Interface IQuickReuseStrategy

    • Method Detail

      • addItems

        <T> Iterator<Item<T>> addItems​(int startIndex,
                                       IItemFactory<T> factory,
                                       Iterator<IModel<T>> newModels)
        Returns an iterator over items that will be added to the view without re-rendering the QuickView
        Type Parameters:
        T - type of Item
        startIndex - index from where new items will be added
        factory - implementation of IItemFactory
        newModels - iterator over models for items
        iterator over items that will be added
      • isPartialUpdatesSupported

        boolean isPartialUpdatesSupported()
        tells whether reuse strategy support addition of items to view without re-rendering QuickView
      • getPageCreatedOnRender

        long getPageCreatedOnRender()
        page to be created on render if page is zero then the current page rendered is reconstructed