Interface RuleId

public interface RuleId
RuleIds are used to identify the individual Rules that make up a ValidationProfile. A RuleId instance can be traced to the PDF/A specification and clause that was the motivation behind it. A RuleId comprises:
  • a PDFAFlavour.Specification instance that identifies the particular PDF/A specification referenced.
  • a String clause identifier, for the PDF/A specifications clauses are identified by a sequence of period separated integers, e.g 6.1.3, that reflect the heading identifiers used in the specification document.
  • an int test number, many specification clauses are further sub-divided into a set of tests.
Carl Wilson
  • Method Details

    • getSpecification

      PDFAFlavour.Specification getSpecification()
    • getClause

      String getClause()
      the specification clause String identifier.
    • getTestNumber

      int getTestNumber()
      the test number for this particular rule under its specification clause.