Class AbstractBoottimeAddStepHandler

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    OperationDescriptor, OperationStepHandler

    public abstract class AbstractBoottimeAddStepHandler
    extends AbstractAddStepHandler
    Base class for OperationStepHandler implementations that add managed resources and also perform runtime processing that should only occur during server boot. An example of such processing would be installing a deployment unit processor.

    Do not extend this class for operations that can run after server boot. Typically it should only be extended for operations that add a deployment unit processor.

    If an operation handled via an extension of this class is executed on a server after boot, the server's persistent configuration model will be updated, but the performBoottime method will not be invoked. Instead the server will be put into "reload required" state.

    Brian Stansberry (c) 2011 Red Hat Inc.