Package org.testng

Interface IInvokedMethodListener

  • All Superinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface IInvokedMethodListener
    extends ITestNGListener
    A listener that gets invoked before and after a method is invoked by TestNG. This listener will be invoked for configuration and test methods irrespective of whether they passe/fail or get skipped. This listener invocation can be disabled for SKIPPED tests through one of the below mechanisms:
    • Command line parameter alwaysRunListeners
    • Build tool
    • Via TestNG.alwaysRunListeners(false)
    • Method Detail

      • beforeInvocation

        default void beforeInvocation​(IInvokedMethod method,
                                      ITestResult testResult,
                                      ITestContext context)
        To be implemented if the method needs a handle to contextual information.
        method - The invoked method
        testResult - The test result
        context - The test context
      • afterInvocation

        default void afterInvocation​(IInvokedMethod method,
                                     ITestResult testResult,
                                     ITestContext context)
        To be implemented if the method needs a handle to contextual information.
        method - The invoked method
        testResult - The test result
        context - The test context