Interface PDOutputIntent

    • Method Detail

      • getdestOutputProfileIndirect

        String getdestOutputProfileIndirect()
        string representation of the indirect link to the ICC output profile
      • getcontainsDestOutputProfileRef

        Boolean getcontainsDestOutputProfileRef()
        true if the output intent dictionary contains DestOutputProfileRef key
      • getOutputConditionIdentifier

        String getOutputConditionIdentifier()
        value of the /OutputConditionIdentifier entry in the output intent dictionary (or null, if this entry is not present)
      • getS

        String getS()
        value of the /S entry (the output intent subtype) in the output intent dictionary (or null, if this entry is not present)
      • getICCProfileMD5

        String getICCProfileMD5()
        string representation of the md5 of the ICC profile