Interface PDDocument

  • All Superinterfaces:
    Object, PDObject
    All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface PDDocument
    extends PDObject
    the class corresponding to the high level PDF document structure
    • Method Detail

      • getcontainsAlternatePresentations

        Boolean getcontainsAlternatePresentations()
        true if the document contains alternate presentations (/AlternatePresentations entry in the document names dictionary)
      • getvalidPDF

        Boolean getvalidPDF()
        true at the end of parsing if there were no unhandled exceptions
      • getcontainsAA

        Boolean getcontainsAA()
        true if the catalog dictionary contains the AA entry
      • getoutputColorSpace

        String getoutputColorSpace()
        color space of output icc profile
      • getVersion

        String getVersion()
        value of Version key of the document catalog dictionary
      • getmostCommonOrientation

        String getmostCommonOrientation()
        if the most common orientation is Square, then second most common orientation if exists