Class Utils

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class Utils
    extends Object
    implements XMPConst
    Utility functions for the XMPToolkit implementation.
    • Field Detail


        public static final int UUID_SEGMENT_COUNT
        segments of a UUID
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • normalizeLangValue

        public static String normalizeLangValue​(String value)
        Normalize an xml:lang value so that comparisons are effectively case insensitive as required by RFC 3066 (which superceeds RFC 1766). The normalization rules:
        • The primary subtag is lower case, the suggested practice of ISO 639.
        • All 2 letter secondary subtags are upper case, the suggested practice of ISO 3166.
        • All other subtags are lower case.
        value - raw value
        Returns the normalized value.
      • isXMLName

        public static boolean isXMLName​(String name)
        Simple check for valid XMLNames. Within ASCII range
        ":" | [A-Z] | "_" | [a-z] | [#xC0-#xD6] | [#xD8-#xF6]
        are accepted, above all characters (which is not entirely correct according to the XML Spec.
        name - an XML Name
        Return true if the name is correct.
      • isXMLNameNS

        public static boolean isXMLNameNS​(String name)
        Checks if the value is a legal "unqualified" XML name, as defined in the XML Namespaces proposed recommendation. These are XML names, except that they must not contain a colon.
        name - the value to check
        Returns true if the name is a valid "unqualified" XML name.
      • escapeXML

        public static String escapeXML​(String value,
                                       boolean forAttribute,
                                       boolean escapeWhitespaces)
        Serializes the node value in XML encoding. Its used for tag bodies and attributes.
        Note: The attribute is always limited by quotes, thats why ' is never serialized.
        Note: Control chars are written unescaped, but if the user uses others than tab, LF and CR the resulting XML will become invalid.
        value - a string
        forAttribute - flag if string is attribute value (need to additional escape quotes)
        escapeWhitespaces - Decides if LF, CR and TAB are escaped.
        Returns the value ready for XML output.