



package free

  1. Public
  2. All

Value Members

  1. object copyin extends CopyInIOInstances


    Algebra and free monad for primitive operations over a org.postgresql.copy.CopyIn.

    Algebra and free monad for primitive operations over a org.postgresql.copy.CopyIn. This is a low-level API that exposes lifecycle-managed JDBC objects directly and is intended mainly for library developers. End users will prefer a safer, higher-level API such as that provided in the doobie.hi package.

    CopyInIO is a free monad that must be run via an interpreter, most commonly via natural transformation of its underlying algebra CopyInOp to another monad via Free#foldMap.

    The library provides a natural transformation to Kleisli[M, CopyIn, A] for any exception-trapping (Catchable) and effect-capturing (Capture) monad M. Such evidence is provided for Task, IO, and stdlib Future; and transK[M] is provided as syntax.

    // An action to run
    val a: CopyInIO[Foo] = ...
    // A JDBC object
    val s: CopyIn = ...
    // Unfolding into a Task
    val ta: Task[A] = a.transK[Task].run(s)
  2. object copymanager extends CopyManagerIOInstances


    Algebra and free monad for primitive operations over a org.postgresql.copy.CopyManager.

    Algebra and free monad for primitive operations over a org.postgresql.copy.CopyManager. This is a low-level API that exposes lifecycle-managed JDBC objects directly and is intended mainly for library developers. End users will prefer a safer, higher-level API such as that provided in the doobie.hi package.

    CopyManagerIO is a free monad that must be run via an interpreter, most commonly via natural transformation of its underlying algebra CopyManagerOp to another monad via Free#foldMap.

    The library provides a natural transformation to Kleisli[M, CopyManager, A] for any exception-trapping (Catchable) and effect-capturing (Capture) monad M. Such evidence is provided for Task, IO, and stdlib Future; and transK[M] is provided as syntax.

    // An action to run
    val a: CopyManagerIO[Foo] = ...
    // A JDBC object
    val s: CopyManager = ...
    // Unfolding into a Task
    val ta: Task[A] = a.transK[Task].run(s)
  3. object copyout extends CopyOutIOInstances


    Algebra and free monad for primitive operations over a org.postgresql.copy.CopyOut.

    Algebra and free monad for primitive operations over a org.postgresql.copy.CopyOut. This is a low-level API that exposes lifecycle-managed JDBC objects directly and is intended mainly for library developers. End users will prefer a safer, higher-level API such as that provided in the doobie.hi package.

    CopyOutIO is a free monad that must be run via an interpreter, most commonly via natural transformation of its underlying algebra CopyOutOp to another monad via Free#foldMap.

    The library provides a natural transformation to Kleisli[M, CopyOut, A] for any exception-trapping (Catchable) and effect-capturing (Capture) monad M. Such evidence is provided for Task, IO, and stdlib Future; and transK[M] is provided as syntax.

    // An action to run
    val a: CopyOutIO[Foo] = ...
    // A JDBC object
    val s: CopyOut = ...
    // Unfolding into a Task
    val ta: Task[A] = a.transK[Task].run(s)
  4. object fastpath extends FastpathIOInstances


    Algebra and free monad for primitive operations over a org.postgresql.fastpath.Fastpath.

    Algebra and free monad for primitive operations over a org.postgresql.fastpath.Fastpath. This is a low-level API that exposes lifecycle-managed JDBC objects directly and is intended mainly for library developers. End users will prefer a safer, higher-level API such as that provided in the doobie.hi package.

    FastpathIO is a free monad that must be run via an interpreter, most commonly via natural transformation of its underlying algebra FastpathOp to another monad via Free#foldMap.

    The library provides a natural transformation to Kleisli[M, Fastpath, A] for any exception-trapping (Catchable) and effect-capturing (Capture) monad M. Such evidence is provided for Task, IO, and stdlib Future; and transK[M] is provided as syntax.

    // An action to run
    val a: FastpathIO[Foo] = ...
    // A JDBC object
    val s: Fastpath = ...
    // Unfolding into a Task
    val ta: Task[A] = a.transK[Task].run(s)
  5. object largeobject extends LargeObjectIOInstances


    Algebra and free monad for primitive operations over a org.postgresql.largeobject.LargeObject.

    Algebra and free monad for primitive operations over a org.postgresql.largeobject.LargeObject. This is a low-level API that exposes lifecycle-managed JDBC objects directly and is intended mainly for library developers. End users will prefer a safer, higher-level API such as that provided in the doobie.hi package.

    LargeObjectIO is a free monad that must be run via an interpreter, most commonly via natural transformation of its underlying algebra LargeObjectOp to another monad via Free#foldMap.

    The library provides a natural transformation to Kleisli[M, LargeObject, A] for any exception-trapping (Catchable) and effect-capturing (Capture) monad M. Such evidence is provided for Task, IO, and stdlib Future; and transK[M] is provided as syntax.

    // An action to run
    val a: LargeObjectIO[Foo] = ...
    // A JDBC object
    val s: LargeObject = ...
    // Unfolding into a Task
    val ta: Task[A] = a.transK[Task].run(s)
  6. object largeobjectmanager extends LargeObjectManagerIOInstances


    Algebra and free monad for primitive operations over a org.postgresql.largeobject.LargeObjectManager.

    Algebra and free monad for primitive operations over a org.postgresql.largeobject.LargeObjectManager. This is a low-level API that exposes lifecycle-managed JDBC objects directly and is intended mainly for library developers. End users will prefer a safer, higher-level API such as that provided in the doobie.hi package.

    LargeObjectManagerIO is a free monad that must be run via an interpreter, most commonly via natural transformation of its underlying algebra LargeObjectManagerOp to another monad via Free#foldMap.

    The library provides a natural transformation to Kleisli[M, LargeObjectManager, A] for any exception-trapping (Catchable) and effect-capturing (Capture) monad M. Such evidence is provided for Task, IO, and stdlib Future; and transK[M] is provided as syntax.

    // An action to run
    val a: LargeObjectManagerIO[Foo] = ...
    // A JDBC object
    val s: LargeObjectManager = ...
    // Unfolding into a Task
    val ta: Task[A] = a.transK[Task].run(s)
  7. object pgconnection extends PGConnectionIOInstances


    Algebra and free monad for primitive operations over a org.postgresql.PGConnection.

    Algebra and free monad for primitive operations over a org.postgresql.PGConnection. This is a low-level API that exposes lifecycle-managed JDBC objects directly and is intended mainly for library developers. End users will prefer a safer, higher-level API such as that provided in the doobie.postgres.hi package.

    PGConnectionIO is a free monad that must be run via an interpreter, most commonly via natural transformation of its underlying algebra PGConnectionOp to another monad via Free#foldMap.

    The library provides a natural transformation to Kleisli[M, PGConnection, A] for any exception-trapping (Catchable) and effect-capturing (Capture) monad M. Such evidence is provided for Task, IO, and stdlib Future; and transK[M] is provided as syntax.

    // An action to run
    val a: PGConnectionIO[Foo] = ...
    // A JDBC object
    val s: PGConnection = ...
    // Unfolding into a Task
    val ta: Task[A] = a.transK[Task].run(s)
