Class ChainedTransformationTools

    • Constructor Detail

      • ChainedTransformationTools

        public ChainedTransformationTools()
    • Method Detail

      • nextInChainResource

        public static ResourceTransformationContext nextInChainResource​(ResourceTransformationContext context,
                                                                        OperationTransformerRegistry.PlaceholderResolver placeholderResolver)
        Call when transforming a new model version delta for a resource. This will copy the ResourceTransformationContext instance, using the extra resolver to resolve the children of the placeholder resource.
        context - the context to copy. It should be at a chained placeholder
        placeholderResolver - the extra resolver to use to resolve the placeholder's children for the model version delta we are transforming
        a new ResourceTransformationContext instance using the extra resolver
      • nextInChainOperation

        public static ResourceTransformationContext nextInChainOperation​(ResourceTransformationContext context,
                                                                         OperationTransformerRegistry.PlaceholderResolver placeholderResolver)
        Call when transforming a new model version delta for an operation. This will copy the ResourceTransformationContext instance, using the extra resolver to resolve the children of the placeholder resource.
        context - the context to copy. It should be at a chained placeholder
        placeholderResolver - the extra resolver to use to resolve the placeholder's children for the model version delta we are transforming
        a new ResourceTransformationContext instance using the extra resolver
      • transformAddress

        public static PathAddress transformAddress​(PathAddress original,
                                                   TransformationTarget target)
        Transform a path address.
        original - the path address to be transformed
        target - the transformation target
        the transformed path address