Interface PossibleCapabilityRegistry

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface PossibleCapabilityRegistry
    Registry that holds possible capabilities.

    Possible capabilities are definitions of capabilities that are registered on resource to provide information of what all real or runtime capabilities will be registered once instance of said resource is added to resource tree.

    Tomaz Cerar (c) 2015 Red Hat Inc.
    • Method Detail

      • registerPossibleCapability

        void registerPossibleCapability​(Capability capability,
                                        PathAddress registrationPoint)
        Registers a possible capability with the system.
        capability - the possible capability. Cannot be null
      • removePossibleCapability

        CapabilityRegistration<?> removePossibleCapability​(Capability capability,
                                                           PathAddress registrationPoint)
        Remove a previously registered possible capability if all registration points for it have been removed.
        capability - the capability. Cannot be null
        registrationPoint - the specific registration point that is being removed
        the capability that was removed, or null if no matching capability was registered or other registration points for the capability still exist