Annotation Interface VaryFeatures

@Retention(RUNTIME) @Target({TYPE,METHOD}) @ExtendWith(org.togglz.junit5.FeatureVariationTogglzExtension.class) public @interface VaryFeatures

Provides a TestTemplateInvocationContextProvider to run TestTemplates with a variation of enabled and disabled features.

Example Usage:

     class PermutationTests {

         void run() {
             // run testing code ...
             // ONE is enabled
             // TWO is disabled
             // THREE is disabled in the first run and enabled in the second run

         private static class MyVariationSetProvider implements VariationSetProvider {

             public VariationSet<? extends Feature> buildVariationSet() {
                 return create(MyFeatures.class).enable(MyFeatures.ONE).disable(MyFeatures.TWO).vary(MyFeatures.THREE);
Roland Weisleder