Interface ExtensionSchemaValueType

    • Method Detail

      • getisDescriptionValidText

        Boolean getisDescriptionValidText()
        true if type description (’pdfaType:description’ property) is of type Text
      • getisFieldValidSeq

        Boolean getisFieldValidSeq()
        true if type fields list (’pdfaType:field’ property) is of type Seq
      • getisNamespaceURIValidURI

        Boolean getisNamespaceURIValidURI()
        true if type namespace URI (’pdfaType:namespaceURI’ property) is of type URI
      • getisPrefixValidText

        Boolean getisPrefixValidText()
        true if type preferred prefix (’pdfaType:prefix’ property) is of type Text
      • getisTypeValidText

        Boolean getisTypeValidText()
        true if type name (’pdfaType:type’ property) is of type Text
      • getdescriptionPrefix

        String getdescriptionPrefix()
        namespace prefix for the description type
      • getfieldPrefix

        String getfieldPrefix()
        namespace prefix for the fields list type
      • getnamespaceURIPrefix

        String getnamespaceURIPrefix()
        namespace prefix for the namespace URI type
      • getprefixPrefix

        String getprefixPrefix()
        namespace prefix for the prefix type
      • gettypePrefix

        String gettypePrefix()
        namespace prefix for the type type