Class TextOutputLambdaResource

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, IResource, IClusterable

    public class TextOutputLambdaResource
    extends Object
    implements IResource
    IResource that uses a Function to serve the request. The result of this function (a generic Object) is then written as string to the web response. A second function is provided to transform the result a textual representation.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • TextOutputLambdaResource

        public TextOutputLambdaResource​(Function<org.wicketstuff.restutils.wicket.AttributesWrapper,​Object> respondFunction,
                                        Function<Object,​String> outputTextFunction)
        Build a new resource using the two provided functions.
        respondFunction - the function used to respond requests
        outputTextFunction - the function used to convert the respond result to text.