
Class Media

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    org.videolan.libvlc.interfaces.IMedia , org.videolan.libvlc.interfaces.IVLCObject , org.videolan.libvlc.interfaces.IVLCObject

    public class Media
    extends VLCObject<IMedia.Event> implements IMedia
    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void setEventListener(IMedia.EventListener listener)
      synchronized Uri getUri() Get the MRL associated with the Media.
      long getDuration() Get the duration of the media.
      MediaList subItems() Get the subItems MediaList associated with the Media.
      boolean parse(int flags) Parse the media synchronously with a flag.
      boolean parse() Parse the media and local art synchronously.
      boolean parseAsync(int flags, int timeout) Parse the media asynchronously with a flag.
      boolean parseAsync(int flags)
      boolean parseAsync() Parse the media and local art asynchronously.
      synchronized boolean isParsed() Returns true if the media is parsed This Media should be alive (not released).
      int getType() Get the type of the media
      Array<IMedia.Track> getTracks(int type) Get the list of tracks for a given type
      Array<IMedia.Track> getTracks() Get the list of tracks for all types
      String getMeta(int id) Get a Meta.
      String getMeta(int id, boolean force) Get a Meta.
      void setHWDecoderEnabled(boolean enabled, boolean force) Add or remove hw acceleration media options
      void setDefaultMediaPlayerOptions() Enable HWDecoder options if not already set
      void addOption(String option) Add an option to this Media.
      void addSlave(IMedia.Slave slave) Add a slave to the current media.A slave is an external input source that may contains an additional subtitletrack (like a .srt) or an additional audio track (like a .ac3).
      void clearSlaves() Clear all slaves previously added by addSlave or internally.
      Array<IMedia.Slave> getSlaves() Get a media's slave listThe list will contain slaves parsed by VLC or previously added by addSlave.
      IMedia.Stats getStats() Get the stats related to the playing media
      • Methods inherited from class org.videolan.libvlc.VLCObject

        getInstance, getLibVLC, isReleased, release, retain
      • Methods inherited from class org.videolan.libvlc.interfaces.IMedia

      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • Media

        Media(ILibVLC ILibVLC, String path)
        Create a Media from libVLC and a local path starting with '/'.
        ILibVLC - a valid libVLC
        path - an absolute local path
      • Media

        Media(ILibVLC ILibVLC, Uri uri)
        Create a Media from libVLC and a Uri
        ILibVLC - a valid libVLC
        uri - a valid RFC 2396 Uri
      • Media

        Media(ILibVLC ILibVLC, FileDescriptor fd)
        Create a Media from libVLC and a FileDescriptor
        ILibVLC - a valid LibVLC
        fd - file descriptor object
      • Media

        Media(ILibVLC ILibVLC, AssetFileDescriptor afd)
        Create a Media from libVLC and an AssetFileDescriptor
        ILibVLC - a valid LibVLC
        afd - asset file descriptor object
    • Method Detail

      • getUri

         synchronized Uri getUri()

        Get the MRL associated with the Media.

      • getDuration

         long getDuration()

        Get the duration of the media.

      • subItems

         MediaList subItems()

        Get the subItems MediaList associated with the Media. This Media should be alive (not released).

      • parse

         boolean parse(int flags)

        Parse the media synchronously with a flag. This Media should be alive (not released).

        flags - see Parse
      • parse

         boolean parse()

        Parse the media and local art synchronously. This Media should be alive (not released).

      • parseAsync

         boolean parseAsync(int flags, int timeout)

        Parse the media asynchronously with a flag. This Media should be alive (not released).To track when this is over you can listen to ParsedChanged event (only if this methods returned true).

        flags - see Parse
        timeout - maximum time allowed to preparse the media.
      • parseAsync

         boolean parseAsync()

        Parse the media and local art asynchronously. This Media should be alive (not released).

      • isParsed

         synchronized boolean isParsed()

        Returns true if the media is parsed This Media should be alive (not released).

      • getType

         int getType()

        Get the type of the media

      • getMeta

         String getMeta(int id, boolean force)

        Get a Meta.

        id - see Meta
        force - force the native call to be done
      • setHWDecoderEnabled

         void setHWDecoderEnabled(boolean enabled, boolean force)

        Add or remove hw acceleration media options

        enabled - if true, hw decoder will be used
        force - force hw acceleration even for unknown devices
      • addOption

         void addOption(String option)

        Add an option to this Media. This Media should be alive (not released).

        option - ":option" or ":option=value"
      • addSlave

         void addSlave(IMedia.Slave slave)

        Add a slave to the current media.A slave is an external input source that may contains an additional subtitletrack (like a .srt) or an additional audio track (like a .ac3).This function must be called before the media is parsed (via parseAsync} orbefore the media is played (via play)

      • getSlaves

        @Nullable() Array<IMedia.Slave> getSlaves()

        Get a media's slave listThe list will contain slaves parsed by VLC or previously added by addSlave. The typical use case of this function is to savea list of slave in a database for a later use.