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AbstractItemsNavigationStrategy - Class in org.wicketstuff
abstract reuse strategy that supports addition of items to the view without the need to re-render .
AbstractItemsNavigationStrategy() - Constructor for class org.wicketstuff.AbstractItemsNavigationStrategy
AbstractPagingNavigationStrategy - Class in org.wicketstuff
abstract reuse strategy that does NOT support addition of items to the view without the need to re-render .
AbstractPagingNavigationStrategy() - Constructor for class org.wicketstuff.AbstractPagingNavigationStrategy
add(Component...) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.DefaultAddAtStartStore
adds components id in store along with their indexes
add(Component...) - Method in interface org.wicketstuff.IAddAtStartStore
adds components id in store along with their indexes
add(Component...) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickViewBase
add(Component...) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.Synchronizer
addAtStart(Component...) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickViewBase
adds items at start of view
addItems(int, IItemFactory<T>, Iterator<IModel<T>>) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.AbstractItemsNavigationStrategy
addItems(int, IItemFactory<T>, Iterator<IModel<T>>) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.AbstractPagingNavigationStrategy
addItems(int, IItemFactory<T>, Iterator<IModel<T>>) - Method in interface org.wicketstuff.IQuickReuseStrategy
Returns an iterator over items that will be added to the view without re-rendering the QuickView
addItemsForNextPage() - Method in interface org.wicketstuff.IQuickView
adds items/rows for next page and also sets the next page ,this method can called by any sequential items/rows navigator for example ItemsNavigatorBase calls this method onClick, ItemsNavigatorBase is the base of AjaxItemsNavigator.
addItemsForNextPage() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickViewBase
adds items/rows for next page and also sets the next page ,this method can called by any sequential items/rows navigator for example ItemsNavigatorBase calls this method onClick, ItemsNavigatorBase is the base of AjaxItemsNavigator.
addItemsForNextPage(IQuickView) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.navigator.AjaxScrollEventBehaviorBase
addItemsForPage(long) - Method in interface org.wicketstuff.IQuickView
create and draw children for the provided page ,number of children created are smaller than equal to getItemsPerRequest()
addItemsForPage(long) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickGridView
addItemsForPage(long) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickViewBase
addNewChildVisitor(MarkupContainer, Component) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.Synchronizer
addNewItems(T...) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickViewBase
this does 2 steps
addNewItemsAtStart(T...) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickViewBase
this does 2 steps
addRow(QuickGridView.RowItem<T>) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickGridView
addRowAtStart(QuickGridView.RowItem<T>) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickGridView
addRows(Iterator<? extends T>) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickGridView
adds rows and their corresponding cells
addRowsAtStart(Iterator<? extends T>) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickGridView
AjaxComponentScrollEventBehavior - Class in org.wicketstuff.navigator
behavior that can be attached to quickview's parent ,on scroll event will be fired if scroll-bar is moved to the bottom,for this to happen,you must specify the parent to have scroll in css by defining overflow-y property.
AjaxComponentScrollEventBehavior() - Constructor for class org.wicketstuff.navigator.AjaxComponentScrollEventBehavior
AjaxComponentScrollEventBehavior.ParentScrollListener - Class in org.wicketstuff.navigator
AjaxItemsNavigator - Class in org.wicketstuff.navigator
ajax items navigator which enables QuickView to create and draw new children add quickview to markupcontainer to use with rowsnavigator and markupcontainer should setoutputmarkupid or setgetOutputMarkupPlaceholderTag to true
AjaxItemsNavigator(String, IModel, IQuickView) - Constructor for class org.wicketstuff.navigator.AjaxItemsNavigator
this navigator onclick creates new items for the quickview
AjaxItemsNavigator(String, IQuickView) - Constructor for class org.wicketstuff.navigator.AjaxItemsNavigator
this navigator onclick creates new items for the quickview
AjaxPageScrollEventBehavior - Class in org.wicketstuff.navigator
behavior that can be attached to page ,on page scroll event will be fired if scroll-bar is moved to the the bottom of page.
AjaxPageScrollEventBehavior() - Constructor for class org.wicketstuff.navigator.AjaxPageScrollEventBehavior
AjaxPageScrollEventBehavior.PageScrollListener - Class in org.wicketstuff.navigator
AjaxScrollEventBehaviorBase - Class in org.wicketstuff.navigator
base ajax scroll event behavior which are extended by AjaxPageScrollEventBehavior and AjaxComponentScrollEventBehavior
AjaxScrollEventBehaviorBase() - Constructor for class org.wicketstuff.navigator.AjaxScrollEventBehaviorBase
append(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in interface org.wicketstuff.IRepeaterUtil
creates a new dom tag element as the last element of parent with parentId
append(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.RepeaterUtil
creates a new dom tag element as the last element of parent with parentId
append(MarkupContainer, MarkupContainer, Component, Component) - Method in interface org.wicketstuff.IRepeaterUtil
creates a new dom tag element as the last element of parent
append(MarkupContainer, MarkupContainer, Component, Component) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.RepeaterUtil
creates a new dom tag element as the last element of parent
appendScript(String...) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.Synchronizer


buildCellItem(int, IModel<T>) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickGridView
buildCellItem(String, int, IModel<T>) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickGridView
buildCellItem(String, int, T) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickGridView
build cell item means the new cellitem is created and then populated with populate(cell)
buildCells(int, Iterator<? extends T>) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickGridView
buildEmptyCellItem(int) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickGridView
builds cell item by creating new cellitem and then populating by populateEmptyItem(cell)
buildEmptyCellItem(String, int) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickGridView
builds cell item by creating new cellitem and then populating by populateEmptyItem(cell)
buildItem(int, IModel<T>) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickViewBase
buildItem(int, T) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickViewBase
buildItem(String, int, IModel<T>) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickViewBase
buildItem(String, int, T) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickViewBase
use in stateless environment as there is no state ,it's user's responsiblity to give unique id and index
buildItems(int, Iterator<? extends T>) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickGridView
buildItems(int, Iterator<? extends T>) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickViewBase
buildItems(Iterator<? extends T>) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickViewBase
buildItemsList(int, Iterator<? extends T>) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickViewBase
buildItemsList(Iterator<? extends T>) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickViewBase
buildRowItem() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickGridView
build row item
buildRowItem(String, int) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickGridView
buildRows(int, Iterator<QuickGridView.CellItem<T>>) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickGridView
buildRows(Iterator<? extends T>) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickGridView


CellItem(String, int, IModel<T>) - Constructor for class org.wicketstuff.QuickGridView.CellItem
CellItem(String, int, IModel<T>, boolean) - Constructor for class org.wicketstuff.QuickGridView.CellItem
cellItems() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickGridView.RowItem
cells() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickGridView
returns iterator to iterate through cells in the order they are rendered
ChildVisitor(Component) - Constructor for class org.wicketstuff.Synchronizer.ChildVisitor
COLUMNS_REPEATER_ID - Static variable in class org.wicketstuff.QuickGridView
component(Component, IVisit<Boolean>) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.Synchronizer.ChildVisitor
contains(String) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.DefaultAddAtStartStore
contains(String) - Method in interface org.wicketstuff.IAddAtStartStore
returns true if id exists in store
contains(Component) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.DefaultAddAtStartStore
contains(Component) - Method in interface org.wicketstuff.IAddAtStartStore
returns true if component's id exist in store
createChildren(Iterator<Item<T>>) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickGridView
createChildren(Iterator<Item<T>>) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickViewBase


DefaultAddAtStartStore - Class in org.wicketstuff
default store for elements added at start in quickview
DefaultAddAtStartStore() - Constructor for class org.wicketstuff.DefaultAddAtStartStore
DefaultQuickReuseStrategy - Class in org.wicketstuff
default reuse strategy used by QuickView ,this does NOT support addition of new items without re-rendering the view .it's used with PagingNavigator or AjaxPagingNavigator basically it's a wrapper of DefaultItemReuseStrategy to read more about it see DefaultItemReuseStrategy
DefaultQuickReuseStrategy() - Constructor for class org.wicketstuff.DefaultQuickReuseStrategy
DefaultSynchronizer - Class in org.wicketstuff
Synchronizer basically adds components(repeater's items) and scripts to the the AjaxRequestTarget after checking parent is not added to AjaxRequestTarget .If parent is added scripts and items are not added to the AjaxRequestTarget
DefaultSynchronizer(MarkupContainer, IPartialPageRequestHandler) - Constructor for class org.wicketstuff.DefaultSynchronizer
doProperInitializationCheck() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.navigator.ItemsNavigatorBase
don't override this,for internal use only


factory() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickGridView
factory() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickViewBase
findPartialPageRequestHandler(Class<? extends IPartialPageRequestHandler>) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickViewBase
forceScrollBarForPage() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.navigator.AjaxPageScrollEventBehavior


get() - Static method in class org.wicketstuff.navigator.NavigatorCssReference
get() - Static method in class org.wicketstuff.RepeaterUtil
get() - Static method in class org.wicketstuff.RepeaterUtilReference
getAddAtStartStore() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickViewBase
getAjaxRequestTarget() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.navigator.ItemsNavigatorBase
getAjaxRequestTarget() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickViewBase
getColumns() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickGridView
getComponents() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.Synchronizer
getComponentTag(Component) - Method in interface org.wicketstuff.IRepeaterUtil
finds ComponentTag of the component passed
getComponentTag(Component) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.RepeaterUtil
finds ComponentTag of the component passed
getCssClass() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.navigator.ItemsNavigatorBase
getCurrentPage() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickViewBase
getDataProvider() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickViewBase
getEnd() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickViewBase
represents end of view ,can be any component it's position in the markup should be just after the view this is done so that the new children doesn't get mixedup with the other markup or another components specified in immediate parent
getIds() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.DefaultAddAtStartStore
getItems() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickViewBase
iterator which iterates through the items in the order they are rendered in view ie.
getItems(IItemFactory<T>, Iterator<IModel<T>>, Iterator<Item<T>>) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.DefaultQuickReuseStrategy
Returns an iterator over items that will be added to the view.
getItems(IItemFactory<T>, Iterator<IModel<T>>, Iterator<Item<T>>) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.ItemsNavigationStrategy
Returns an iterator over items that will be added to the view.
getItems(IItemFactory<T>, Iterator<IModel<T>>, Iterator<Item<T>>) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickReuseIfModelsEqualStrategy
getItems(IItemFactory<T>, Iterator<IModel<T>>, Iterator<Item<T>>) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.ReuseAllStrategy
reuses if models are equal
getItemsCount() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickViewBase
same as dataprovider size but cached for request to improve performance in case of multiple call to avoid unnecessary expensive call of IDataProvider.size()
getItemsPerRequest() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickViewBase
getMore() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.navigator.ItemsNavigatorBase
getNavigator() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.navigator.MoreLabel
getOrderedIds() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.DefaultAddAtStartStore
getPageCount() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickViewBase
calculates the number of pages
getPageCreatedOnRender() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.AbstractPagingNavigationStrategy
getPageCreatedOnRender() - Method in interface org.wicketstuff.IQuickReuseStrategy
page to be created on render if page is zero then the current page rendered is reconstructed
getPageCreatedOnRender() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.ItemsNavigationStrategy
getPageCreatedOnRender() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.ReuseAllStrategy
getParent() - Method in interface org.wicketstuff.IQuickView
getPartialRequestHandlers() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickViewBase
getPrecondition(Component) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.navigator.AjaxComponentScrollEventBehavior.ParentScrollListener
getPrecondition(Component) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.navigator.AjaxPageScrollEventBehavior.PageScrollListener
getRepeater() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.navigator.ItemsNavigatorBase
getRepeater() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickGridView.RowItem
cells repeater
getRepeaterUtil() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.navigator.ItemsNavigatorBase
getRepeaterUtil() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickViewBase
getRequestHandler() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.Synchronizer
getReuseStrategy() - Method in interface org.wicketstuff.IQuickView
getReuseStrategy() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickViewBase
getRows() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickGridView
getRowsCount() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickViewBase
same as {@link this#getItemsCount()} but takes into account hierarchy so if the view is not visible in hierarchy the returned value is zero else return the getItemsCount() value
getSearchFor() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.Synchronizer
getStart() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickViewBase
represents start of view ,can be any component it's position in the markup should be just before view this is done so that the new children doesn't get mixedup with the other markup or another components specified in immediate parent
getSynchronizer() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickViewBase
Synchronizer basically adds components(repeater's items) and scripts to the associated IPartialPageRequestHandler after checking parent is not added to AjaxRequestTarget.
gridSize() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickGridView


hasNext() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickViewBase.ModelIterator


IAddAtStartStore - Interface in org.wicketstuff
store for elements added at start in quickview
initializeAddAtStartStoreIfRequired() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickViewBase
instance - Static variable in class org.wicketstuff.navigator.NavigatorCssReference
IQuickReuseStrategy - Interface in org.wicketstuff
Interface for item reuse strategies.
IQuickView<T> - Interface in org.wicketstuff
QuickView's interface
IRepeaterUtil - Interface in org.wicketstuff
IRepeaterUtil.OutputMarkupIdNotTrueException - Exception in org.wicketstuff
throw this exception if outmarkupid is not set to true
IRepeaterUtil.QuickViewNotAddedToParentException - Exception in org.wicketstuff
throw this exception if quickview's parent is not found
IRepeaterUtil.ReuseStrategyNotSupportedException - Exception in org.wicketstuff
throw this exception if reuse constant set is not supported
isAjax() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickViewBase
isComponentScrollBarAtBottom(MarkupContainer) - Method in interface org.wicketstuff.IRepeaterUtil
js calls which calls methods that when fired returns true if component's navigation-bar is at the bottom
isComponentScrollBarAtBottom(MarkupContainer) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.RepeaterUtil
js calls which calls methods that when fired returns true if component's navigation-bar is at the bottom
isPageScrollBarAtBottom() - Method in interface org.wicketstuff.IRepeaterUtil
js calls which calls methods that when fired returns true if page's navigation-bar is at the bottom
isPageScrollBarAtBottom() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.RepeaterUtil
js calls which calls methods that when fired returns true if page's navigation-bar is at the bottom
isParentAddedInPartialPageRequestHandler() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.Synchronizer
checks if parent of repeater is added to the components added to A.R.T(ajaxrequesttarget)
isPartialUpdatesSupported() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.AbstractItemsNavigationStrategy
isPartialUpdatesSupported() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.AbstractPagingNavigationStrategy
false means partial updates not supported
isPartialUpdatesSupported() - Method in interface org.wicketstuff.IQuickReuseStrategy
tells whether reuse strategy support addition of items to view without re-rendering QuickView
isProperInitializationCheckDone() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.navigator.ItemsNavigatorBase
don't override this,for internal use only
isRequestHandlerAjaxRequestTarget() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.Synchronizer
ItemsNavigationStrategy - Class in org.wicketstuff
this strategy supports addition of new items without the need to re-render the view .
ItemsNavigationStrategy() - Constructor for class org.wicketstuff.ItemsNavigationStrategy
ItemsNavigatorBase - Class in org.wicketstuff.navigator
base navigator which is inherited by AjaxItemsNavigator
ItemsNavigatorBase(String, IModel, IQuickView) - Constructor for class org.wicketstuff.navigator.ItemsNavigatorBase
iterator() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.DefaultAddAtStartStore
iterator() - Method in interface org.wicketstuff.IAddAtStartStore
iterator of components id kept in the store
iterator() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickViewBase
this iterator doesn't iterate through the elements in the order they are rendered in view, use {@link this#getItems()}


ModelIterator(IDataProvider<T>, long, long) - Constructor for class org.wicketstuff.QuickViewBase.ModelIterator
MoreLabel - Class in org.wicketstuff.navigator
a label with onclick ajaxeventbehavior which on click creates new items of quickview
MoreLabel(String, IModel, ItemsNavigatorBase) - Constructor for class org.wicketstuff.navigator.MoreLabel
MoreLabel.OnClickBehavior - Class in org.wicketstuff.navigator


NavigatorCssReference - Class in org.wicketstuff.navigator
newAddAtStartStore() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickViewBase
newCellItem(String, int, IModel<T>) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickGridView
newChildId() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickViewBase
newDefaultSynchronizer() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickViewBase
newEmptyCellItem(String, int) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickGridView
newItem(String, int, IModel<T>) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickViewBase
newModels(long, long) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickViewBase
newMore() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.navigator.AjaxItemsNavigator
newMore() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.navigator.ItemsNavigatorBase
newOnClickBehavior() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.navigator.MoreLabel
newRowItem(String, int) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickGridView
new rowItem
next() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickViewBase.ModelIterator
nonARTSynchronizer() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickViewBase


onAfterRespond(Map<String, Component>, AjaxRequestTarget.IJavaScriptResponse) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.DefaultSynchronizer
onBeforeRender() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.navigator.ItemsNavigatorBase
onBeforeRespond(Map<String, Component>, AjaxRequestTarget) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.DefaultSynchronizer
onClick(AjaxRequestTarget) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.navigator.MoreLabel
OnClickBehavior() - Constructor for class org.wicketstuff.navigator.MoreLabel.OnClickBehavior
onConfigure() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.navigator.MoreLabel
onDetach() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickViewBase
onEvent(AjaxRequestTarget) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.navigator.AjaxScrollEventBehaviorBase
onEvent(AjaxRequestTarget) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.navigator.MoreLabel.OnClickBehavior
onInitialize() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.navigator.AjaxItemsNavigator
onInitialize() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.navigator.ItemsNavigatorBase
onInitialize() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.navigator.MoreLabel
onPopulate() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickViewBase
onScroll(AjaxRequestTarget) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.navigator.AjaxScrollEventBehaviorBase
Listener method for the ajax scroll event when you implement this method call {@link this#addItemsForNextPage(org.wicketstuff.IQuickView)} to create items for next page/request
onStatefulEvent() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.navigator.ItemsNavigatorBase
on a stateful event say onclick ,this method creates new rows/items for the page
org.wicketstuff - package org.wicketstuff
org.wicketstuff.navigator - package org.wicketstuff.navigator
outPutMarkupIdNotTrue(IQuickView) - Method in interface org.wicketstuff.IRepeaterUtil
throws exception if outmarkupid of parent is not set true and outputMarkupPlaceholderTag is not set true
outPutMarkupIdNotTrue(IQuickView) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.RepeaterUtil
throws exception if outmarkupid of parent is not set true and outputMarkupPlaceholderTag is not set true
OutputMarkupIdNotTrueException(String) - Constructor for exception org.wicketstuff.IRepeaterUtil.OutputMarkupIdNotTrueException


PageScrollListener() - Constructor for class org.wicketstuff.navigator.AjaxPageScrollEventBehavior.PageScrollListener
parentNotSuitable(IQuickView) - Method in interface org.wicketstuff.IRepeaterUtil
throws exception if no suitable unary parent is found,unary parent is one which only has one child
parentNotSuitable(IQuickView) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.RepeaterUtil
throws exception if no suitable unary parent is found,unary parent is one which only has one child
ParentScrollListener() - Constructor for class org.wicketstuff.navigator.AjaxComponentScrollEventBehavior.ParentScrollListener
populate(Item<T>) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickGridView
populate(Item<T>) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickViewBase
populate(QuickGridView.CellItem<T>) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickGridView
populateEmptyItem(QuickGridView.CellItem<T>) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickGridView
prepend(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in interface org.wicketstuff.IRepeaterUtil
prepend js call ,creates a new dom tag element as the first element of parent
prepend(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.RepeaterUtil
prepend js call ,creates a new dom tag element as the first element of parent
prepend(MarkupContainer, MarkupContainer, Component, Component) - Method in interface org.wicketstuff.IRepeaterUtil
prepend js call ,creates a new dom tag element as the first element of parent
prepend(MarkupContainer, MarkupContainer, Component, Component) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.RepeaterUtil
prepend js call ,creates a new dom tag element as the first element of parent
prependScript(String...) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.Synchronizer
properInitializationCheckDone - Variable in class org.wicketstuff.navigator.ItemsNavigatorBase


QuickGridView<T> - Class in org.wicketstuff
it renders items in rows and columns in table/grid format(same as GridView).it also lets you add and remove rows in ajax cases without the need to repaint parent(adding parent to AjaxRequestTarget causes re-rendering of whole repeater)
QuickGridView(String, IDataProvider<T>) - Constructor for class org.wicketstuff.QuickGridView
QuickGridView(String, IDataProvider<T>, Component, Component) - Constructor for class org.wicketstuff.QuickGridView
QuickGridView(String, IDataProvider<T>, IQuickReuseStrategy) - Constructor for class org.wicketstuff.QuickGridView
QuickGridView(String, IDataProvider<T>, IQuickReuseStrategy, Component, Component) - Constructor for class org.wicketstuff.QuickGridView
QuickGridView.CellItem<T> - Class in org.wicketstuff
a cell item represents one cell of the QuickGridView
QuickGridView.RowItem<T> - Class in org.wicketstuff
QuickReuseIfModelsEqualStrategy - Class in org.wicketstuff
reuse strategy that does NOT support addition of items without re-rendering the view.
QuickReuseIfModelsEqualStrategy() - Constructor for class org.wicketstuff.QuickReuseIfModelsEqualStrategy
QuickView<T> - Class in org.wicketstuff
adds,deletes elements without the need to re-render the View
QuickView(String, IDataProvider<T>) - Constructor for class org.wicketstuff.QuickView
QuickView(String, IDataProvider<T>, int) - Constructor for class org.wicketstuff.QuickView
QuickView(String, IDataProvider<T>, int, Component, Component) - Constructor for class org.wicketstuff.QuickView
QuickView(String, IDataProvider<T>, Component, Component) - Constructor for class org.wicketstuff.QuickView
QuickView(String, IDataProvider<T>, IQuickReuseStrategy) - Constructor for class org.wicketstuff.QuickView
QuickView(String, IDataProvider<T>, IQuickReuseStrategy, int) - Constructor for class org.wicketstuff.QuickView
QuickView(String, IDataProvider<T>, IQuickReuseStrategy, int, Component, Component) - Constructor for class org.wicketstuff.QuickView
QuickView(String, IDataProvider<T>, IQuickReuseStrategy, Component, Component) - Constructor for class org.wicketstuff.QuickView
QuickViewBase<T> - Class in org.wicketstuff
base class for QuickView
QuickViewBase(String, IDataProvider<T>, IQuickReuseStrategy) - Constructor for class org.wicketstuff.QuickViewBase
QuickViewBase(String, IDataProvider<T>, IQuickReuseStrategy, Component, Component) - Constructor for class org.wicketstuff.QuickViewBase
QuickViewBase.ModelIterator<T> - Class in org.wicketstuff
Helper class that converts input from IDataProvider to an iterator over view items.
QuickViewNotAddedToParentException(String) - Constructor for exception org.wicketstuff.IRepeaterUtil.QuickViewNotAddedToParentException


register(Class<? extends IPartialPageRequestHandler>) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickViewBase
register partial page request handler class,for eg.
remove() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickViewBase.ModelIterator
remove(String) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.DefaultAddAtStartStore
remove component id from store
remove(String) - Method in interface org.wicketstuff.IAddAtStartStore
remove component id from store
remove(String) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickViewBase
remove(Component) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.DefaultAddAtStartStore
remove component id from store
remove(Component) - Method in interface org.wicketstuff.IAddAtStartStore
remove component id from store
remove(Component) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickViewBase
removeItem(String, String) - Method in interface org.wicketstuff.IRepeaterUtil
removes js call for item whose markupid is passed
removeItem(String, String) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.RepeaterUtil
removes js call for item whose markupid is passed
removeItem(Component, Component) - Method in interface org.wicketstuff.IRepeaterUtil
removes js call for component which is provided
removeItem(Component, Component) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.RepeaterUtil
removes js call for component which is provided
removeRow(QuickGridView.RowItem<T>) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickGridView
renderHead(Component, IHeaderResponse) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.navigator.AjaxPageScrollEventBehavior
renderHead(IHeaderResponse) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.navigator.MoreLabel
renderHead(IHeaderResponse) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickViewBase
repeaterNotProperlyInitializedForItemsNavigation(IQuickView) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.navigator.ItemsNavigatorBase
checks if quickview is properly initialized for items navigation
RepeaterUtil - Class in org.wicketstuff
RepeaterUtil(Application) - Constructor for class org.wicketstuff.RepeaterUtil
RepeaterUtilReference - Class in org.wicketstuff
packageresourcereference to repeater.js
RepeaterUtilReference() - Constructor for class org.wicketstuff.RepeaterUtilReference
ReuseAllStrategy - Class in org.wicketstuff
reuse strategy that reuse existing items on re-render if models are equal see ReuseIfModelsEqualStrategy to read more
ReuseAllStrategy() - Constructor for class org.wicketstuff.ReuseAllStrategy
reuseStategyNotSupportedForItemsNavigation(IQuickView) - Method in interface org.wicketstuff.IRepeaterUtil
throws exception if reuse strategy is not supported for items navigation
reuseStategyNotSupportedForItemsNavigation(IQuickView) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.RepeaterUtil
ReuseStrategyNotSupportedException(String) - Constructor for exception org.wicketstuff.IRepeaterUtil.ReuseStrategyNotSupportedException
RowItem(String, int, IModel<T>) - Constructor for class org.wicketstuff.QuickGridView.RowItem
rows() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickGridView
returns iterator to iterate through rows in the order they are rendered


safeLongToInt(long) - Method in interface org.wicketstuff.IRepeaterUtil
safely converts long to int
safeLongToInt(long) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.RepeaterUtil
safely converts long to int
scrollTo(int) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickViewBase
when called on ajax event, this method moves navigation-bar to height passed in method , this works when parent has scroll specified in css by defining overflow-y property
scrollTo(String, int) - Method in interface org.wicketstuff.IRepeaterUtil
scrollTo(String, int) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.RepeaterUtil
scrollTo(IQuickView, int) - Method in interface org.wicketstuff.IRepeaterUtil
js call to scroll to height
scrollTo(IQuickView, int) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.RepeaterUtil
js call to scroll to height
scrollToBottom() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickViewBase
when called on ajax event ,this method moves navigation-bar to bottom, this works when parent has scroll specified in css by defining overflow-y property
scrollToBottom(String) - Method in interface org.wicketstuff.IRepeaterUtil
scrollToBottom(String) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.RepeaterUtil
scrollToBottom(IQuickView) - Method in interface org.wicketstuff.IRepeaterUtil
js call to scroll to bottom
scrollToBottom(IQuickView) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.RepeaterUtil
js call to scroll to bottom
scrollToTop() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickViewBase
when called on ajax event, this method moves navigation-bar to top , this works when parent has scroll specified in css by defining overflow-y property
scrollToTop(String) - Method in interface org.wicketstuff.IRepeaterUtil
scrollToTop(String) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.RepeaterUtil
scrollToTop(IQuickView) - Method in interface org.wicketstuff.IRepeaterUtil
js call to scroll to top
scrollToTop(IQuickView) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.RepeaterUtil
js call to scroll to top
setColumns(int) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickGridView
Sets number of columns
setCssClass(String) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.navigator.ItemsNavigatorBase
setCurrentPage(long) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickViewBase
setItemsPerRequest(int) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickViewBase
setReuseStrategy(IQuickReuseStrategy) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickViewBase
setRows(int) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickGridView
Sets number of rows per page
showPageScrollBar() - Method in interface org.wicketstuff.IRepeaterUtil
showPageScrollBar() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.RepeaterUtil
simpleAdd(Component...) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickViewBase
it's a simple add,new item is not drawn just added,no js fired
simpleAddRow(Component...) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickGridView
it's a simple add,new item is not drawn just added,no js fired
simpleRemove(Component) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickViewBase
it's a simple remove,the item is just removed from quickview ,no js fired
simpleRemoveAll() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickViewBase
simpleRemoveAllRows() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickGridView
simpleRemoveRow(Component) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickGridView
it's a simple remove,the item is just removed from quickview ,no js fired
size() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.DefaultAddAtStartStore
size() - Method in interface org.wicketstuff.IAddAtStartStore
count of ids kept in store
submit() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.Synchronizer
add script s and components to request handler
Synchronizer - Class in org.wicketstuff
Synchronizer basically adds components(repeater's items) and scripts to the associated IPartialPageRequestHandler after checking parent is not added to AjaxRequestTarget.
Synchronizer(MarkupContainer, IPartialPageRequestHandler) - Constructor for class org.wicketstuff.Synchronizer
SYNCHRONIZER_KEY - Variable in class org.wicketstuff.QuickViewBase
key for Synchronizer in request metadata
Synchronizer.ChildVisitor - Class in org.wicketstuff


updateAjaxAttributes(AbstractDefaultAjaxBehavior, AjaxRequestAttributes) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.DefaultSynchronizer
updateAjaxAttributes(AjaxRequestAttributes) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.navigator.AjaxComponentScrollEventBehavior
updateAjaxAttributes(AjaxRequestAttributes) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.navigator.AjaxPageScrollEventBehavior
updateItemsPerPage() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickGridView


_contributeAddAtEndScripts(Component...) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickViewBase
_contributeAddAtStartScripts(Component...) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickViewBase
_getAppendScripts() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.Synchronizer
_getCurrentPage() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickViewBase
don't override,it's for internal use
_getPageCount() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickViewBase
don't override ,it's used for testing purpose
_getParent() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickViewBase
don't override,it's for internal use
_getPrependScripts() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.Synchronizer
_getRequestMetaData(MetaDataKey<T>) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickViewBase
_setCurrentPage(long) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickViewBase
don't override,it's for internal use
_setRequestMetaData(MetaDataKey<T>, T) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.QuickViewBase
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