Class Contexts

  • public final class Contexts
    extends java.lang.Object
    Provides utility methods for creating different kind of contexts.
    • Method Detail

      • emptyRebuildingContext

        public static RebuildingContext emptyRebuildingContext()
        returns an immutable empty context.
        an immutable version of an empty context.
      • newResolvingContext

        public static EditableResolvingContext newResolvingContext()
        creates a new resolving-context which can be filled with resolved operations.
        a new instance of a resolving context.
      • mergeContextsOrdered

        public static EditableResolvingContext mergeContextsOrdered​(java.lang.Iterable<ResolvingContext> contexts)
        Merges the contexts of the iterable in the order they appear. Being a context a map-like object the order of insertion matters.
        contexts - the given contexts to merge
        the context with all the values of the given contexts
      • newRebuildingContext

        public static RebuildingContext newRebuildingContext()
        creates a new rebuilding-context which allows the rebuilding of model nodes
        a new instance of a rebuilding context.