Class LibVLC

    • Constructor Detail

      • LibVLC

        public LibVLC​(Context context,
                      List<String> options)
        Create a LibVLC withs options
        options -
      • LibVLC

        public LibVLC​(Context context)
        Create a LibVLC
    • Method Detail

      • version

        public static String version()
        Get the libVLC version
        the libVLC version string
      • majorVersion

        public static int majorVersion()
        Get the libVLC major version
        the libVLC major version, always >= 3
      • compiler

        public static String compiler()
        Get the libVLC compiler
        the libVLC compiler string
      • changeset

        public static String changeset()
        Get the libVLC changeset
        the libVLC changeset string
      • onEventNative

        protected ILibVLC.Event onEventNative​(int eventType,
                                              long arg1,
                                              long arg2,
                                              float argf1,
                                              String args1)
        Called when libvlc send events.
        eventType - event type
        arg1 - first argument
        arg2 - second argument
        argf1 - first float argument
        Event that will be dispatched to listeners
      • onReleaseNative

        protected void onReleaseNative()
        Called when native object is released (refcount is 0). This is where you must release native resources.
      • setUserAgent

        public void setUserAgent​(String name,
                                 String http)
        Sets the application name. LibVLC passes this as the user agent string when a protocol requires it.
        name - human-readable application name, e.g. "FooBar player 1.2.3"
        http - HTTP User Agent, e.g. "FooBar/1.2.3 Python/2.6.0"
      • loadLibraries

        public static void loadLibraries()
      • retain

        public final boolean retain()
        Increment internal ref count of the native object.
        Specified by:
        retain in interface IVLCObject<T extends AbstractVLCEvent>
        true if media is retained
      • release

        public final void release()
        Release the native object if ref count is 1. After this call, native calls are not possible anymore. You can still call others methods to retrieve cached values. For example: if you parse, then release a media, you'll still be able to retrieve all Metas or Tracks infos.
        Specified by:
        release in interface IVLCObject<T extends AbstractVLCEvent>
      • finalize

        protected void finalize()
        finalize in class Object
      • setEventListener

        protected void setEventListener​(AbstractVLCEvent.Listener<T> listener,
                                        Handler handler)
        Set an event listener and an executor Handler
        listener - see AbstractVLCEvent.Listener
        handler - Handler in which events are sent. If null, a handler will be created running on the main thread
      • getInstance

        public long getInstance()