Interface TrueTypeFontProgram

    • Method Detail

      • getisSymbolic

        Boolean getisSymbolic()
        true / false if the corresponding PDF Font is marked as symbolic / non-symbolic in its font dictionary
      • getnrCmaps

        Long getnrCmaps()
        number of cmap subtables in the font program
      • getcmap30Present

        Boolean getcmap30Present()
        true if the font program contains the Microsoft Symbol (3,0 – Platform ID=3, Encoding ID=0) cmap subtable
      • getcmap31Present

        Boolean getcmap31Present()
        true if the font program contains the Microsoft Unicode (3,1 – Platform ID=3, Encoding ID=1) cmap subtable
      • getcmap10Present

        Boolean getcmap10Present()
        true if the font program contains the Macintosh Roman (1,0 – Platform ID=1, Encoding ID=0) cmap subtable