All Classes and Interfaces

Base class to build a resource that serves REST requests.
Base class to contain the informations of the segments that compose the URL used to map a method.
This annotation indicates that the target annotation is meant for extracting the value of a method parameter from a specific source (like a request parameter, a cookie, etc...).
Annotation to apply role-based authorization to resource methods.
This annotation indicates that the value of a method parameter must be read from a cookie.
Wicket bundle resolver that relies on the default IStringResourceLoaderS.
Segment class for segments without path parameter (i.e.
This annotation indicates that the value of a method parameter must be read from a header parameter.
A generic resolver to retrieve the MIME types to use for a mapped method in input and output.
General interface to implement object serializers/deserializers.
Implementation of pattern Visitor for URL segments.
Implementation of pattern Visitor for URL segments.
General interface to serialize/deserialize an object to/from request/response.
This annotation indicates that the value of a method parameter must be read from a given segment as matrix parameter.
Annotation used to map a resource method to a given URL.
This class contains the informations of a resource mapped method (i.e.
The class contains the informations of a method parameter, like its type or its index in the array of method parameters.
Context execution for a method parameter.
Object serializer/deserializer that supports multiple formats.
This kind of segment can contain more than one path parameter, for example "/message-{day}-{month}-{year}/".
StringValue subtype that represents a mounted segment containing a parameter's value (for example '/{id}/').
This annotation indicates that the value of a method parameter must be extracted from a path parameter.
Utility methods to work with reflection entities
Annotation used to indicate that a method parameter must be extracted from the request body.
This annotation indicates that the value of a method parameter must be read from a request parameter.
The Class RestErrorMessage.
Utility class that contains constant values for MIME types.
The Class RestValidationError.
Visitor implementation to assign a score to URL segments and to extract path variables.
Utility class to convert strings to values and vice-versa.
Web serializer/deserailizer that works with a textual format.