Interface InterpolatedFunction<X,​Y>

  • Type Parameters:
    X - the type of the values in x-direction (Independent variable)
    Y - the type of the values in y-direction (Dependent variable)
    All Superinterfaces:
    ContinuousFunction<X,​Y>, DiscreteFunction<X,​Y>, java.util.function.Function<X,​Y>, MathFunction<X,​Y>
    All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface InterpolatedFunction<X,​Y>
    extends ContinuousFunction<X,​Y>, DiscreteFunction<X,​Y>
    Represents a math function that has been constructed by interpolating a discrete function so that it can return Y values for any X values. The accuracy of the y values obtained is not defined by this contract.
    • Method Summary

      • Methods inherited from interface java.util.function.Function

        andThen, compose