Class WebSocketService

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class WebSocketService extends Object implements Web3jService
Web socket service that allows to interact with JSON-RPC via WebSocket protocol.

Allows to interact with JSON-RPC either by sending individual requests or by subscribing to a stream of notifications. To subscribe to a notification it first sends a special JSON-RPC request that returns a unique subscription id. A subscription id is used to identify events for a single notifications stream.

To unsubscribe from a stream of notifications it should send another JSON-RPC request.

  • Constructor Details

    • WebSocketService

      public WebSocketService(String serverUrl, boolean includeRawResponses)
    • WebSocketService

      public WebSocketService(WebSocketClient webSocketClient, boolean includeRawResponses)
  • Method Details

    • connect

      public void connect() throws ConnectException
      Connect to a WebSocket server.
      ConnectException - thrown if failed to connect to the server via WebSocket protocol
    • connect

      public void connect(Consumer<String> onMessage, Consumer<Throwable> onError, Runnable onClose) throws ConnectException
    • getSubscriptionIdsMap

      public Map<String,WebSocketSubscription<?>> getSubscriptionIdsMap()
      Returns the immutable versions of subscriptionForId map which represents the relation between subscription id and the associated subscription events. Is kept immutable because the only way in which the subscription should be updated is only through Dispose object.
      immutable versions of subscriptionForId
    • send

      public <T extends Response> T send(Request request, Class<T> responseType) throws IOException
      Description copied from interface: Web3jService
      Perform a synchronous JSON-RPC request.
      Specified by:
      send in interface Web3jService
      Type Parameters:
      T - type of a data item returned by the request
      request - request to perform
      responseType - class of a data item returned by the request
      deserialized JSON-RPC response
      IOException - thrown if failed to perform a request
    • sendAsync

      public <T extends Response> CompletableFuture<T> sendAsync(Request request, Class<T> responseType)
      Description copied from interface: Web3jService
      Performs an asynchronous JSON-RPC request.
      Specified by:
      sendAsync in interface Web3jService
      Type Parameters:
      T - type of a data item returned by the request
      request - request to perform
      responseType - class of a data item returned by the request
      CompletableFuture that will be completed when a result is returned or if a request has failed
    • sendBatch

      public BatchResponse sendBatch(BatchRequest requests) throws IOException
      Description copied from interface: Web3jService
      Perform a synchronous JSON-RPC batch requests.
      Specified by:
      sendBatch in interface Web3jService
      requests - requests to perform
      deserialized JSON-RPC responses
      IOException - thrown if failed to perform a batch request
    • sendBatchAsync

      public CompletableFuture<BatchResponse> sendBatchAsync(BatchRequest requests)
      Description copied from interface: Web3jService
      Performs an asynchronous JSON-RPC batch requests.
      Specified by:
      sendBatchAsync in interface Web3jService
      requests - batch request to perform
      CompletableFuture that will be completed when a result is returned or if a request has failed
    • subscribe

      public <T extends Notification<?>> io.reactivex.Flowable<T> subscribe(Request request, String unsubscribeMethod, Class<T> responseType)
      Description copied from interface: Web3jService
      Subscribe to a stream of notifications. A stream of notifications is opened by by performing a specified JSON-RPC request and is closed by calling the unsubscribe method. Different WebSocket implementations use different pair of subscribe/unsubscribe methods.

      This method creates an Flowable that can be used to subscribe to new notifications. When a client unsubscribes from this Flowable the service unsubscribes from the underlying stream of events.

      Specified by:
      subscribe in interface Web3jService
      Type Parameters:
      T - type of incoming event objects
      request - JSON-RPC request that will be send to subscribe to a stream of events
      unsubscribeMethod - method that will be called to unsubscribe from a stream of notifications
      responseType - class of incoming events objects in a stream
      a Flowable instance that emits incoming events
    • close

      public void close()
      Description copied from interface: Web3jService
      Closes resources used by the service.
      Specified by:
      close in interface Web3jService