



package lifting

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait ApplicativeLayer[M[_], Inner[_]] extends FunctorLayer[M, Inner] with Serializable


    ApplicativeLayer[M, Inner] has the following functionality: - the capability to lift values from the Applicative Inner to the Applicative M, preserving the Applicative structure - lifts Applicative isomorphisms in Inner ((Inner ~> Inner, Inner ~> Inner)) into Applicative homomorphisms in M (M ~> M).

    ApplicativeLayer[M, Inner] has the following functionality: - the capability to lift values from the Applicative Inner to the Applicative M, preserving the Applicative structure - lifts Applicative isomorphisms in Inner ((Inner ~> Inner, Inner ~> Inner)) into Applicative homomorphisms in M (M ~> M). This allows you to "map" a natural transformation over the Inner inside M, but only if you can provide an inverse of that natural transformation.

    ApplicativeLayer[M, Inner] has two external laws:

    def layerRespectsPure[A](a: A) = {
      layer(a.pure[Inner]) <-> a.pure[M]
    def layerRespectsAp[A, B](m: Inner[A])(f: Inner[A => B]) = {
      layer(m).ap(layer(f)) <-> layer(m.ap(f))
  2. trait ApplicativeLayerFunctor[M[_], Inner[_]] extends ApplicativeLayer[M, Inner] with FunctorLayerFunctor[M, Inner] with Serializable


    ApplicativeLayerFunctor is the capability to lift Applicative homomorphisms in Inner (Inner ~> Inner) into homomorphisms in M (Inner ~> Inner).

    ApplicativeLayerFunctor is the capability to lift Applicative homomorphisms in Inner (Inner ~> Inner) into homomorphisms in M (Inner ~> Inner).

    ApplicativeLayerFunctor[M, Inner] has no additional laws.

  3. trait FunctorLayer[M[_], Inner[_]] extends Serializable


    FunctorLayer[M, Inner] has the following functionality: - lifts values from the Functor Inner to the Functor M.

    FunctorLayer[M, Inner] has the following functionality: - lifts values from the Functor Inner to the Functor M. - lifts Functor isomorphisms in Inner ((Inner ~> Inner, Inner ~> Inner)) into Functor homomorphisms in M (M ~> M). This allows you to "map" a natural transformation over the Inner inside M, but only if you can provide an inverse of that natural transformation.

    FunctorLayer[M, Inner] has two external laws:

    def mapForwardRespectsLayer[A](in: Inner[A])(forward: Inner ~> Inner, backward: Inner ~> Inner) = {
      layer(forward(in)) <-> layerImapK(layer(in))(forward, backward)
    def layerImapRespectsId[A](in: M[A]) = {
      in <-> layerImapK(in)(,

    FunctorLayer has one free law, i.e. a law guaranteed by parametricity:

    def layerRespectsMap[A, B](in: Inner[A])(f: A => B) = {
      layer( <-> layer(in).map(f)
    } // this is free because all `FunctionK`'s (including `layer`, despite not being an instance of the class)
      // are natural transformations (i.e., they follow this law exactly)
  4. trait FunctorLayerFunctor[M[_], Inner[_]] extends FunctorLayer[M, Inner] with Serializable


    FunctorLayerFunctor is the capability to lift Functor homomorphisms in Inner (Inner ~> Inner) into homomorphisms in M (Inner ~> Inner).

    FunctorLayerFunctor is the capability to lift Functor homomorphisms in Inner (Inner ~> Inner) into homomorphisms in M (Inner ~> Inner).

    FunctorLayerFunctor[M, Inner] has two external laws:

    def layerMapRespectsLayerImapK[A](ma: M[A])(forward: Inner ~> Inner,
                                             backward: Inner ~> Inner) = {
      layerImapK(ma)(forward, backward) <-> layerMapK(ma)(forward)
    def layerMapRespectsLayer[A](in: Inner[A])(forward: Inner ~> Inner) = {
      layer(forward(in)) <-> layerMapK(layer(in))(forward)

    FunctorLayerFunctor[M, Inner] has one free law, that is, one law guaranteed by other laws and parametricity:

    def layerMapRespectsId[A](in: M[A]) = {
      in <-> layerImapK(in)(,
    layerImapK(in)(, <-> in [by layerMapRespectsLayerImapK[A]]
    layerMapK(in)( <-> layerImapK(, [by layerImapRespectsId[A]]
  5. trait MonadLayer[M[_], Inner[_]] extends ApplicativeLayer[M, Inner]


    MonadLayer[M, Inner] has the following functionality: - lifts values from the Monad Inner to the Monad M.

    MonadLayer[M, Inner] has the following functionality: - lifts values from the Monad Inner to the Monad M. - lifts Monad isomorphisms in Inner ((Inner ~> Inner, Inner ~> Inner)) into Monad homomorphisms in M (M ~> M). This allows you to "map" a natural transformation over the Inner inside M, but only if you can provide an inverse of that natural transformation.

    MonadLayer has one external law:

    def layerRespectsFlatMap[A, B](m: Inner[A])(f: A => Inner[B]) = {
      layer(m).flatMap(f andThen layer) <-> layer(m.flatMap(f))
  6. trait MonadLayerControl[M[_], Inner[_]] extends MonadLayerFunctor[M, Inner]


    MonadLayerControl is possible to use to access lower monad layers in invariant position, as in so-called "control operations".

    MonadLayerControl is possible to use to access lower monad layers in invariant position, as in so-called "control operations".

    Three external laws:

    def layerMapRespectsLayerControl[A](m: M[A], f: Inner ~> Inner) = {
      layerMapK(m)(f) <-> layerControl(run => f(run(m)).flatMap(restore)
    def distributionLaw[A](nt: State ~> State, st: State[A]) = {
      restore(nt(st)) <-> layerControl[State[A]](_ (restore(st)).map(nt(_))).flatMap(restore)
    def layerControlIdentity[A](ma: M[A]) = {
      ma <->
        layerControl[Inner[State[A]]] { cps =>
  7. trait MonadLayerFunctor[M[_], Inner[_]] extends MonadLayer[M, Inner] with ApplicativeLayerFunctor[M, Inner]


    MonadLayerFunctor is the capability to lift Monad homomorphisms in Inner (Inner ~> Inner) into homomorphisms in M (Inner ~> Inner).

    MonadLayerFunctor is the capability to lift Monad homomorphisms in Inner (Inner ~> Inner) into homomorphisms in M (Inner ~> Inner).

    MonadLayerFunctor[M, Inner] has no additional laws.
