Class Utils

  • public final class Utils
    extends java.lang.Object
    Helper methods to parse annotations.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static java.lang.String annotationFormFor​(ITestNGMethod method)
      Given a TestNG method, returns the corresponding annotation based on the method type
      static java.lang.String arrayToString​(java.lang.String[] strings)  
      static void checkInstanceOrStatic​(java.lang.Object instance, java.lang.reflect.Method method)
      Make sure that either we have an instance or if not, that the method is static
      static void checkReturnType​(java.lang.reflect.Method method, java.lang.Class<?>... returnTypes)  
      static java.lang.String defaultIfStringEmpty​(java.lang.String s, java.lang.String defaultValue)  
      static java.lang.String detailedMethodName​(ITestNGMethod method, boolean fqn)  
      static void error​(java.lang.String errorMessage)  
      static java.lang.String escapeHtml​(java.lang.String s)  
      static java.lang.String escapeUnicode​(java.lang.String s)  
      static boolean isStringBlank​(java.lang.String s)  
      static boolean isStringEmpty​(java.lang.String s)  
      static boolean isStringNotBlank​(java.lang.String s)  
      static boolean isStringNotEmpty​(java.lang.String s)  
      static <T> java.lang.String join​(java.util.List<T> objects, java.lang.String separator)  
      static void log​(java.lang.String msg)  
      static void log​(java.lang.String cls, int level, java.lang.String msg)
      Logs the the message to System.out if level is greater than or equal to TestRunner.getVerbose().
      static java.lang.String longStackTrace​(java.lang.Throwable t, boolean toHtml)
      Helper that returns a short stack trace.
      static openWriter​(java.lang.String outputDir, java.lang.String fileNameParameter)
      Open a BufferedWriter for the specified file.
      static java.lang.String replaceSpecialCharacters​(java.lang.String fileNameParameter)
      If the file name contains special characters like *,/,\ and so on, exception will be thrown and report file will not be created.
      Special characters are platform specific and they are not same for example on Windows and Macintosh.
      static java.lang.String shortStackTrace​(java.lang.Throwable t, boolean toHtml)
      Helper that returns a long stack trace.
      static java.lang.String[] split​(java.lang.String string, java.lang.String sep)
      Tokenize the string using the separator.
      static java.lang.String toString​(java.lang.Object obj)
      Returns the string representation of the specified object, transparently handling null references and arrays.
      static java.lang.String toString​(java.lang.Object object, java.lang.Class<?> objectClass)  
      static void writeFile​(java.lang.String outputDir, java.lang.String fileName, java.lang.String sb)
      Writes the content of the sb string to the file named filename in outDir.
      static void writeResourceToFile​( file, java.lang.String resourceName, java.lang.Class<?> clasz)  
      static void writeUtf8File​(java.lang.String outputDir, java.lang.String fileName, java.lang.String sb)
      Writes the content of the sb string to the file named filename in outDir encoding the output as UTF-8.
      static void writeUtf8File​(java.lang.String outputDir, java.lang.String fileName, XMLStringBuffer xsb, java.lang.String prefix)  
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Method Detail

      • writeUtf8File

        public static void writeUtf8File​(@Nullable
                                         java.lang.String outputDir,
                                         java.lang.String fileName,
                                         XMLStringBuffer xsb,
                                         java.lang.String prefix)
      • writeUtf8File

        public static void writeUtf8File​(@Nullable
                                         java.lang.String outputDir,
                                         java.lang.String fileName,
                                         java.lang.String sb)
        Writes the content of the sb string to the file named filename in outDir encoding the output as UTF-8. If outDir does not exist, it is created.
        outputDir - the output directory (may not exist). If null then current directory is used.
        fileName - the filename
        sb - the file content
      • writeFile

        public static void writeFile​(@Nullable
                                     java.lang.String outputDir,
                                     java.lang.String fileName,
                                     java.lang.String sb)
        Writes the content of the sb string to the file named filename in outDir. If outDir does not exist, it is created.
        outputDir - the output directory (may not exist). If null then current directory is used.
        fileName - the filename
        sb - the file content
      • openWriter

        public static openWriter​(@Nullable
                                                        java.lang.String outputDir,
                                                        java.lang.String fileNameParameter)
        Open a BufferedWriter for the specified file. If output directory doesn't exist, it is created. If the output file exists, it is deleted. The output file is created in any case.
        outputDir - output directory. If null, then current directory is used
        fileNameParameter - file name
        Throws: - if anything goes wrong while creating files.
      • log

        public static void log​(java.lang.String msg)
      • log

        public static void log​(java.lang.String cls,
                               int level,
                               java.lang.String msg)
        Logs the the message to System.out if level is greater than or equal to TestRunner.getVerbose(). The message is logged as:
             "[cls] msg"
        cls - the class name to prefix the log message.
        level - the logging level of the message.
        msg - the message to log to System.out.
      • error

        public static void error​(java.lang.String errorMessage)
      • split

        public static java.lang.String[] split​(java.lang.String string,
                                               java.lang.String sep)
        Tokenize the string using the separator.
      • writeResourceToFile

        public static void writeResourceToFile​( file,
                                               java.lang.String resourceName,
                                               java.lang.Class<?> clasz)
      • defaultIfStringEmpty

        public static java.lang.String defaultIfStringEmpty​(java.lang.String s,
                                                            java.lang.String defaultValue)
      • isStringBlank

        public static boolean isStringBlank​(java.lang.String s)
      • isStringEmpty

        public static boolean isStringEmpty​(java.lang.String s)
      • isStringNotBlank

        public static boolean isStringNotBlank​(java.lang.String s)
      • isStringNotEmpty

        public static boolean isStringNotEmpty​(java.lang.String s)
      • longStackTrace

        public static java.lang.String longStackTrace​(java.lang.Throwable t,
                                                      boolean toHtml)
        Helper that returns a short stack trace.
        t - - The Throwable exception
        toHtml - - true if the stacktrace should be translated to html as well
        - A string that represents the short stack trace.
      • shortStackTrace

        public static java.lang.String shortStackTrace​(java.lang.Throwable t,
                                                       boolean toHtml)
        Helper that returns a long stack trace.
        t - - The Throwable exception
        toHtml - - true if the stacktrace should be translated to html as well
        - A string that represents the full stack trace.
      • escapeHtml

        public static java.lang.String escapeHtml​(java.lang.String s)
      • escapeUnicode

        public static java.lang.String escapeUnicode​(java.lang.String s)
      • toString

        public static java.lang.String toString​(java.lang.Object object,
                                                java.lang.Class<?> objectClass)
      • detailedMethodName

        public static java.lang.String detailedMethodName​(ITestNGMethod method,
                                                          boolean fqn)
      • annotationFormFor

        public static java.lang.String annotationFormFor​(ITestNGMethod method)
        Given a TestNG method, returns the corresponding annotation based on the method type
        method - - An ITestNGMethod object.
        - A String representation of the corresponding annotation.
      • arrayToString

        public static java.lang.String arrayToString​(java.lang.String[] strings)
      • replaceSpecialCharacters

        public static java.lang.String replaceSpecialCharacters​(java.lang.String fileNameParameter)
        If the file name contains special characters like *,/,\ and so on, exception will be thrown and report file will not be created.
        Special characters are platform specific and they are not same for example on Windows and Macintosh. * is not allowed on Windows, but it is on Macintosh.
        In order to have the same behavior of testng on the all platforms, characters like * will be replaced on all platforms whether they are causing the problem or not.
        fileNameParameter - file name that could contain special characters.
        fileName with special characters replaced
      • join

        public static <T> java.lang.String join​(java.util.List<T> objects,
                                                java.lang.String separator)
      • checkInstanceOrStatic

        public static void checkInstanceOrStatic​(java.lang.Object instance,
                                                 java.lang.reflect.Method method)
        Make sure that either we have an instance or if not, that the method is static
      • checkReturnType

        public static void checkReturnType​(java.lang.reflect.Method method,
                                           java.lang.Class<?>... returnTypes)
      • toString

        public static java.lang.String toString​(java.lang.Object obj)
        Returns the string representation of the specified object, transparently handling null references and arrays.
        obj - the object
        the string representation