All Classes and Interfaces

A class that enables to get an IP range from CIDR specification.
Activation strategy that will use the IP address of the client to decide if a feature is active or not.
A CSRF token
This SPI can be implemented by modules to provide CSRF tokens that will be included in all forms.
This class can be used to bind the HttpServletRequest to a thread local.
Implementation of RequestListener that is responsible for binding and releasing the current request for HttpServletRequestHolder.
SPI for components that want to be notified about requests.
Activation strategy that will use the server name used in the request to decide if the feature is active or not.
This implementation of BeanFinder allows to register implementations of a given interface by setting a servlet context parameter.
Implementation of UserProvider that uses HttpServletRequest.getUserPrincipal() to obtain the user.
This filter is the central component of the Togglz Servlet integration module.