Interface CapabilityServiceSupport

  • public interface CapabilityServiceSupport
    Provides support for capability integration outside the management layer, in service implementations.

    Note that use of this interface in no way creates a requirement on the referenced capability by the caller.

    Brian Stansberry
    • Method Detail

      • hasCapability

        boolean hasCapability​(String capabilityName)
        Gets whether a runtime capability with the given name is registered.
        capabilityName - the name of the capability. Cannot be null
        true if there is a capability with the given name registered
      • getOptionalCapabilityRuntimeAPI

        <T> Optional<T> getOptionalCapabilityRuntimeAPI​(String capabilityName,
                                                        Class<T> apiType)
        Gets the runtime API associated with a given capability, if there is one.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the java type that exposes the API
        capabilityName - the name of the capability. Cannot be null
        apiType - class of the java type that exposes the API. Cannot be null
        an Optional describing the value of the runtime API. If no matching capability is registered, the optional will be empty.
        IllegalArgumentException - if the capability does not provide a runtime API
        ClassCastException - if the runtime API exposed by the capability cannot be cast to type {code T}
      • getOptionalCapabilityRuntimeAPI

        <T> Optional<T> getOptionalCapabilityRuntimeAPI​(String capabilityBaseName,
                                                        String dynamicPart,
                                                        Class<T> apiType)
        Gets the runtime API associated with a given dynamically named capability, if there is one.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the java type that exposes the API
        capabilityBaseName - the base name of the capability. Cannot be null
        dynamicPart - the dynamic part of the capability name. Cannot be null
        apiType - class of the java type that exposes the API. Cannot be null
        an Optional describing the value of the runtime API. If no matching capability is registered, the optional will be empty.
        IllegalArgumentException - if the capability does not provide a runtime API
        ClassCastException - if the runtime API exposed by the capability cannot be cast to type {code T}
      • getCapabilityServiceName

        org.jboss.msc.service.ServiceName getCapabilityServiceName​(String capabilityName)
        Gets the name of a service associated with a given capability. This method does not confirm that the capability is currently registered.
        capabilityName - the name of the capability. Cannot be null
        the name of the service. Will not return null
      • getCapabilityServiceName

        org.jboss.msc.service.ServiceName getCapabilityServiceName​(String capabilityBaseName,
                                                                   String... dynamicParts)
        Gets the name of a service associated with a given dynamically named capability. This method does not confirm that the capability is currently registered.
        capabilityBaseName - the base name of the capability. Cannot be null
        dynamicParts - the dynamic parts of the capability name. Cannot be null Can be multiple if capability supports that
        the name of the service. Will not return null