All Classes and Interfaces

Representing authorized Access Token which is passed to the service provider in order to access protected resources.
the token and token secret can be stored into some persistent stores such as file system or RDBMS for the further accesses.
Container for all InvocationStatisticsCalculators in a given API (like Twitter)
Simple MBean interface for APIStatistics.
Dynamic version of APIStatisticsMBean that wraps an APIStatisticsOpenMBean.
An interface represents credentials.
A data interface representing sent/received direct message.
filter level
A data class representing geo location.
A data interface representing one single Hashtag entity.
represents language
A data interface representing array of numeric IDs.
Object that collects/aggregates statistics for the invocation of a given method.
Builder for OAuthAuthorization
widget type
ResponseList with cursor support.
Controls pagination.
A data class represents search query.
An instance of this class is NOT thread safe.
Instances can be shared across threads, but should not be mutated while a search is ongoing.
result type
A data interface representing search API response
Quick reply
A data interface representing Twitter REST API's rate limit status
A data interface representing Twitter REST API's rate limit status
A data interface that has detailed information about a relationship between two users
List of TwitterResponse.
A data interface representing a Saved Search
A data interface representing targeting scopes applied to a status.
stall warning
A data interface representing one single status of a user.
A data class representing Status deletionNotice
Clients are urged to honor deletionNotice requests and discard deleted statuses immediately.
A data interface representing Trend.
A data class representing Trends.
super interface of UserMentionEntity, URLEntity and HashtagEntity
builder for Twitter
Singleton instance of all Twitter API monitoring.
An exception class that will be thrown when TwitterAPI calls are failed.
In case the Twitter server returned HTTP error code, you can get the HTTP status code using getStatusCode() method.
Super interface of Twitter Response data interfaces which indicates that rate limit status is available.
access level
Interface represents Twitter API v1.1
Represents result of "/1.1/media/upload.json"
A data interface representing one single URL entity.
A data interface representing Basic user information element
A data interface representing Basic list information element
A data interface representing one single user mention entity.
interface for user resources