Returns a Circe Json object that represents the spec.
Returns a Circe Json object that represents the spec. Also see toJson
Returns a Json string representation of this vega-lite spec
Returns a Json string representation of this vega-lite spec
Specifies data as a Seq of case-classes.
Specifies data as a Seq of case-classes. Each field within the case class becomes a row within the data. And each column is named after the field names within the case class.
Specifies data as a Seq of rows, where each row is specified using a Map of column -> value pairs.
Specifies data as a Seq of rows, where each row is specified using a Map of column -> value pairs.
A Seq of Maps, with each Map specifying the column -> value pairs of a row.
Specifies data as a Seq of Seq data (i.e Array(Array(1,2,3), Array(4,5,6)), where each inner Seq represents a row of data.
Specifies data as a Seq of Seq data (i.e Array(Array(1,2,3), Array(4,5,6)), where each inner Seq represents a row of data. Column names within the rows are named after their array indexes (0 based). So, for example, to encode this data you'd write:
encodeX("0", Quant). encodeY("1", Quant). encodeSize("2", Ord).
A Seq[Seq[Any]] where each inner sequence is treated as a row of data.
Uses data from an external source as specified by the given URL.
Uses data from an external source as specified by the given URL.
The URL for the external data source.
The type of the data (i.e. DataFormat.Json, DataFormat.Csv, etc).
Specifies data as a Seq of values (i.e.
Specifies data as a Seq of values (i.e. Array(1.2, 4.2, 5,6)). The array indices are used to create a column "x", and the array's values to create a column "y". To encode this data you'd use:
encodeX("x", Ordinal) encodeX("y", ...)
A Seq[Any] containing the values to use.
Specifies data as a Seq of x,y values represented by the tuple (Any, Any).
Specifies data as a Seq of x,y values represented by the tuple (Any, Any). Each column is named "x", "y". To encode the data you'd use:
encodeX("x", ...). encodeY("y", ...)
A Seq of (Any, Any) tuples
Builds a LayeredSpec