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add(IRI, Dataset) - Method in class org.trellisldp.api.NoopResourceService
add(IRI, Dataset) - Method in interface org.trellisldp.api.ResourceService
agent(IRI) - Method in class org.trellisldp.api.Metadata.Builder
Set the agent value.
AuditService - Interface in org.trellisldp.api
A service for producing audit-related Quad values for creation, deletion and modification operation.


binary(BinaryMetadata) - Method in class org.trellisldp.api.Metadata.Builder
Set the binary metadata.
Binary - Interface in org.trellisldp.api
The non-RDF content of an LDP NonRDFSource.
BinaryMetadata - Class in org.trellisldp.api
The LDP specification divides resources into two categories: RDF resources and non-RDF resources.
BinaryMetadata.Builder - Class in org.trellisldp.api
A mutable buillder for a BinaryMetadata.
BinaryService - Interface in org.trellisldp.api
The BinaryService provides methods for retrieving, modifying and checking the validity of binary content.
build() - Method in class org.trellisldp.api.BinaryMetadata.Builder
Build the BinaryMetadata object.
build() - Method in class org.trellisldp.api.Metadata.Builder
Build the Metadata object, transitioning this builder to the built state.
builder(IRI) - Static method in class org.trellisldp.api.BinaryMetadata
Get a mutable builder for a BinaryMetadata.
builder(IRI) - Static method in class org.trellisldp.api.Metadata
A mutable builder for a Metadata object.
builder(Resource) - Static method in class org.trellisldp.api.Metadata
A mutable builder for a Metadata object.
buildTrellisIdentifier(String) - Static method in class org.trellisldp.api.TrellisUtils
Build a Trellis identifier from a path string.


CacheService<K,​V> - Interface in org.trellisldp.api
A generalized caching service for Trellis.
CacheService.TrellisProfileCache - Annotation Type in org.trellisldp.api
A CacheService used for JSON-LD profiles.
constrainedBy(IRI, IRI, Graph) - Method in interface org.trellisldp.api.ConstraintService
Check a graph against an LDP interaction model.
constrainedBy(IRI, IRI, Graph, String) - Method in interface org.trellisldp.api.ConstraintService
Check a graph against an LDP interaction model.
ConstraintService - Interface in org.trellisldp.api
The ConstraintService defines rules that constrain RDF triples on a graph for a particular resource type.
ConstraintViolation - Class in org.trellisldp.api
A class that represents a constraint violation in an RDF graph.
ConstraintViolation(IRI, List<Triple>) - Constructor for class org.trellisldp.api.ConstraintViolation
Create a new constraint violation.
ConstraintViolation(IRI, Triple) - Constructor for class org.trellisldp.api.ConstraintViolation
Create a new constraint violation.
container(IRI) - Method in class org.trellisldp.api.Metadata.Builder
Set the container value.
create(Metadata, Dataset) - Method in interface org.trellisldp.api.ResourceService
Create a resource in the server.
creation(IRI, Session) - Method in interface org.trellisldp.api.AuditService
Generate the audit quads for a Create event.


dataset() - Method in interface org.trellisldp.api.Resource
Retrieve the RDF Quads for a resource.
DefaultIdentifierService - Class in org.trellisldp.api
The IdentifierService provides a mechanism for creating new identifiers.
DefaultIdentifierService() - Constructor for class org.trellisldp.api.DefaultIdentifierService
Create a UUID-based IdentifierService.
DefaultIdentifierService(String) - Constructor for class org.trellisldp.api.DefaultIdentifierService
Create a UUID-based IdentifierService with a default prefix value.
delete(Metadata) - Method in class org.trellisldp.api.NoopResourceService
delete(Metadata) - Method in interface org.trellisldp.api.ResourceService
Delete a resource from the server.
DELETED_RESOURCE - org.trellisldp.api.Resource.SpecialResources
A resource that previously existed but which no longer exists.
deletion(IRI, Session) - Method in interface org.trellisldp.api.AuditService
Generate the audit quads for a Delete event.


emit(Event) - Method in interface org.trellisldp.api.EventService
Emit an event to the event service.
emit(Event) - Method in class org.trellisldp.api.NoopEventService
Event - Interface in org.trellisldp.api
This represents the data for a server event.
EventSerializationService - Interface in org.trellisldp.api
A service interface for serializing an Event object into a String suitable for an external notification processor.
EventService - Interface in org.trellisldp.api
The EventService provides a mechanism by which events can be emitted to a message broker.


generateIdentifier() - Method in class org.trellisldp.api.NoopResourceService
generateIdentifier() - Method in interface org.trellisldp.api.ResourceService
An identifier generator.
generateIdentifier(IRI) - Method in interface org.trellisldp.api.BinaryService
Get a new identifier.
get(K, Function<K, V>) - Method in interface org.trellisldp.api.CacheService
Get a value from the cache.
get(K, Function<K, V>) - Method in class org.trellisldp.api.NoopCacheService
get(IRI) - Method in class org.trellisldp.api.NoopResourceService
get(IRI) - Method in interface org.trellisldp.api.RetrievalService
Get a resource by the given identifier.
get(IRI, Instant) - Method in interface org.trellisldp.api.MementoService
Fetch a Memento resource for the given time.
get(IRI, Instant) - Method in class org.trellisldp.api.NoopMementoService
getAgent() - Method in class org.trellisldp.api.Metadata
Retrieve the agent associated with this opertation, if known.
getAgent() - Method in interface org.trellisldp.api.Session
Get an agent identifier.
getAgents() - Method in interface org.trellisldp.api.Event
Get the Agents associated with this event.
getBinary() - Method in class org.trellisldp.api.Metadata
Retrieve the binary metadata if this is an LDP NonRDFSource.
getBinaryMetadata() - Method in interface org.trellisldp.api.Resource
Retrieve a BinaryMetadata for this resouce, if it is a LDP-NR.
getConstraint() - Method in class org.trellisldp.api.ConstraintViolation
Get the constraint IRI for this violation.
getContainer() - Method in class org.trellisldp.api.Metadata
Get the container for this resource.
getContainer() - Method in interface org.trellisldp.api.Resource
Get the container for this resource.
getContainer(IRI) - Static method in class org.trellisldp.api.TrellisUtils
Get the structural-logical container for this resource.
getContent() - Method in interface org.trellisldp.api.Binary
getContent(int, int) - Method in interface org.trellisldp.api.Binary
getCreated() - Method in interface org.trellisldp.api.Event
Get the created date for this event.
getCreated() - Method in interface org.trellisldp.api.Session
Get the date when the session was created.
getDelegatedBy() - Method in interface org.trellisldp.api.Session
Get the user that delegated access, if one exists.
getExtraLinkRelations() - Method in interface org.trellisldp.api.Resource
Get any extra implementation-defined link relations for this resource.
getHints() - Method in class org.trellisldp.api.BinaryMetadata
Retrieve any hints for persistence.
getIdentifier() - Method in class org.trellisldp.api.BinaryMetadata
Retrieve an IRI identifying the location of the binary.
getIdentifier() - Method in interface org.trellisldp.api.Event
Get an identifier for this event.
getIdentifier() - Method in class org.trellisldp.api.Metadata
Get an identifier for this metadata.
getIdentifier() - Method in interface org.trellisldp.api.Resource
Get an identifier for this resource.
getIdentifier() - Method in interface org.trellisldp.api.Session
Get a session identifier.
getInbox() - Method in interface org.trellisldp.api.Event
Get the inbox corresponding to the resource corresponding to this event, if one exists.
getInsertedContentRelation() - Method in class org.trellisldp.api.Metadata
Retrieve the inserted content relation if this is an LDP Indirect container.
getInsertedContentRelation() - Method in interface org.trellisldp.api.Resource
Retrieve the inserted content relation if this is an LDP Indirect container.
getInstance() - Static method in class org.trellisldp.api.RDFFactory
Get the Commons RDF instance in use.
getInteractionModel() - Method in class org.trellisldp.api.Metadata
Get the LDP interaction model for this metadata.
getInteractionModel() - Method in interface org.trellisldp.api.Resource
Get the LDP interaction model for this resource.
getMemberOfRelation() - Method in class org.trellisldp.api.Metadata
Retrieve the member of relation IRI.
getMemberOfRelation() - Method in interface org.trellisldp.api.Resource
Retrieve the member of relation IRI.
getMemberRelation() - Method in class org.trellisldp.api.Metadata
Retrieve the member relation if this is an LDP Direct or Indirect container.
getMemberRelation() - Method in interface org.trellisldp.api.Resource
Retrieve the member relation if this is an LDP Direct or Indirect container.
getMembershipResource() - Method in class org.trellisldp.api.Metadata
Retrieve the membership resource if this is an LDP Direct or Indirect container.
getMembershipResource() - Method in interface org.trellisldp.api.Resource
Retrieve the membership resource if this is an LDP Direct or Indirect container.
getMetadataGraphNames() - Method in class org.trellisldp.api.Metadata
Retrieve the associated metadata graph names.
getMetadataGraphNames() - Method in interface org.trellisldp.api.Resource
Retrieve a collection of attached metadata graph names.
getMimeType() - Method in class org.trellisldp.api.BinaryMetadata
Retrieve the mime-type of the resource, if one was specified.
getModified() - Method in interface org.trellisldp.api.Resource
Get the last modified date.
getNamespaces() - Method in interface org.trellisldp.api.NamespaceService
Fetch the entire namespace mapping.
getNamespaces() - Method in class org.trellisldp.api.NoopNamespaceService
getObject() - Method in interface org.trellisldp.api.Event
Get the resource identifier, if one exists.
getObjectTypes() - Method in interface org.trellisldp.api.Event
Get the types for the resource that is the object of this event.
getProperties() - Method in class org.trellisldp.api.Metadata
Retrieve any additional properties.
getResourceIdentifier(String, String) - Method in interface org.trellisldp.api.ResourceService
Get a resource identifier from a request URL.
getRevision() - Method in class org.trellisldp.api.Metadata
Retrieve the revision value, if one exists.
getRevision() - Method in interface org.trellisldp.api.Resource
Get the revision or state tag of the resource.
getSupplier() - Method in class org.trellisldp.api.DefaultIdentifierService
getSupplier() - Method in interface org.trellisldp.api.IdentifierService
Get a Supplier that generates Strings with the provided prefix.
getSupplier(String) - Method in class org.trellisldp.api.DefaultIdentifierService
getSupplier(String) - Method in interface org.trellisldp.api.IdentifierService
Get a Supplier that generates Strings with the provided prefix.
getSupplier(String, int, int) - Method in class org.trellisldp.api.DefaultIdentifierService
getSupplier(String, int, int) - Method in interface org.trellisldp.api.IdentifierService
Get a Supplier that generates Strings with the provided prefix.
getTriples() - Method in class org.trellisldp.api.ConstraintViolation
Get the triples causing the constraint violation.
getTypes() - Method in interface org.trellisldp.api.Event
Get types for this event.


hasMetadata(IRI) - Method in interface org.trellisldp.api.Resource
Test whether this resource has an attached metadata resource.
hints(Map<String, List<String>>) - Method in class org.trellisldp.api.BinaryMetadata.Builder
Set the hints for persistence.


IdentifierService - Interface in org.trellisldp.api
The IdentifierService provides a mechanism for creating new identifiers.
insertedContentRelation(IRI) - Method in class org.trellisldp.api.Metadata.Builder
Set the inserted content relation value.
interactionModel(IRI) - Method in class org.trellisldp.api.Metadata.Builder
Set the LDP interaction model.
IOService - Interface in org.trellisldp.api
The IOService defines methods for reading, writing and updating RDF streams to/from a concrete RDF 1.1 syntax.


LD_PATCH - Static variable in class org.trellisldp.api.Syntax


memberOfRelation(IRI) - Method in class org.trellisldp.api.Metadata.Builder
Set the member of relation value.
memberRelation(IRI) - Method in class org.trellisldp.api.Metadata.Builder
Set the member relation value.
membershipResource(IRI) - Method in class org.trellisldp.api.Metadata.Builder
Set the membership resource value.
mementos(IRI) - Method in interface org.trellisldp.api.MementoService
Get the times for all of the Mementos of the given resource.
mementos(IRI) - Method in class org.trellisldp.api.NoopMementoService
MementoService - Interface in org.trellisldp.api
An interface for a Memento subsystem.
Metadata - Class in org.trellisldp.api
Metadata values used for resource composition.
Metadata.Builder - Class in org.trellisldp.api
A mutable builder for a Metadata object.
metadataGraphNames(Set<IRI>) - Method in class org.trellisldp.api.Metadata.Builder
Set any metadata graph names.
mimeType(String) - Method in class org.trellisldp.api.BinaryMetadata.Builder
Set the binary MIME type.
MISSING_RESOURCE - org.trellisldp.api.Resource.SpecialResources
A non-existent resource: one that does not exist at a given IRI.


NamespaceService - Interface in org.trellisldp.api
Namespaces may be stored globally across the server, and the NamespaceService provides a mechanism for retrieving and setting namespace values.
NoopAuditService - Class in org.trellisldp.api
For use when audit functionality is not desired.
NoopAuditService() - Constructor for class org.trellisldp.api.NoopAuditService
NoopCacheService<K,​V> - Class in org.trellisldp.api
A no-op (pass-through) cache service for Trellis.
NoopCacheService() - Constructor for class org.trellisldp.api.NoopCacheService
NoopEventSerializationService - Class in org.trellisldp.api
For use when event serialization is not desired.
NoopEventSerializationService() - Constructor for class org.trellisldp.api.NoopEventSerializationService
NoopEventService - Class in org.trellisldp.api
For use when an event service is not desired.
NoopEventService() - Constructor for class org.trellisldp.api.NoopEventService
NoopImplementation - Annotation Type in org.trellisldp.api
Marks a no-op implementation of a Trellis component.
NoopMementoService - Class in org.trellisldp.api
A no-op MementoService implementation.
NoopMementoService() - Constructor for class org.trellisldp.api.NoopMementoService
NoopNamespaceService - Class in org.trellisldp.api
A NamespaceService that stores nothing and offers nothing.
NoopNamespaceService() - Constructor for class org.trellisldp.api.NoopNamespaceService
NoopResourceService - Class in org.trellisldp.api
A no-op resource service that can be used with CDI and proxy objects.
NoopResourceService() - Constructor for class org.trellisldp.api.NoopResourceService
normalizeIdentifier(IRI) - Static method in class org.trellisldp.api.TrellisUtils
For any identifier, normalize its form to remove any hashURIs or trailing slashes.
normalizePath(String) - Static method in class org.trellisldp.api.TrellisUtils
Normalize a path component for a Trellis identifier.


org.trellisldp.api - module org.trellisldp.api
org.trellisldp.api - package org.trellisldp.api
Trellis Application Programming Interfaces


property(String, String) - Method in class org.trellisldp.api.Metadata.Builder
Set a property on the resource metadata.
purgeContent(IRI) - Method in interface org.trellisldp.api.BinaryService
Purge the content from its corresponding datastore.
put(Resource) - Method in interface org.trellisldp.api.MementoService
Create a new Memento for a resource.
put(Resource) - Method in class org.trellisldp.api.NoopMementoService
put(ResourceService, IRI) - Method in interface org.trellisldp.api.MementoService
Create a new Memento for a resource, retrieved from a ResourceService.
put(ResourceService, IRI) - Method in class org.trellisldp.api.NoopMementoService


RDFaWriterService - Interface in org.trellisldp.api
A service for generating HTML output from a stream of triples.
RDFFactory - Class in org.trellisldp.api
A factory method for loading and providing the RDF Commons implementation object.
read(InputStream, RDFSyntax, String) - Method in interface org.trellisldp.api.IOService
Read an input stream into a stream of triples.
replace(Metadata, Dataset) - Method in class org.trellisldp.api.NoopResourceService
replace(Metadata, Dataset) - Method in interface org.trellisldp.api.ResourceService
Replace a resource in the server.
Resource - Interface in org.trellisldp.api
The central resource abstraction for a Trellis-based linked data server.
Resource.SpecialResources - Enum in org.trellisldp.api
ResourceService - Interface in org.trellisldp.api
The ResourceService provides methods for creating, retrieving and manipulating Trellis resources.
RetrievalService<T> - Interface in org.trellisldp.api
A service that can retrieve resources of some type, featuring optional retrieval by time.
revision(String) - Method in class org.trellisldp.api.Metadata.Builder
Set a revision value for the resource.


serialize(Event) - Method in interface org.trellisldp.api.EventSerializationService
Serialize an event object into some concrete syntax.
serialize(Event) - Method in class org.trellisldp.api.NoopEventSerializationService
Session - Interface in org.trellisldp.api
This interface represents a user's session when interacting with a Trellis resource.
setContent(BinaryMetadata, InputStream) - Method in interface org.trellisldp.api.BinaryService
Set the content for a binary object.
setPrefix(String, String) - Method in interface org.trellisldp.api.NamespaceService
Set the namespace for a given prefix.
setPrefix(String, String) - Method in class org.trellisldp.api.NoopNamespaceService
skolemize(RDFTerm) - Method in interface org.trellisldp.api.ResourceService
Skolemize a blank node.
SPARQL_UPDATE - Static variable in class org.trellisldp.api.Syntax
StorageConflictException - Exception in org.trellisldp.api
Exception marker for exceptions related to conflicts in the storage layer.
StorageConflictException() - Constructor for exception org.trellisldp.api.StorageConflictException
Create a new StorageConflictException.
StorageConflictException(String) - Constructor for exception org.trellisldp.api.StorageConflictException
Create a new StorageConflictException with a custom message.
StorageConflictException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.trellisldp.api.StorageConflictException
Create a new StorageConflictException with a custom message and known cause.
StorageConflictException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.trellisldp.api.StorageConflictException
Create a new StorageConflictException with a known cause.
stream() - Method in interface org.trellisldp.api.Resource
Retrieve the RDF Quads for a resource.
stream(Collection<IRI>) - Method in interface org.trellisldp.api.Resource
Retrieve the RDF Quads for a set of named graphs.
stream(IRI) - Method in interface org.trellisldp.api.Resource
Retrieve the RDF Quads for a given named graph.
supportedInteractionModels() - Method in class org.trellisldp.api.NoopResourceService
supportedInteractionModels() - Method in interface org.trellisldp.api.ResourceService
Return a collection of interaction models supported by this Resource Service.
supportedReadSyntaxes() - Method in interface org.trellisldp.api.IOService
Retrieve the set of valid syntaxes for read operations.
supportedUpdateSyntaxes() - Method in interface org.trellisldp.api.IOService
Retrieve the set of valid syntaxes for update operations.
supportedWriteSyntaxes() - Method in interface org.trellisldp.api.IOService
Retrieve the set of valid syntaxes for write operations.
Syntax - Class in org.trellisldp.api
Additional RDF Syntax definitions.


toDataset() - Static method in class org.trellisldp.api.TrellisUtils
Collect a stream of Quads into a Dataset.
toExternal(T, String) - Method in interface org.trellisldp.api.ResourceService
Return an "external" representation of an RDF term.
toGraph() - Static method in class org.trellisldp.api.TrellisUtils
Collect a stream of Triples into a Graph.
toInternal(T, String) - Method in interface org.trellisldp.api.ResourceService
Return an "internal" representation of an RDF term.
toString() - Method in class org.trellisldp.api.ConstraintViolation
touch(IRI) - Method in class org.trellisldp.api.NoopResourceService
touch(IRI) - Method in interface org.trellisldp.api.ResourceService
Update the modification date of the provided resource.
TRELLIS_ADMIN_ROLE - Static variable in class org.trellisldp.api.TrellisUtils
The name of the trellis admin role.
TRELLIS_BNODE_PREFIX - Static variable in class org.trellisldp.api.TrellisUtils
The default internal blank node prefix.
TRELLIS_DATA_PREFIX - Static variable in class org.trellisldp.api.TrellisUtils
The default internal IRI for the root container.
TRELLIS_SCHEME - Static variable in class org.trellisldp.api.TrellisUtils
The internal trellis scheme.
TRELLIS_SESSION_PREFIX - Static variable in class org.trellisldp.api.TrellisUtils
The default internal session prefix.
TrellisRuntimeException - Exception in org.trellisldp.api
Exception marker for all Trellis unchecked exceptions.
TrellisRuntimeException() - Constructor for exception org.trellisldp.api.TrellisRuntimeException
Create a new TrellisRuntimeException.
TrellisRuntimeException(String) - Constructor for exception org.trellisldp.api.TrellisRuntimeException
Create a new TrellisRuntimeException with a custom message.
TrellisRuntimeException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.trellisldp.api.TrellisRuntimeException
Create a new TrellisRuntimeException with a custom message and known cause.
TrellisRuntimeException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.trellisldp.api.TrellisRuntimeException
Create a new TrellisRuntimeException with a known cause.
TrellisUtils - Class in org.trellisldp.api
The TrellisUtils class provides a set of convenience methods related to generating and processing RDF objects.


unskolemize(RDFTerm) - Method in interface org.trellisldp.api.ResourceService
Un-skolemize a blank node.
update(Graph, String, RDFSyntax, String) - Method in interface org.trellisldp.api.IOService
Apply a Sparql-Update operation over a Graph.
update(IRI, Session) - Method in interface org.trellisldp.api.AuditService
Generate the audit quads for an Update event.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.trellisldp.api.Resource.SpecialResources
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum org.trellisldp.api.Resource.SpecialResources
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


write(Stream<Triple>, OutputStream, String) - Method in interface org.trellisldp.api.RDFaWriterService
Produce RDFa (HTML) output from a given stream of triples.
write(Stream<Triple>, OutputStream, RDFSyntax, String, IRI...) - Method in interface org.trellisldp.api.IOService
Serialize the triple stream in a concrete RDF syntax.
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