Class Strings


public class Strings extends Object
  • Constructor Details

    • Strings

      public Strings()
  • Method Details

    • join

      public static String join(Iterable<?> col, String separator)
    • isBlank

      public static boolean isBlank(String s)
    • isNotBlank

      public static boolean isNotBlank(String s)
    • isEmpty

      public static boolean isEmpty(String s)

      Returns whether the specified string is empty while remaining null-safe.

      s - the string to be checked (may be null)
      true if s is either null or contains no characters.
    • isNotEmpty

      public static boolean isNotEmpty(String s)

      Returns whether the specified string is not empty while remaining null-safe.

      s - the string to be checked (may be null)
      true if s is not null and contains at least one character.
    • splitAndTrim

      public static List<String> splitAndTrim(String value, String regex)
    • trim

      public static String trim(String s)

      Trims the specified string while remaining null-safe.

      s - the string to be trimmed (may be null)
      The trimmed s or null if s is null.
    • trimToNull

      public static String trimToNull(String s)

      Trims the specified string and, if the resulting string is empty, will return null instead.

      s - the string to be trimmed (may be null)
      The trimmed s or null if s is null before or after being trimmed.
    • joinClassNames

      public static String joinClassNames(Iterable<?> iterable)
    • toBoolean

      public static Boolean toBoolean(String s)

      Attempts to return the best boolean representation for the specified string while remaining null-safe and ignoring any leading/trailing whitespace as well as case.

      This method simply uses a set of predefined values that it compares s to in order to determine the best Boolean representation. If s does not fall into either category, it is considered invalid and will result in an IllegalArgumentException being thrown.

      s - the string to be converted into a Boolean
      The Boolean representation of s or null if s is null.
      IllegalArgumentException - If s is non-null and does not match any of the predefined values.