Class ClickListener

    • Constructor Detail

      • ClickListener

        public ClickListener()
    • Method Detail

      • onEvent

        protected void onEvent​(AjaxRequestTarget target)
        Description copied from class: GEventListenerBehavior
        Typically response parameters that are meant for this event are picket up and made available for the further processing.
        Specified by:
        onEvent in class GEventListenerBehavior
        target - Target to add the Components, that need to be redrawn, to.
      • onClick

        protected abstract void onClick​(AjaxRequestTarget target,
                                        GLatLng latLng)
        Override this method to provide handling of a click on the map. See the event section of GMap.
        target - The target that initiated the click.
        latLng - The clicked GLatLng.