



package mtl

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Type Members

  1. trait ApplicativeAsk[F[_], E] extends Serializable


    ApplicativeAsk[F, E] lets you access an E value in the F[_] context.

    ApplicativeAsk[F, E] lets you access an E value in the F[_] context.

    Intuitively, this means that an E value is required as an input to get "out" of the F[_] context.

    ApplicativeAsk[F, E] has one external law:

    def askAddsNoEffects[A](fa: F[A]) = {
      (ask *> fa) <-> fa

    ApplicativeAsk[F, E] has one internal law:

    def readerIsAskAndMap[A](f: E => A) = { <-> reader(f)
  2. trait ApplicativeLayer[M[_], Inner[_]] extends FunctorLayer[M, Inner] with Serializable


    ApplicativeLayer[M, Inner] has the following functionality: - the capability to lift values from the Applicative Inner to the Applicative M, preserving the Applicative structure - lifts Applicative isomorphisms in Inner ((Inner ~> Inner, Inner ~> Inner)) into Applicative homomorphisms in M (M ~> M).

    ApplicativeLayer[M, Inner] has the following functionality: - the capability to lift values from the Applicative Inner to the Applicative M, preserving the Applicative structure - lifts Applicative isomorphisms in Inner ((Inner ~> Inner, Inner ~> Inner)) into Applicative homomorphisms in M (M ~> M). This allows you to "map" a natural transformation over the Inner inside M, but only if you can provide an inverse of that natural transformation.

    ApplicativeLayer[M, Inner] has two external laws:

    def layerRespectsPure[A](a: A) = {
      layer(a.pure[Inner]) <-> a.pure[M]
    def layerRespectsAp[A, B](m: Inner[A])(f: Inner[A => B]) = {
      layer(m).ap(layer(f)) <-> layer(m.ap(f))
  3. trait ApplicativeLayerFunctor[M[_], Inner[_]] extends ApplicativeLayer[M, Inner] with FunctorLayerFunctor[M, Inner] with Serializable


    ApplicativeLayerFunctor is the capability to lift Applicative homomorphisms in Inner (Inner ~> Inner) into homomorphisms in M (Inner ~> Inner).

    ApplicativeLayerFunctor is the capability to lift Applicative homomorphisms in Inner (Inner ~> Inner) into homomorphisms in M (Inner ~> Inner).

    ApplicativeLayerFunctor[M, Inner] has no additional laws.

  4. trait ApplicativeLocal[F[_], E] extends Serializable


    ApplicativeLocal[F, E] lets you alter the E value that is observed by an F[A] value using ask; the modification can only be observed from within that F[A] value.

    ApplicativeLocal[F, E] lets you alter the E value that is observed by an F[A] value using ask; the modification can only be observed from within that F[A] value.

    ApplicativeLocal[F, E] has three external laws:

    def askReflectsLocal(f: E => E) = {
      local(ask)(f) <-> ask map f
    def localPureIsPure[A](a: A, f: E => E) = {
      local(f)(pure(a)) <-> pure(a)
    def localDistributesOverAp[A, B](fa: F[A], ff: F[A => B], f: E => E) = {
      local(f)(ff ap fa) <-> local(f)(ff) ap local(f)(fa)

    ApplicativeLocal has one internal law:

    def scopeIsLocalConst(fa: F[A], e: E) = {
      scope(e)(fa) <-> local(_ => e)(fa)
  5. trait DefaultApplicativeAsk[F[_], E] extends ApplicativeAsk[F, E]

  6. trait DefaultApplicativeLocal[F[_], E] extends ApplicativeLocal[F, E]

  7. trait DefaultFunctorEmpty[F[_]] extends FunctorEmpty[F]

  8. trait DefaultFunctorTell[F[_], L] extends FunctorTell[F, L]

  9. trait DefaultMonadState[F[_], S] extends MonadState[F, S]

  10. trait DefaultTraverseEmpty[F[_]] extends TraverseEmpty[F]

  11. trait FunctorEmpty[F[_]] extends Serializable


    FunctorEmpty[F] allows you to map and filter out elements simultaneously.

    FunctorEmpty[F] allows you to map and filter out elements simultaneously.

    FunctorEmpty has two external laws:

    def mapFilterComposition[A, B, C](fa: F[A], f: A => Option[B], g: B => Option[C]) = {
      val lhs: F[C] = fa.mapFilter(f).mapFilter(g)
      val rhs: F[C] = fa.mapFilter(a => f(a).flatMap(g))
      lhs <-> rhs
    def mapFilterMapConsistency[A, B](fa: F[A], f: A => B) = {
      fa.mapFilter(f andThen (_.some)) <->

    FunctorEmpty has three internal laws:

    def collectConsistentWithMapFilter[A, B](fa: F[A], f: PartialFunction[A, B]) = {
      collect(fa)(f) <-> mapFilter(fa)(f.lift)
    def flattenOptionConsistentWithMapFilter[A](fa: F[Option[A]]) = {
      flattenOption(fa) <-> mapFilter(fa)(identity)
    def filterConsistentWithMapFilter[A](fa: F[A], f: A => Boolean) = {
      filter(fa)(f) <->
        mapFilter(fa)(a => if (f(a)) Some(a) else None)
  12. trait FunctorLayer[M[_], Inner[_]] extends Serializable


    FunctorLayer[M, Inner] has the following functionality: - lifts values from the Functor Inner to the Functor M.

    FunctorLayer[M, Inner] has the following functionality: - lifts values from the Functor Inner to the Functor M. - lifts Functor isomorphisms in Inner ((Inner ~> Inner, Inner ~> Inner)) into Functor homomorphisms in M (M ~> M). This allows you to "map" a natural transformation over the Inner inside M, but only if you can provide an inverse of that natural transformation.

    FunctorLayer[M, Inner] has two external laws:

    def mapForwardRespectsLayer[A](in: Inner[A])(forward: Inner ~> Inner, backward: Inner ~> Inner) = {
      layer(forward(in)) <-> layerImapK(layer(in))(forward, backward)
    def layerImapRespectsId[A](in: M[A]) = {
      in <-> layerImapK(in)(,

    FunctorLayer has one free law, i.e. a law guaranteed by parametricity:

    def layerRespectsMap[A, B](in: Inner[A])(f: A => B) = {
      layer( <-> layer(in).map(f)
    } // this is free because all `FunctionK`'s (including `layer`, despite not being an instance of the class)
      // are natural transformations (i.e., they follow this law exactly)
  13. trait FunctorLayerFunctor[M[_], Inner[_]] extends FunctorLayer[M, Inner] with Serializable


    FunctorLayerFunctor is the capability to lift Functor homomorphisms in Inner (Inner ~> Inner) into homomorphisms in M (Inner ~> Inner).

    FunctorLayerFunctor is the capability to lift Functor homomorphisms in Inner (Inner ~> Inner) into homomorphisms in M (Inner ~> Inner).

    FunctorLayerFunctor[M, Inner] has two external laws:

    def layerMapRespectsLayerImapK[A](ma: M[A])(forward: Inner ~> Inner,
                                             backward: Inner ~> Inner) = {
      layerImapK(ma)(forward, backward) <-> layerMapK(ma)(forward)
    def layerMapRespectsLayer[A](in: Inner[A])(forward: Inner ~> Inner) = {
      layer(forward(in)) <-> layerMapK(layer(in))(forward)

    FunctorLayerFunctor[M, Inner] has one free law, that is, one law guaranteed by other laws and parametricity:

    def layerMapRespectsId[A](in: M[A]) = {
      in <-> layerImapK(in)(,
    layerImapK(in)(, <-> in [by layerMapRespectsLayerImapK[A]]
    layerMapK(in)( <-> layerImapK(, [by layerImapRespectsId[A]]
  14. trait FunctorListen[F[_], L] extends Serializable


    FunctorListen[F, L] is a function F[A] => F[(A, L)] which exposes some state that is contained in all F[A] values, and can be modified using tell.

    FunctorListen[F, L] is a function F[A] => F[(A, L)] which exposes some state that is contained in all F[A] values, and can be modified using tell.

    FunctorListen has two external laws:

    def listenRespectsTell(l: L) = {
      listen(tell(l)) <-> tell(l).as(((), l))
    def listenAddsNoEffects(fa: F[A]) = {
      listen(fa).map(_._1) <-> fa

    FunctorListen has one internal law:

    def listensIsListenThenMap(fa: F[A], f: L => B) = {
      listens(fa)(f) <-> listen(fa).map { case (a, l) => (a, f(l)) }
  15. trait FunctorRaise[F[_], E] extends Serializable


    FunctorRaise[F, E] expresses the ability to raise errors of type E in a functorial F[_] context.

    FunctorRaise[F, E] expresses the ability to raise errors of type E in a functorial F[_] context. This means that a value of type F[A] may contain no A values but instead an E error value, and further map calls will not have any values to execute the passed function on.

    FunctorRaise has no external laws.

    FunctorRaise has two internal laws:

    def catchNonFatalDefault[A](a: => A)(f: Throwable => E)(implicit A: Applicative[F]) = {
      catchNonFatal(a)(f) <-> try {
      } catch {
        case NonFatal(ex) => raise(f(ex))
    def ensureDefault[A](fa: F[A])(error: => E)(predicate: A => Boolean)(implicit A: Monad[F]) = {
      ensure(fa)(error)(predicate) <-> for {
        a <- fa
        _ <- if (predicate(a)) pure(()) else raise(error)
      } yield a

    FunctorRaise has one free law, i.e. a law guaranteed by parametricity:

    def failThenFlatMapFails[A, B](ex: E, f: A => F[B]) = {
      fail(ex).flatMap(f) <-> fail(ex)
    guaranteed by:
      fail[X](ex) <-> fail[F[Y]](ex) // parametricity
      fail[X](ex).map(f) <-> fail[F[Y]](ex)  // map must have no effect, because there's no X value
      fail[X](ex).map(f).join <-> fail[F[Y]].join // add join to both sides
      fail(ex).flatMap(f) <-> fail(ex) // join is equal, because there's no inner value to flatten effects from
      // QED.
  16. trait FunctorTell[F[_], L] extends Serializable


    FunctorTell[F, L] is the ability to "log" values L inside a context F[_], as an effect.

    FunctorTell[F, L] is the ability to "log" values L inside a context F[_], as an effect.

    FunctorTell has no external laws.

    FunctorTell has one internal law:

    def writerIsTellAndMap(a: A, l: L) = {
      (tell(l) as a) <-> writer(a, l)
    def tupleIsWriterFlipped(a: A, l: L) = {
      writer(a, l) <-> tuple((l, a))
  17. trait MonadLayer[M[_], Inner[_]] extends ApplicativeLayer[M, Inner]


    MonadLayer[M, Inner] has the following functionality: - lifts values from the Monad Inner to the Monad M.

    MonadLayer[M, Inner] has the following functionality: - lifts values from the Monad Inner to the Monad M. - lifts Monad isomorphisms in Inner ((Inner ~> Inner, Inner ~> Inner)) into Monad homomorphisms in M (M ~> M). This allows you to "map" a natural transformation over the Inner inside M, but only if you can provide an inverse of that natural transformation.

    MonadLayer has one external law:

    def layerRespectsFlatMap[A, B](m: Inner[A])(f: A => Inner[B]) = {
      layer(m).flatMap(f andThen layer) <-> layer(m.flatMap(f))
  18. trait MonadLayerControl[M[_], Inner[_]] extends MonadLayerFunctor[M, Inner]


    MonadLayerControl is possible to use to access lower monad layers in invariant position, as in so-called "control operations".

    MonadLayerControl is possible to use to access lower monad layers in invariant position, as in so-called "control operations".

    Three external laws:

    def layerMapRespectsLayerControl[A](m: M[A], f: Inner ~> Inner) = {
      layerMapK(m)(f) <-> layerControl(run => f(run(m)).flatMap(restore)
    def distributionLaw[A](nt: State ~> State, st: State[A]) = {
      restore(nt(st)) <-> layerControl[State[A]](_ (restore(st)).map(nt(_))).flatMap(restore)
    def layerControlIdentity[A](ma: M[A]) = {
      ma <->
        layerControl[Inner[State[A]]] { cps =>
  19. trait MonadLayerFunctor[M[_], Inner[_]] extends MonadLayer[M, Inner] with ApplicativeLayerFunctor[M, Inner]


    MonadLayerFunctor is the capability to lift Monad homomorphisms in Inner (Inner ~> Inner) into homomorphisms in M (Inner ~> Inner).

    MonadLayerFunctor is the capability to lift Monad homomorphisms in Inner (Inner ~> Inner) into homomorphisms in M (Inner ~> Inner).

    MonadLayerFunctor[M, Inner] has no additional laws.

  20. trait MonadState[F[_], S] extends Serializable


    MonadState[F, S] is the capability to access and modify a state value from inside the F[_] context, using set(s: S): F[Unit] and get: F[S].

    MonadState[F, S] is the capability to access and modify a state value from inside the F[_] context, using set(s: S): F[Unit] and get: F[S].

    MonadState has four external laws:

    def getThenSetDoesNothing = {
      get >>= set <-> pure(())
    def setThenGetReturnsSetted(s: S) = {
      set(s) *> get <-> set(s) *> pure(s)
    def setThenSetSetsLast(s1: S, s2: S) = {
      set(s1) *> set(s2) <-> set(s2)
    def getThenGetGetsOnce = {
      get *> get <-> get

    MonadState has two internal law:

    def modifyIsGetThenSet(f: S => S) = {
      modify(f) <-> (inspect(f) flatMap set)
    def inspectLaw[A](f: S => A) = {
      inspect(f) <-> (get map f)
  21. trait TraverseEmpty[F[_]] extends Serializable


    TraverseEmpty, also known as Witherable, represents list-like structures that can essentially have a traverse and a filter applied as a single combined operation (traverseFilter).

    TraverseEmpty, also known as Witherable, represents list-like structures that can essentially have a traverse and a filter applied as a single combined operation (traverseFilter).

    TraverseEmpty has two external laws:

    def traverseFilterIdentity[G[_]: Applicative, A](fa: F[A]) = {
      fa.traverseFilter(_.some.pure[G]) <-> fa.pure[G]
    def traverseFilterComposition[A, B, C, M[_], N[_]](fa: F[A],
                                                       f: A => M[Option[B]],
                                                       g: B => N[Option[C]]
                                                        M: Applicative[M],
                                                        N: Applicative[N]
                                                      ) = {
      val lhs = Nested[M, N, F[C]](fa.traverseFilter(f).map(_.traverseFilter(g)))
      val rhs: Nested[M, N, F[C]] = fa.traverseFilter[NestedC[M, N]#l, C](a =>
        Nested[M, N, Option[C]](f(a).map(_.traverseFilter(g)))
      lhs <-> rhs

    TraverseEmpty has one internal law:

    def filterAConsistentWithTraverseFilter[G[_]: Applicative, A](fa: F[A], f: A => G[Boolean]) = {
      filterA(fa)(f) <-> fa.traverseFilter(a => (_) Some(a) else None))

    Based on Haskell's Data.Witherable

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
