Class VLCUtil

  • public class VLCUtil
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • VLCUtil

        public VLCUtil()
    • Method Detail

      • getErrorMsg

        public static String getErrorMsg()
      • getABIList21

        public static String[] getABIList21()
      • getABIList

        public static String[] getABIList()
      • hasCompatibleCPU

        public static boolean hasCompatibleCPU​(Context context)
      • UriFromMrl

        public static Uri UriFromMrl​(String mrl)
        VLC authorize only "-._~" in Mrl format, android Uri authorize "_-!.~'()*". Therefore, decode the characters authorized by Android Uri when creating an Uri from VLC.
      • encodeVLCUri

        public static String encodeVLCUri​(@NonNull
                                          Uri uri)
      • encodeVLCString

        public static String encodeVLCString​(@NonNull
                                             String mrl)
        VLC only acccepts "-._~ " in Mrl format, android Uri accepts "_-!.~'()* ". Therefore, encode the characters authorized by Android Uri when creating a mrl from an Uri.