Class AuditLogItemFormatter

    • Constructor Detail

      • AuditLogItemFormatter

        protected AuditLogItemFormatter​(String name,
                                        boolean includeDate,
                                        String dateSeparator,
                                        String dateFormat)
    • Method Detail

      • getName

        public String getName()
      • setIncludeDate

        public void setIncludeDate​(boolean include)
        Sets whether the date should be included when logging the audit log item.
        include - true to include the date
      • setDateFormat

        public void setDateFormat​(String pattern)
        Sets the date format. If we should not include the date, this is ignored.
        pattern - the date format to use as understood by SimpleDateFormat
      • setDateSeparator

        public void setDateSeparator​(String dateSeparator)
        Sets whether the date should be included when logging the audit log item. If we should not include the date this is ignored/
        include - true to include the date
      • appendDate

        protected void appendDate​(StringBuilder sb,