All Classes and Interfaces

AbstractEvaluator<T extends Output<T>,C extends MetricContext<T>,E extends Evaluation<T>,M extends EvaluationMetric<T,C>>
Base class for evaluators.
Base class for sequence evaluators.
Aggregates multiple ConfigurableDataSources, uses AggregateDataSource.IterationOrder to control the iteration order.
Aggregates multiple DataSources, uses AggregateDataSource.IterationOrder to control the iteration order.
Provenance for the AggregateDataSource.
Specifies the iteration order of the inner sources.
An Example backed by two arrays, one of String and one of double.
A Trainer that wraps another trainer and produces a bagged ensemble.
An Example backed by a single array of feature names.
A Transformation which bins values.
Provenance for BinningTransformation.
The allowed binning types.
Same as a CategoricalInfo, but with an additional int id field.
Stores information about Categorical features.
It's a DataSource that's also Configurable.
A tag interface for configurable data source provenance.
CrossValidation<T extends Output<T>,E extends Evaluation<T>>
A class that does k-fold cross-validation.
Tag interface for data sources provenances.
Dataset<T extends Output<T>>
A class for sets of data, which are used to train and evaluate classifiers.
Base class for dataset provenance.
DatasetView<T extends Output<T>>
DatasetView provides an immutable view on another Dataset that only exposes selected examples.
Provenance for the DatasetView.
DataSource<T extends Output<T>>
A interface for things that can be given to a Dataset's constructor.
Data source provenance.
Descriptive statistics calculated across a list of doubles.
An empty DatasetProvenance, should not be used except by the provenance removal system.
An empty DataSourceProvenance, should not be used except by the provenance removal system.
An empty TrainerProvenance, should not be used except by the provenance removal system.
An interface for combining predictions.
An Excuse which has a List of excuses for each of the ensemble members.
A model which contains a list of other Models.
Model provenance for ensemble models.
Evaluation<T extends Output<T>>
An immutable evaluation of a specific model and dataset.
Aggregates metrics from a list of evaluations, or a list of models and datasets.
A metric that can be calculated for the specified output type.
Specifies what form of average to use for a EvaluationMetric.
Provenance for evaluations.
Renders an Evaluation into a String.
Evaluator<T extends Output<T>,E extends Evaluation<T>>
An evaluation factory which produces immutable Evaluations of a given Dataset using the given Model.
Example<T extends Output<T>>
An example used for training and evaluation.
Excuse<T extends Output<T>>
Holds an Example, a Prediction and a Map from String to List of Pairs that contains the per output explanation.
A class for features.
A map from Strings to VariableInfo objects storing information about a feature.
Hashes names using String.hashCode().
Provenance for the HashCodeHasher.
A FeatureMap used by the HashingTrainer to provide feature name hashing and guarantee that the Model does not contain feature name information, but still works with unhashed features names.
An abstract base class for hash functions used to hash the names of features.
An Options implementation which provides CLI arguments for the model hashing functionality.
Supported types of hashes in CLI programs.
A SequenceTrainer that hashes all the feature names on the way in.
Provenance for HashingSequenceTrainer.
A Trainer which hashes the Dataset before the Model is produced.
Utilities for nice HTML output that can be put in wikis and such.
A feature transformation that computes the IDF for features and then transforms them with a TF-IDF weighting.
Provenance for IDFTransformation.
A DataSource which can read IDX formatted data (i.e., MNIST).
Java side representation for an IDX file.
Provenance class for IDXDataSource.
The possible IDX input formats.
This is a Dataset which has an ImmutableFeatureMap to store the feature information.
ImmutableFeatureMap is used when unknown features should not be added to the FeatureMap.
An OutputInfo that is fixed, and contains an id number for each valid output.
This is a SequenceDataset which has an ImmutableFeatureMap to store the feature information.
IncrementalTrainer<T extends Output<T>,U extends Model<T>>
An interface for incremental training of Models.
A SequenceModel which independently predicts each element of the sequence.
Trains a sequence model by training a regular model to independently predict every example in each sequence.
A version of ArrayExample which also has the id numbers.
A tuple of the feature name, id and value.
A Pair of a primitive int and a primitive double.
A k-fold splitter to be used in cross-validation.
Stores a train/test split for a dataset.
A DataSource which can read LibSVM formatted data.
The provenance for a LibSVMDataSource.
A Transformation which takes an observed distribution and rescales it so all values are between the desired min and max.
A data source which wraps up a list of Examples along with their DataSourceProvenance and an OutputFactory.
ListExample<T extends Output<T>>
This class will not be performant until value types are available in Java.
A Transformation which takes an observed distribution and rescales it so it has the desired mean and standard deviation.
Provenance for MeanStdDevTransformation.
An accumulator for online calculation of the mean and variance of a stream of doubles.
An interface which can merge double values.
Hashes Strings using the supplied MessageDigest type.
Provenance for MessageDigestHasher.
The context for a metric or set of metrics.
MetricID<T extends Output<T>>
Just an easier-to-read alias for Pair<MetricTarget<T>, String>.
Used by a given EvaluationMetric to determine whether it should compute its value for a specific Output value or whether it should average them.
This class creates a pruned dataset in which low frequency features that occur less than the provided minimum cardinality have been removed.
This class creates a pruned dataset in which low frequency features that occur less than the provided minimum cardinality have been removed.
Model<T extends Output<T>>
A prediction model, which is used to predict outputs for unseen instances.
A command line interface for loading in models and inspecting their feature and output spaces.
CLI options for ModelExplorer.
Contains provenance information for an instance of a Model.
Hashes names using String.hashCode(), then reduces the dimension.
Provenance for the ModHashCodeHasher.
The MurmurHash3 algorithm was created by Austin Appleby and placed in the public domain.
128 bits of state
A MutableDataset is a Dataset with a MutableFeatureMap which grows over time.
A feature map that can record new feature value observations.
A mutable OutputInfo that can record observed output values.
A MutableSequenceDataset is a SequenceDataset with a MutableFeatureMap which grows over time.
OnlineEvaluator<T extends Output<T>,E extends Evaluation<T>>
An evaluator which aggregates predictions and produces Evaluations covering all the Predictions it has seen or created.
An interface which denotes this Model can be exported as an ONNX model.
Output<T extends Output<T>>
Output is the root interface for the supported prediction types.
An interface associated with a specific Output, which can generate the appropriate Output subclass, and OutputInfo subclass.
A tag provenance for an output factory.
OutputInfo<T extends Output<T>>
Tracks relevant properties of the appropriate Output subclass.
Prediction<T extends Output<T>>
A prediction made by a Model.
Same as a RealInfo, but with an additional int id field.
Stores information about real valued features.
A class for sets of data, which are used to train and evaluate classifiers.
A interface for things that can be given to a SequenceDataset's constructor.
An immutable evaluation of a specific sequence model and dataset.
An evaluation factory which produces immutable SequenceEvaluations of a given SequenceDataset using the given SequenceModel.
A sequence of examples, used for sequence classification.
A prediction model, which is used to predict outputs for unseen instances.
A CLI for interacting with a SequenceModel.
Command line options.
An interface for things that can train sequence prediction models.
This class stores a String describing the data source, along with a timestamp.
This is used for stateless functions such as exp, log, addition or multiplication by a constant.
Operations understood by this Transformation.
Provenance for SimpleTransform.
The skeleton of a TrainerProvenance that extracts the configured parameters.
Contains information about a feature and can be stored in the feature map in a Dataset.
SparseModel<T extends Output<T>>
A model which uses a subset of the features it knows about to make predictions.
Denotes this trainer emits a SparseModel.
A TrainerProvenance with a timestamp, used when there was no trainer involved in model construction (e.g., creating an EnsembleModel from existing models).
Trainer<T extends Output<T>>
An interface for things that can train predictive models.
A tag interface for trainer provenances.
An implementation of TrainerProvenance that delegates everything to SkeletalTrainerProvenance.
Splits data into training and testing sets.
Provenance for a split data source.
An interface representing a class of transformations which can be applied to a feature.
A carrier type for a set of transformations to be applied to a Dataset.
A carrier type as OLCUT does not support nested generics.
A tag interface for provenances in the transformation system.
Wraps a Model with it's TransformerMap so all Examples are transformed appropriately before the model makes predictions.
A fitted Transformation which can apply a transform to the input value.
A collection of Transformers which can be applied to a Dataset or Example.
Provenance for TransformerMap.
An interface for the statistics that need to be collected for a specific Transformation on a single feature.
A Trainer which encapsulates another trainer plus a TransformationMap object to apply to each Dataset before training each Model.
This class stores the current Tribuo version, along with other compile time information.
Ye olde util class.
Adds an id number to a VariableInfo.
A VariableInfo subclass contains information about a feature and its observed values.
An ensemble model that uses weights to combine the ensemble member predictions.
Tag interface denoting that a Trainer can use example weights.