Package twitter4j.v1

Interface OEmbed

All Superinterfaces:
Serializable, TwitterResponse

public interface OEmbed extends TwitterResponse, Serializable
Twitter4J 3.0.2
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getHtml

      String getHtml()
      The HTML required to display the resource. The HTML should have no padding or margins. Consumers may wish to load the HTML in an off-domain iframe to avoid XSS vulnerabilities. The markup should be valid XHTML 1.0 Basic.
      The HTML required to display the resource.
    • getAuthorName

      String getAuthorName()
      The name of the author/owner of the resource.
      The name of the author/owner of the resource.
    • getURL

      String getURL()
      The url of the resource provider.
      The source URL of the image. Consumers should be able to insert this URL into an <img> element. Only HTTP and HTTPS URLs are valid.
      The url of the resource provider.
    • getVersion

      String getVersion()
      The oEmbed version number.
      The oEmbed version number.
    • getCacheAge

      long getCacheAge()
      The suggested cache lifetime for this resource, in seconds. Consumers may choose to use this value or not.
      The suggested cache lifetime for this resource, in seconds. Consumers may choose to use this value or not.
    • getAuthorURL

      String getAuthorURL()
      A URL for the author/owner of the resource.
      A URL for the author/owner of the resource.
    • getWidth

      int getWidth()
      The width in pixels of the image specified in the url parameter.
      The width in pixels of the image specified in the url parameter.