - Method in class SetStickerSetTitle
validate() - Method in class UploadStickerFile
validate() - Method in class StopMessageLiveLocation
validate() - Method in class SetWebhook
validate() - Method in class DeleteMessage
validate() - Method in class DeleteMessages
validate() - Method in class EditMessageCaption
validate() - Method in class EditMessageLiveLocation
validate() - Method in class EditMessageMedia
validate() - Method in class EditMessageReplyMarkup
validate() - Method in class EditMessageText
validate() - Method in class AnswerWebAppQuery
validate() - Method in class BotCommand
validate() - Method in class BotCommandScopeChat
validate() - Method in class BotCommandScopeChatAdministrators
validate() - Method in class BotCommandScopeChatMember
validate() - Method in class InputContactMessageContent
validate() - Method in class InputInvoiceMessageContent
validate() - Method in class InputLocationMessageContent
validate() - Method in class InputTextMessageContent
validate() - Method in class InputVenueMessageContent
validate() - Method in class InlineQueryResultCachedAudio
validate() - Method in class InlineQueryResultCachedDocument
validate() - Method in class InlineQueryResultCachedGif
validate() - Method in class InlineQueryResultCachedMpeg4Gif
validate() - Method in class InlineQueryResultCachedPhoto
validate() - Method in class InlineQueryResultCachedSticker
validate() - Method in class InlineQueryResultCachedVideo
validate() - Method in class InlineQueryResultCachedVoice
validate() - Method in class InlineQueryResultArticle
validate() - Method in class InlineQueryResultAudio
validate() - Method in class InlineQueryResultContact
validate() - Method in class InlineQueryResultDocument
validate() - Method in class InlineQueryResultGame
validate() - Method in class InlineQueryResultGif
validate() - Method in class InlineQueryResultLocation
validate() - Method in class InlineQueryResultMpeg4Gif
validate() - Method in class InlineQueryResultPhoto
validate() - Method in class InlineQueryResultsButton
validate() - Method in class InlineQueryResultVenue
validate() - Method in class InlineQueryResultVideo
validate() - Method in class InlineQueryResultVoice
validate() - Method in class InputFile
validate() - Method in class LoginUrl
validate() - Method in class InputMedia
validate() - Method in class InputMediaAnimation
validate() - Method in class InputMediaAudio
validate() - Method in class InputMediaDocument
validate() - Method in class InputMediaPhoto
validate() - Method in class InputMediaVideo
validate() - Method in class MenuButton
validate() - Method in class MenuButtonCommands
validate() - Method in class MenuButtonDefault
validate() - Method in class MenuButtonWebApp
validate() - Method in class PassportElementErrorDataField
validate() - Method in class PassportElementErrorFile
validate() - Method in class PassportElementErrorFiles
validate() - Method in class PassportElementErrorFrontSide
validate() - Method in class PassportElementErrorReverseSide
validate() - Method in class PassportElementErrorSelfie
validate() - Method in class PassportElementErrorTranslationFile
validate() - Method in class PassportElementErrorTranslationFiles
validate() - Method in class PassportElementErrorUnspecified
validate() - Method in class LabeledPrice
validate() - Method in class ShippingOption
validate() - Method in class ReactionTypeCustomEmoji
validate() - Method in class ReactionTypeEmoji
validate() - Method in class InlineKeyboardButton
validate() - Method in class InlineKeyboardRow
validate() - Method in class KeyboardButton
validate() - Method in class KeyboardButtonPollType
validate() - Method in class KeyboardButtonRequestChat
validate() - Method in class KeyboardButtonRequestUser
validate() - Method in class KeyboardButtonRequestUsers
validate() - Method in class KeyboardRow
validate() - Method in class ForceReplyKeyboard
validate() - Method in class InlineKeyboardMarkup
validate() - Method in class ReplyKeyboardMarkup
validate() - Method in class ReplyParameters
validate() - Method in class InputSticker
validate() - Method in class MaskPosition
validate() - Method in class WebAppInfo
VALIDTHUMBTYPES - Static variable in interface InlineQueryResult
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class ActionType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class ActionType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
Venue - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects
This object represents a venue.
Venue() - Constructor for class Venue
Video - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects
This object represents a video file.
Video() - Constructor for class Video
VIDEO_FIELD - Static variable in class SendVideo
VIDEO_NOTE_FIELD - Static variable in class SendVideoNote
VideoChatEnded - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.videochat
This object represents a service message about a video chat ended in the chat.
VideoChatEnded() - Constructor for class VideoChatEnded
VideoChatParticipantsInvited - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.videochat
This object represents a service message about new members invited to a video chat.
VideoChatParticipantsInvited() - Constructor for class VideoChatParticipantsInvited
VideoChatScheduled - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.videochat
This object represents a service message about a video chat scheduled in the chat.
VideoChatScheduled() - Constructor for class VideoChatScheduled
VideoChatStarted - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.videochat
VideoChatStarted() - Constructor for class VideoChatStarted
VideoNote - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects
This object represents a video message (available in Telegram apps as of v.4.0).
VideoNote() - Constructor for class VideoNote
Voice - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects
This object represents a voice note
Voice() - Constructor for class Voice
VOICE_FIELD - Static variable in class SendVoice


WAS_REFUNDED_FIELD - Static variable in class GiveawayWinners
WEBAPP_FIELD - Static variable in class MenuButtonWebApp
WebAppData - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.webapp
Contains data sent from a web app to the bot.
WebAppData() - Constructor for class WebAppData
WebAppInfo - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.webapp
WebAppInfo() - Constructor for class WebAppInfo
WebhookInfo - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects
Contains information about the current status of a webhook.
WebhookInfo() - Constructor for class WebhookInfo
WIDTH_FIELD - Static variable in class SendAnimation
WIDTH_FIELD - Static variable in class SendVideo
WIDTH_FIELD - Static variable in class InputMediaAnimation
WIDTH_FIELD - Static variable in class InputMediaVideo
WINNER_COUNT_FIELD - Static variable in class Giveaway
WINNER_COUNT_FIELD - Static variable in class GiveawayCompleted
WINNER_COUNT_FIELD - Static variable in class GiveawayWinners
WINNERS_FIELD - Static variable in class GiveawayWinners
WINNERS_SELECTION_DATE_FIELD - Static variable in class Giveaway
WINNERS_SELECTION_DATE_FIELD - Static variable in class GiveawayWinners
WriteAccessAllowed - Class in org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects
This object represents a service message about a user allowing a bot to write messages after adding it to the attachment menu, launching a Web App from a link, or accepting an explicit request from a Web App sent by the method requestWriteAccess.
WriteAccessAllowed() - Constructor for class WriteAccessAllowed
A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P R S T U V W 
All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form