Class RegexpExpectedExceptionsHolder

    • Method Detail

      • isThrowableMatching

        public boolean isThrowableMatching​(java.lang.Throwable ite)
        message / regEx .* other null true false non-null true match
        Specified by:
        isThrowableMatching in interface IExpectedExceptionsHolder
        ite - The Throwable thrown by the test
        true if the Throwable is matching with the holder logic, false otherwise
      • getWrongExceptionMessage

        public java.lang.String getWrongExceptionMessage​(java.lang.Throwable ite)
        Description copied from interface: IExpectedExceptionsHolder
        Get the message in case the Throwable thrown by the test is not matching.
        Specified by:
        getWrongExceptionMessage in interface IExpectedExceptionsHolder
        ite - The Throwable thrown by the test
        The message which will be displayed as test result