
Interface Dialog.Callbacks

    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method Description
      abstract void onDisplay(Dialog.ErrorMessage dialog) Call when an error message need to be displayed
      abstract void onDisplay(Dialog.LoginDialog dialog) Called when a login dialog need to be displayedCall postLogin to post the answer, orcall dismiss to dismiss the dialog.
      abstract void onDisplay(Dialog.QuestionDialog dialog) Called when a question dialog need to be displayedCall postAction to post the answer, orcall dismiss to dismiss the dialog.
      abstract void onDisplay(Dialog.ProgressDialog dialog) Called when a progress dialog need to be displayedCall dismiss to dismiss the dialog (if it's cancelable).
      abstract void onCanceled(Dialog dialog) Called when a previously displayed dialog need to be canceled
      abstract void onProgressUpdate(Dialog.ProgressDialog dialog) Called when a progress dialog needs to be updatedDialog text and position may be updated, call getText and getPosition to get the updated information.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Method Detail

      • onDisplay

        @MainThread() abstract void onDisplay(Dialog.LoginDialog dialog)

        Called when a login dialog need to be displayedCall postLogin to post the answer, orcall dismiss to dismiss the dialog.

        dialog - login dialog to be displayed
      • onDisplay

        @MainThread() abstract void onDisplay(Dialog.QuestionDialog dialog)

        Called when a question dialog need to be displayedCall postAction to post the answer, orcall dismiss to dismiss the dialog.

        dialog - question dialog to be displayed
      • onDisplay

        @MainThread() abstract void onDisplay(Dialog.ProgressDialog dialog)

        Called when a progress dialog need to be displayedCall dismiss to dismiss the dialog (if it's cancelable).

        dialog - question dialog to be displayed
      • onCanceled

        @MainThread() abstract void onCanceled(Dialog dialog)

        Called when a previously displayed dialog need to be canceled

        dialog - dialog to be canceled