Class GFEmbeddedFile

    • Constructor Detail

      • GFEmbeddedFile

        public GFEmbeddedFile​(COSStream stream)
    • Method Detail

      • getSubtype

        public String getSubtype()
        Description copied from interface: EmbeddedFile
        MIME type of the embedded file (/Subtype entry in the embedded file dictionary)
        Specified by:
        getSubtype in interface EmbeddedFile
      • getisValidPDFA12

        public Boolean getisValidPDFA12()
        Description copied from interface: EmbeddedFile
        true if this file is a valid PDF/A document (Part 1 or Part 2) on its own
        Specified by:
        getisValidPDFA12 in interface EmbeddedFile
      • getisValidPDFA124

        public Boolean getisValidPDFA124()
        Description copied from interface: EmbeddedFile
        true if this file is a valid PDF/A document (Part 1, Part 2 or Part 4) on its own
        Specified by:
        getisValidPDFA124 in interface EmbeddedFile