Interface ITestOrConfiguration

All Superinterfaces:
IAnnotation, IParameterizable
All Known Subinterfaces:
IConfigurationAnnotation, ITestAnnotation

public interface ITestOrConfiguration extends IParameterizable
This interface captures methods common to @Test and @Configuration
  • Method Details

    • getTimeOut

      long getTimeOut()
      Returns the maximum number of milliseconds this test should take. If it hasn't returned after this time, it will be marked as a FAIL.
    • setTimeOut

      void setTimeOut(long l)
    • getGroups

      String[] getGroups()
      The list of groups this class/method belongs to.
    • setGroups

      void setGroups(String[] groups)
    • getDependsOnGroups

      String[] getDependsOnGroups()
      The list of groups this method depends on. Every method member of one of these groups is guaranteed to have been invoked before this method. Furthermore, if any of these methods was not a SUCCESS, this test method will not be run and will be flagged as a SKIP.
    • setDependsOnGroups

      void setDependsOnGroups(String[] groups)
    • getDependsOnMethods

      String[] getDependsOnMethods()
      The list of methods this method depends on. There is no guarantee on the order on which the methods depended upon will be run, but you are guaranteed that all these methods will be run before the test method that contains this annotation is run. Furthermore, if any of these methods was not a SUCCESS, this test method will not be run and will be flagged as a SKIP.

      If some of these methods have been overloaded, all the overloaded versions will be run.

    • setDependsOnMethods

      void setDependsOnMethods(String[] dependsOnMethods)
    • getDescription

      String getDescription()
      The description for this method, which will be shown in the reports.
    • setDescription

      void setDescription(String description)