Assert.ThrowingRunnable |
IAlterSuiteListener |
Implementations of this interface will gain access to the XmlSuite object and thus let
users be able to alter a suite or a test based on their own needs.
IAnnotationTransformer |
IAttributes |
A trait that is used by all interfaces that lets the user add or remove their own attributes.
IClass |
IClass represents a test class and a collection of its instances.
IClassListener |
IConfigurable |
If a test class implements this interface, its run() method will be invoked instead of each
configuration method found.
IConfigurationListener |
Listener interface for events related to configuration methods.
IConfigurationListener2 |
IConfigureCallBack |
A parameter of this type will be passed to the run() method of a IConfigurable.
IDataProviderInterceptor |
This interface helps define an interceptor for data providers.
IDataProviderListener |
A listener that gets invoked before and after a data provider is invoked by TestNG.
IDataProviderMethod |
Represents the attributes of a DataProvider annotated method.
IDynamicGraph<T> |
Represents the graphical representative capabilities of an entity.
IExecutionListener |
A listener used to monitor when a TestNG run starts and ends.
IExecutionVisualiser |
A TestNG listener that can be used to build graph representations of TestNG methods as and when
they are being executed on a real-time basis.
IExpectedExceptionsHolder |
IHookable |
If a test class implements this interface, its run() method will be invoked instead of each @Test
method found.
IHookCallBack |
A parameter of this type will be passed to the run() method of a IHookable.
IInjectorFactory |
Allows customization of the Injector creation when working with dependency injection.
IInstanceInfo<T> |
This class defines a pair of instance/class.
IInvokedMethod |
An interface representing a method that has been invoked by TestNG.
IInvokedMethodListener |
A listener that gets invoked before and after a method is invoked by TestNG.
IMethodInstance |
This interface captures a test method along with all the instances it should be run on.
IMethodInterceptor |
This class is used to alter the list of test methods that TestNG is about to run.
IMethodSelector |
This interface is used to augment or replace TestNG's algorithm to decide whether a test method
should be included in a test run.
IMethodSelectorContext |
An implementation of this interface is passed to all the Method Selectors when their
includeMethod() is invoked.
IModule |
This interface provides Module to implicitly add to the Guice context.
IModuleFactory |
This interface is used by the moduleFactory attribute of the @Guice annotation.
IObjectFactory |
IObjectFactory2 |
IReporter |
This interface can be implemented by clients to generate a report.
IResultMap |
IRetryAnalyzer |
Interface to implement to be able to have a chance to retry a failed test.
IRetryDataProvider |
Represents the ability to retry a data provider.
ISuite |
Interface defining a Test Suite.
ISuiteListener |
Listener for test suites.
ISuiteResult |
This class represents the result of a suite run.
ISuiteRunnerListener |
ITest |
If a test class implements this interface, it will receive a special treatment, such as having
the test name displayed in the HTML reports.
ITestClass |
This class represents a test class:
The test methods
The configuration methods (test and method)
The class file
Note that the methods returned by instances of this class are expected to be correct at runtime.
ITestClassFinder |
This class is used by TestNG to locate the test classes.
ITestContext |
This class defines a test context which contains all the information for a given test run.
ITestListener |
A listener for test running.
ITestMethodFinder |
This interface allows to modify the strategy used by TestRunner to find its test methods.
ITestNGListener |
This is a marker interface for all objects that can be passed as a -listener argument.
ITestNGListenerFactory |
A factory used to create instances of ITestNGListener.
ITestNGMethod |
Describes a TestNG annotated method and the instance on which it will be invoked.
ITestObjectFactory |
Parent interface of all the object factories.
ITestResult |
This class describes the result of a test.
ITestRunnerFactory |
A factory for TestRunners to be used by SuiteRunners.