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add(TickDataSet) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.flot.TickCollection
addDataSet(DataSet, Color) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.flot.Series


BarGraphType - Class in org.wicketstuff.flot
BarGraphType(Double, Boolean, Color, Double, BarGraphType.Align) - Constructor for class org.wicketstuff.flot.BarGraphType
BarGraphType.Align - Enum in org.wicketstuff.flot
BLACK - Static variable in class org.wicketstuff.flot.Color
blue() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.flot.Color
BLUE - Static variable in class org.wicketstuff.flot.Color


CENTER - org.wicketstuff.flot.BarGraphType.Align
Color - Class in org.wicketstuff.flot
Color(double, double, double) - Constructor for class org.wicketstuff.flot.Color
Color(int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.wicketstuff.flot.Color


DataSet - Class in org.wicketstuff.flot
DataSet(double, double) - Constructor for class org.wicketstuff.flot.DataSet
DataSet(DateTime, double) - Constructor for class org.wicketstuff.flot.DataSet


FlotPanel - Class in org.wicketstuff.flot
FlotPanel(String, IModel<List<Series>>) - Constructor for class org.wicketstuff.flot.FlotPanel


getAxisMaxX() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.flot.FlotPanel
getAxisMaxY() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.flot.FlotPanel
getAxisMinX() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.flot.FlotPanel
getAxisMinY() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.flot.FlotPanel
getAxisTicksX() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.flot.FlotPanel
getAxisTicksY() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.flot.FlotPanel
getBackgroundColor() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.flot.FlotPanel
getClickable() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.flot.FlotPanel
getData() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.flot.Series
getForegroundColor() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.flot.FlotPanel
getHoverable() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.flot.FlotPanel
getLabel() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.flot.Series
getLabel() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.flot.TickDataSet
getLegendPosition() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.flot.FlotPanel
getPosition() - Method in enum org.wicketstuff.flot.LegendPosition
getTickColor() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.flot.FlotPanel
getTickDataSet() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.flot.TickCollection
getX() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.flot.DataSet
getX() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.flot.TickDataSet
getY() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.flot.DataSet
GraphType - Class in org.wicketstuff.flot
GraphType(Double, Boolean, Color) - Constructor for class org.wicketstuff.flot.GraphType
green() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.flot.Color
GREEN - Static variable in class org.wicketstuff.flot.Color


html() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.flot.Color


LEFT - org.wicketstuff.flot.BarGraphType.Align
LegendPosition - Enum in org.wicketstuff.flot
LineGraphType - Class in org.wicketstuff.flot
LineGraphType(Double, Boolean, Color) - Constructor for class org.wicketstuff.flot.LineGraphType


NORTHEAST - org.wicketstuff.flot.LegendPosition
NORTHWEST - org.wicketstuff.flot.LegendPosition


org.wicketstuff.flot - package org.wicketstuff.flot


PointsGraphType - Class in org.wicketstuff.flot
PointsGraphType(Double, Boolean, Color, Double) - Constructor for class org.wicketstuff.flot.PointsGraphType


random() - Static method in class org.wicketstuff.flot.Color
red() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.flot.Color
RED - Static variable in class org.wicketstuff.flot.Color


scale(float, float, float) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.flot.Color
Returns a copy of this color the values of which are multiplied with the according factors and cropped to 0..1.
Series - Class in org.wicketstuff.flot
Series(List<DataSet>, String, Color, Set<GraphType>) - Constructor for class org.wicketstuff.flot.Series
Series(List<DataSet>, String, Color, GraphType...) - Constructor for class org.wicketstuff.flot.Series
setAxisMaxX(Double) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.flot.FlotPanel
setAxisMaxY(Double) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.flot.FlotPanel
setAxisMinX(Double) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.flot.FlotPanel
setAxisMinY(Double) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.flot.FlotPanel
setAxisTicksX(TickCollection) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.flot.FlotPanel
setAxisTicksY(TickCollection) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.flot.FlotPanel
setAxisTimeformatX(String) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.flot.FlotPanel
setAxisTimeModeX(boolean) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.flot.FlotPanel
setBackgroundColor(Color) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.flot.FlotPanel
setClickable(boolean) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.flot.FlotPanel
setForegroundColor(Color) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.flot.FlotPanel
setHoverable(boolean) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.flot.FlotPanel
setLegendPosition(LegendPosition) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.flot.FlotPanel
setTickColor(Color) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.flot.FlotPanel
showTooltip(boolean) - Method in class org.wicketstuff.flot.FlotPanel
SOUTHEAST - org.wicketstuff.flot.LegendPosition
SOUTHWEST - org.wicketstuff.flot.LegendPosition


TickCollection - Class in org.wicketstuff.flot
TickCollection() - Constructor for class org.wicketstuff.flot.TickCollection
TickCollection(TickDataSet[]) - Constructor for class org.wicketstuff.flot.TickCollection
TickDataSet - Class in org.wicketstuff.flot
TickDataSet(double, String) - Constructor for class org.wicketstuff.flot.TickDataSet
toLegendPosition(String) - Static method in enum org.wicketstuff.flot.LegendPosition
toString() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.flot.BarGraphType
toString() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.flot.Color
toString() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.flot.DataSet
toString() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.flot.GraphType
toString() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.flot.LineGraphType
toString() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.flot.PointsGraphType
toString() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.flot.Series
toString() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.flot.TickCollection
toString() - Method in class org.wicketstuff.flot.TickDataSet


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.wicketstuff.flot.BarGraphType.Align
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.wicketstuff.flot.LegendPosition
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum org.wicketstuff.flot.BarGraphType.Align
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.wicketstuff.flot.LegendPosition
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


WHITE - Static variable in class org.wicketstuff.flot.Color
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