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addReporter(ReporterParameter, Reporter) - Method in class org.utplsql.maven.plugin.io.ReportWriter
Adds a new reporter to the writer.


CustomTypeMapping - Class in org.utplsql.maven.plugin.model
Bean used by Maven to populate its model.
CustomTypeMapping() - Constructor for class org.utplsql.maven.plugin.model.CustomTypeMapping


execute() - Method in class org.utplsql.maven.plugin.HelpMojo
execute() - Method in class org.utplsql.maven.plugin.UtPlsqlMojo


findSqlScripts(File, List<Resource>, String, String) - Method in class org.utplsql.maven.plugin.io.SqlFileScanner
Scans a directory looking for the matching patterns.


getConsoleOutput() - Method in class org.utplsql.maven.plugin.model.ReporterParameter
Returns the console output option.
getCustomMapping() - Method in class org.utplsql.maven.plugin.model.CustomTypeMapping
Returns the custom mapping value.
getFileOutput() - Method in class org.utplsql.maven.plugin.model.ReporterParameter
Returns reporter output file.
getName() - Method in class org.utplsql.maven.plugin.model.ReporterParameter
Returns the reporter name.
getReporter() - Method in class org.utplsql.maven.plugin.io.ReporterAndReporterParameter
getReporterParameter() - Method in class org.utplsql.maven.plugin.io.ReporterAndReporterParameter
getType() - Method in class org.utplsql.maven.plugin.model.CustomTypeMapping
Returns the Object type.


HelpMojo - Class in org.utplsql.maven.plugin
Display help information on utplsql-maven-plugin.
Call mvn utplsql:help -Ddetail=true -Dgoal=<goal-name> to display parameter details.
HelpMojo() - Constructor for class org.utplsql.maven.plugin.HelpMojo


isBlank(CharSequence) - Static method in class org.utplsql.maven.plugin.util.StringUtil
isConsoleOutput() - Method in class org.utplsql.maven.plugin.model.ReporterParameter
Returns whether the console output should be enabled or not.
isEmpty(CharSequence) - Static method in class org.utplsql.maven.plugin.util.StringUtil
isFileOutput() - Method in class org.utplsql.maven.plugin.model.ReporterParameter
Returns whether the file output is enabled or not.
isNotBlank(CharSequence) - Static method in class org.utplsql.maven.plugin.util.StringUtil
isNotEmpty(CharSequence) - Static method in class org.utplsql.maven.plugin.util.StringUtil


org.utplsql.maven.plugin - package org.utplsql.maven.plugin
org.utplsql.maven.plugin.io - package org.utplsql.maven.plugin.io
org.utplsql.maven.plugin.model - package org.utplsql.maven.plugin.model
org.utplsql.maven.plugin.util - package org.utplsql.maven.plugin.util


ReporterAndReporterParameter - Class in org.utplsql.maven.plugin.io
ReporterAndReporterParameter(Reporter, ReporterParameter) - Constructor for class org.utplsql.maven.plugin.io.ReporterAndReporterParameter
ReporterParameter - Class in org.utplsql.maven.plugin.model
Represents a reporter parameter in the pom file.
ReporterParameter() - Constructor for class org.utplsql.maven.plugin.model.ReporterParameter
ReportWriter - Class in org.utplsql.maven.plugin.io
Writes the reports
ReportWriter(String, Version, Log) - Constructor for class org.utplsql.maven.plugin.io.ReportWriter
Constructor of the reporter writer.


setConsoleOutput(boolean) - Method in class org.utplsql.maven.plugin.model.ReporterParameter
Sets the console output option.
setCustomMapping(String) - Method in class org.utplsql.maven.plugin.model.CustomTypeMapping
Sets the custom mapping value
setFileOutput(String) - Method in class org.utplsql.maven.plugin.model.ReporterParameter
Sets the output file.
setName(String) - Method in class org.utplsql.maven.plugin.model.ReporterParameter
Sets the reporter name.
setType(String) - Method in class org.utplsql.maven.plugin.model.CustomTypeMapping
Sets the Object type
SqlFileScanner - Class in org.utplsql.maven.plugin.io
Utility to scan all resources
SqlFileScanner() - Constructor for class org.utplsql.maven.plugin.io.SqlFileScanner
StringUtil - Class in org.utplsql.maven.plugin.util


UtPlsqlMojo - Class in org.utplsql.maven.plugin
This class expose the TestRunner interface to Maven.
UtPlsqlMojo() - Constructor for class org.utplsql.maven.plugin.UtPlsqlMojo


writeReports(Connection) - Method in class org.utplsql.maven.plugin.io.ReportWriter
Writes the reports to the output.
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