Class Type1CharStringParser

  • public class Type1CharStringParser
    extends BaseCharStringParser
    This class parses charstring data in font Type 1 files after it was eexec-decoded. In particular, it extracts glyph width info.
    Sergey Shemyakov
    • Method Detail

      • processNextOperator

        protected boolean processNextOperator​(int firstByte)
                                       throws IOException
        This method processes charstring-encoded operators. It should set width when it can be determined. Methods returns true if width is calculated.
        Specified by:
        processNextOperator in class BaseCharStringParser
        firstByte - is first byte of operator. Note that this byte is already read.
        true if width was extracted from processed operator.
        IOException - if stream reading error occurs.
      • readNextNumber

        protected CFFNumber readNextNumber​(int firstByte)
                                    throws IOException
        This method reads next bytes from stream and interprets them as one number. In Type 1 CharStrings and Type 2 CharStrings this is done a little differently.
        Specified by:
        readNextNumber in class BaseCharStringParser
        number that was read.
        IOException - if stream reading error occurs.