Package org.testng

Interface IClass

    • Method Detail

      • getName

        java.lang.String getName()
        this test class name. This is the name of the corresponding Java class.
      • getXmlTest

        XmlTest getXmlTest()
        the <test> tag this class was found in.
      • getXmlClass

        XmlClass getXmlClass()
        the *lt;class> tag this class was found in.
      • getTestName

        java.lang.String getTestName()
        If this class implements org.testng.ITest, returns its test name, otherwise returns null.
      • getRealClass

        java.lang.Class<?> getRealClass()
        the Java class corresponding to this IClass.
      • getInstances

        java.lang.Object[] getInstances​(boolean create)
        Returns all the instances the methods will be invoked upon. This will typically be an array of one object in the absence of a @Factory annotation.
        create - flag if a new set of instances must be returned (if set to false)
        All the instances the methods will be invoked upon.
      • getInstances

        default java.lang.Object[] getInstances​(boolean create,
                                                java.lang.String errorMsgPrefix)
      • getInstanceHashCodes

        long[] getInstanceHashCodes()
      • addInstance

        void addInstance​(java.lang.Object instance)