Class AsyncUrlFragmentAwarePage

    • Constructor Detail

      • AsyncUrlFragmentAwarePage

        public AsyncUrlFragmentAwarePage()
      • AsyncUrlFragmentAwarePage

        public AsyncUrlFragmentAwarePage​(IModel<?> model)
      • AsyncUrlFragmentAwarePage

        public AsyncUrlFragmentAwarePage​(PageParameters parameters)
    • Method Detail

      • onInitialize

        protected void onInitialize()
        onInitialize in class Page
      • getOptions

        protected Map<String,​String> getOptions()
        Returns a map of options used for initializing the JavaScript library for reading and writing the URL fragment.

        Possible options are:

        • fragmentIdentifierSuffix: String after the '#' (standard is '!')
        • keyValueDelimiter: a String used to connect fragment parameters keys and values (standard is '&')
        options Map created
      • onParameterArrival

        protected abstract void onParameterArrival​(IRequestParameters requestParameters,
                                                   AjaxRequestTarget target)
        This is where you can grab the URL query and fragment parameters, your site was requested with. You can use urlFragment() inside this method.
        requestParameters - parameters set on this page
        target - AjaxRequestTarget can be used for page updating