Package org.wicketstuff.gmap.geocoder.pojos

package org.wicketstuff.gmap.geocoder.pojos
  • Classes
    POJO for an entity in Google geocoders address_components Array
    Equivalent POJO for the google geometry JSON-Object of a geocoder request
    GeocoderResult is the Resultset of the Google Geocode Request.
    This class encapsulates the full result of one geocoder request.
    The GeocoderResultData is equivalent POJO to Googles Results as JSON Object.
    See also the documentation of Google.
    Google Geocoder Result Documentation
    The most documentation in this class a have been adopted by Google documentation.
    Say thank you to Google!
    POJO for a google geocoder JSON Object viewport and bounds
    Contains the recommended viewport for displaying the returned result, specified as two latitude,longitude values defining the southwest and northeast corner of the viewport bounding box.