Class ValidationResults

    • Method Detail

      • resultFromValues

        public static ValidationResult resultFromValues​(ValidationProfile validationProfile,
                                                        List<TestAssertion> assertions,
                                                        boolean isCompliant)
        validationProfile - a ValidationProfile instance indicating the validation type performed
        assertions - the Set of TestAssertions reported by during validation
        isCompliant - a boolean that indicating whether the validated PDF/A data was compliant with the indicated flavour
        a new ValidationResult instance populated from the values
      • resultFromValues

        public static ValidationResult resultFromValues​(ValidationProfile validationProfile,
                                                        List<TestAssertion> assertions,
                                                        HashMap<RuleId,​Integer> failedChecks,
                                                        boolean isCompliant,
                                                        int totalAssertions)
        validationProfile - a ValidationProfile instance indicating the validation type performed
        assertions - the Set of TestAssertions reported by during validation
        isCompliant - a boolean that indicating whether the validated PDF/A data was compliant with the indicated flavour
        totalAssertions -
        a new ValidationResult instance populated from the values
      • resultFromValues

        public static ValidationResult resultFromValues​(ValidationProfile validationProfile,
                                                        List<TestAssertion> assertions)
        validationProfile - a ValidationProfile instance indicating the validation type performed
        assertions - the Set of TestAssertions reported by during validation
        a new ValidationResult instance populated from the values
      • resultFromXmlString

        public static ValidationResult resultFromXmlString​(String xmlSource)
                                                    throws JAXBException
        xmlSource - XML representation of a ValidationResult to deserialise
        a new ValidationResult instance deserialised from the passed String
        JAXBException - when the passed String is not a valid XML representation
      • defaultResult

        public static ValidationResult defaultResult()
        Returns an immutable default instance of a ValidationResult. This is a static single instance, i.e. ValidationResults.defaultResult() == ValidationResults.defaultResult() is always true.
        the default ValidationResult instance
      • assertionFromValues

        public static TestAssertion assertionFromValues​(int ordinal,
                                                        RuleId ruleId,
                                                        TestAssertion.Status status,
                                                        String message,
                                                        Location location,
                                                        String context,
                                                        String errorMessage,
                                                        List<String> errorArguments)
        Creates an immutable TestAssertion instance from the passed parameter values.
        ordinal - the integer ordinal for the instance
        ruleId - the RuleId value for Rule the assertion refers to.
        status - the TestAssertion.Status of the assertion.
        message - any String message to be associated with the assertion.
        location - a Location instance indicating the location within the PDF document where the test was performed.
        an immutable TestAssertion instance initialised using the passed values
      • defaultAssertion

        public static TestAssertion defaultAssertion()
        Returns an immutable default instance of a TestAssertion. This is a static single instance, i.e. ValidationResults.defaultAssertion() == ValidationResults.defaultAssertion() is always true.
        the default TestAssertion instance
      • locationFromValues

        public static Location locationFromValues​(String level,
                                                  String context)
        TODO: Better explanation of level and context. Creates an immutable Location instance.
        level - the Locations level, represented as a String
        context - the Locations context, represented as a String
        and immutable Location instance initialised with the passed values.
      • defaultLocation

        public static Location defaultLocation()
        Returns an immutable default instance of a Location. This is a static single instance, i.e. ValidationResults.defaultLocation() == ValidationResults.defaultLocation() is always true.
        the default Location instance
      • stripPassedTests

        public static ValidationResult stripPassedTests​(ValidationResult toStrip)
        Strips any TestAssertions where assertion.getStatus() == TestAssertion.Status.PASSED from toStrip and returns a new ValidationResult without the passed assertions.
        toStrip - a ValidationResult to clone without passed TestAssertions
        a ValidationResult instance identical to toStrip, but without passed TestAssertions.